Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

I almost forgot, this is the first plant I’ve grown that had frost all over the stems. The damn branches were sticky. I included a pic of the purple branch cuz it was so pretty.

Tomorrow the love fire comes down. Next week the last two SSDDbx and Chemdawg should be ready. The chemdawg may even have bigger colas than the sour diesel. I took tons of pics today while we were trimming cuz they were all so huge but I lost track uploading them as some said they were still too big to upload so I gave up. Y’all get the idea.

@ShiskaberrySavior imo the sour diesel plant had perfect structure. With the pruning technique I used, the colas turned out stellar. Last year my SSDD had that same perfect structure. Once in awhile, mother nature throws you a bone. lol


I approve the of photos of Sour Diesel colas above! What was the source off the seeds? Nice work!


Morning! I’d say good, but what’s good about 5 am? The birds can have it. Same same… Break while Dad’s washing the love fire. For any of you who forgot Love Fire is Devil’s Tit x Mother’s Milk. It’s a big plant but shouldn’t be too bad to trim. At least I hope. I got really antsy the last 2 hours yesterday working on the sour diesel plus I have some carpel tunnel in my right hand and after a busy work week and lots of trimming is aching pretty good. After this we have a week or so for the last 2 plants.

I tested some fresh dried gg4 ril last night. That was the 2nd time I smoked it and I’m still trying to figure out what the high THC level is supposed to do that’s extra. It was enjoyable and I was high but I’ve felt more baked off of lower THC strains. To be fair, I was so tired yesterday I can’t give it a great assessment except that it tasted pretty tangy and skunky fresh dried. Nothing really pronounced without the cure. So couldn’t pick up the chocolate if anything the flavor reminded me of sour dubb but without the racy high. Even without the cure I would choose the gg4 ril over the sour dubb high any day. It was much smoother and relaxing. I only smoked half a bowl before bed so I’ll try again and let you know. The trim was so frosty we saved it and sent it to our buddy for hash. Hope he gets something good off of it


I have always liked crosses with GG#4 more than straight up GG#4. :fire:
Much more interesting flavors with the THC punch that comes from the GG#4.


First branch I trimmed off the love fire here. Not even close to the top. Look at this dense, frosty beauty

This plant is gorgeous :heart_eyes:


So, Love Fire :heart::fire: took up 3 layers in the drying rack. The entire plant was pretty much like the one above. Even the small nugs were little golf balls. Really dense, solid bud. Really really lucky mother nature allowed me to keep her, if it were any other year she would have molded. Without a doubt. Found a few spots of mold that didn’t make it into the stems. I could tell it was from moisture in the bud and not systemic. Her buds are super heavy and frosty AF. Really kick ass yield. Easy peasy to trim. She practically defoliated herself by the time she was ready to come down too. I love that.


Note: bubble gum, gg4 ril and C99 went in to cure


More love fire… Frost monster



Has anyone used grove bags to cure? If so, what did you think?


I Use them they work great I do prefer jar cure slightly more but for the convenience Worth the investment :+1: @Meesh


Wow, that Love Fire looks tremendous! Way to grow!!!

I like the Grove bags. I have stored weed in them for months with no loss of moisture. They save you some burping and are easier to store. You still need to dry appropriately but they can regulate the humidity within a certain range.


My guess is that you don’t open them at all during cure? Do you know if they sell them in like 1 pound sizes etc…

Seems even easier than my food grade buckets and good for storage as well. Burping big buckets isn’t that big of a deal, but if I can be even lazier, I’m down. lol


Looks great @Meesh Grove’s come in all kind of size’s, i bought a bunch and going to use them myself.

Love the Love Fire…lol


You can get them in sizes from a few grams to a 55 gallon drum! I like the QP size


Thanks all! Yeah, I’m excited for the :heart: :fire: All of my strains this year actually.


Glad you like her. She looks fabulous !! :fire:


I’ve noticed a trend in my depression. It starts getting epic in late summer and fall once it gets too hot too work in my garden. It’s right at the time when most of the flowers have died off, everything needs to be pruned and the fkn Bermuda grass has ramped up and filled all of my planters again. I come out here and feel overwhelmed and it’s way too hot to work and it’s the height of mosquito :mosquito: hell. All I want to do is water and get the hell out of the garden. This is always the start of my depression. Right now I have all of these new bitchen succulents and I don’t want anything to do with them right now. They all need transplants. Luckily they thrive on neglect and will be fine when I feel up to it again.


Enough of my whining. Here’s some bud pics

Chemdawg. This is the biggest plant. About 9 feet and the top colas are absolutely massive. It isn’t really showing scale in these pics, but it’s too high up for this shorty to put something next to the colas for scale. Lot of rot and pillar damage on this one. We fixed the door on the net, it was letting things in, just torn up by time and use. We have morning dew again, the fans help, but the dense buds suffer for it anyway. Luckily there is a lot of plant. I’ll still get a grip of bud off it if it doesn’t go systemic by next week.

SSDDBX looking and smelling mighty fine. Hoping she hangs in there another week too. Those late budding plants are always asking for trouble. lol


Those Love Fire buds look very reminiscent of the Mother’s Milk to me! Are you getting a lot of complex scents out of her? Creamy/powdered-milk/candy hearts scents will be from the mother’s milk side.

Chemdawg and SSDDBX looking glorious too! Hope they finish up for you :pray:


Talk about complex! In veg I got a really gross sour milk smell at one point. At one point BBQ meat. Freshly harvested was more of a sour skunky like smell. Initial fresh dried taste was sorta floral and chemical (Kush like) with a light vanilla on the finish. Really having a hard time pinpointing it all. Really can’t wait until she is dry and fully cured. She’s an amazing plant. She was very hybrid in structure, her buds were on the brink of being indica dense. I really loved how she defoliated herself and her structure was nice for topping. Just absolutely beautiful nice sized colas throughout. A stellar hybrid. Can’t wait to give you all a real review once it’s ready.

At one point she had a black pepper smell followed by vanilla too… She was a strange ever changing lady