Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

yeah definitely all over the place now. Nicotine is a known stimulator for that. Coffee too, coffee has been more noticeable for me for making the BM’s happen than when I was vaping nicotine all the time. No longer have a schedule.


Stress will do it, too. There’s a good product out there called ProBelly fruit juice. Check it out.


Stress, plus the big adjustment as your body learns to operate without nicotine are likely causes. As someone who must watch their sugar/carb intake closely: don’t overdo fruit juice. They can contain more sugar per ounce than a soft drink!

My nutritionist (at a hospital, not a quack) said I’d be much better off eating a piece of fruit than drinking a glass of juice because I’d at least get some fiber with all the sugar. Fiber helps with regularity. An apple a day…

My gf takes fiber supplements (capsules containing psyllium husk) which might be a good option for you.


The shots aren’t really fruit juice. More roots, veggies, and spices. ie… Turmeric, ginger, beets etc… Some have berries or citrus though.


I read it can either back u up or the opposite. I’m sure over time it will regulate again


Well, I tested some fresh dried Grape ape yesterday. It definitely doesn’t represent well in flavor or smell uncured. I couldn’t taste anything. My man said he could taste grape. I just tasted pipe and it wasn’t even dirty. The high was nice, floaty head high, so far def not psychedelic. Felt more introverted, def not a strain for socializing, anxiety or depression. Mostly sleepy, lazy want to be alone and lay on the couch bud. Let’s see how much it mutates with the cure.

I’d be fine with that sort of high if I get some good flavor in the cure which is the case with many.


If your looking for straight up grape taste and smell the clowns grape earth has it.


Meesh great grow and harvest.


Nice plants, glad the damage was minimal


Thank you @gramps and @buck90 it’s been a good year!


Sunday, 5:49 am. Got everything set up for washing bud and trimming. Dad is chopping, washing and hanging sour diesel as I type. Waiting for the bagel place to open so I can have them bring food to my doorstep like a queen. Sour diesel is crazy sticky for it being dark. I’m looking forward to this purple stinker. I’m hoping to remember to take photos. Looks like some pretty nice donkey dicks on this plant. If I remember I can ask my man to trim one completely on the stem so y’all can see. I get rather brain dead while trimming, so I’ll try :joy:

Smoked a bowl of the cheese last night before it went in to cure. It came out nice. Lots of trichs, fairly stinky and tasty fresh dried. Typical cheese head high, psychedelic, uplifting. Glad it turned out to be only some pillar damage and not mold like I thought. Into the bucket to cure it went.

Also, smoked more of the fresh dried Grape ape and did notice a nice body high. Tingling at first but faded to more of a relaxed slightly heavy feel. If that makes sense. Def more on the indica side of the hybrids.


I’m just waiting on the c99 review. For me at least it starts off very sativa and hits your head and vision for around an hour or so then it hits your body and the indica effects kick in and you sink into the couch. I’ve found it really dries my mouth out BUT most weed does that to me anyway. I keep a draw in my freezer full of ice pops/poles for this reason. :rofl:


I finally ran into the caterpillar damage and found a few small brown worms. I have 10 plants that all got pretty big and the buds are really fat on 3 of them. I just pluck the infected part out and normally find the worm when I do. Luckily, I’ve never had it turn into botrytis.


Yeah, well it’s pretty dry there when it’s not raining right? I don’t remember Colorado being really humid. Humidity is really the bud killer


Rain fucks stuff up also :rofl::v:


So the sour diesel took what felt like forever to trim. That whole plant was just giant colas. Such a kick ass yield on that plant. Took up 3 layers on my giant drying rack. Check out these buds …




So nice when they turn out like that. Nice trim job.



I was listenin to an old podcast…LOL “Cheese, the Skunk reject, why am I keeping this plant?..but the people who like it will KILL for it…” --Adam Dunn to Duke Diamond

We have such opposite weed tastes :laughing:

Tangentially…do you like floral weed strains? aka femininy stuff? Seems the ladies don’t like rotten skunk carcasses & fuel cans & BO… :man_shrugging:



Some of the florals, citruses and berries, yes. However this lady prefers the skunk asses, fuels, chemicals and nasty funk strains.

Usually I’m not a cookies and cake strain girl, but there’s always exceptions. :joy:

Edit- both Dad and I will kill for the cheese. It is the ultimate old skool strain. In my day, it was the holy grail of what we called skunk bud back then. To me it tastes like top shelf. Another I love is LA Confidential. I really need to grow one. Just reeks of the old days.