Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

Burping the buckets. This is maybe day 3 or 4 of grape ape in for curing and I am as of today getting some skunky grape smells. :yum: It’s starting :grin: This is the first plant that went in.

Testing out some fresh dried bubble gum today. Rolled 2 joints with the bud I grabbed. I am high as a :kite: The bud was sticky as hell. Was worried it wouldn’t burn, but it’s perfect. Dried perfectly and harvested in darkness really makes it burn nicely. It has a nice flavor for being fresh. A bit harsh, but I’ve coughed worse on cured bud. Strawberry bazooka gum , sweet but with that trippy solvent like tingle on the finish. It’s gonna be delicious :drooling_face: I can already tell. I have a real happy high right now. Right before this was kinda depressed and anxious as you can see from the post above and sober. Now I’m chilling in the quiet house with the dogs. No TV or radio, just the sound of the wind chimes and I’m relaxed and smiling now. Obvious mood enhancer, good for anxiety and depression. Body high is just a relaxed heaviness at the moment, but I’ve noticed body high really develops most with the cure. So it could change. This strain is stronger than one would think with it’s childlike name. I’m super baked and I didn’t smoke much. Happy zoned out buzz over here.


cactus (or is it cacti?) take care of themselves


Sounds like you’re getting scents from a bit of everything in there, that’s awesome! I saw a similar thing happen with my own mother’s milk cross so I wondered ^^

Sounds like you nailed it on all these this year! Cheese came out like cheese, bubblegums got bubblegum, definite grape in the grape ape :muscle: gonna be a great winter I think :wink:


Right?! Can’t go wrong with the old strains. They usually deliver without the hefty price tags on the seeds.
A good winter, indeed!


I’m trying the grove bags, got them on the way already just waiting for delivery. Ordered straight from their website.
Price was very reasonable I thought, and they have all different sizes and quantity discounts @Meesh
Not sure if it’s ok to post the link or I would


Aside from my super soil I have a theory regarding the major trichs on my outdoor grows the last 2 years. First, I follow the weather and almanac cuz I’m a gardener and with our effed up ozone along with global warming we have more days than not that our UV index is extremely high. In the unhealthy range actually. A trend that is worsening over time. We are talking high Uvb rays. I believe they stress the plants into producing more trichs for protection from the :sun_with_face::sunglasses:. Recently I came across a pro growers mag article that said growers were actually using dangerous Uvb bulbs to induce plant stress in the last 2 weeks and increase trichs. So, I figure I’m not far off in my theory. Except don’t try this at home unless you are able to completely avoid contact with straight Uvb’s as it’s really dangerous and cancer causing.


I’ve been curing in Grove bags for the last several weeks to good effect. It’s certainly easier and more space efficient than jars. I got 1/4 oz, 1 oz and 2 lb sizes, although I think the QP size is probably a better intermediate size than the 1oz. The 2lb size is still useable even if you are only putting a few ounces in it, just fold it over at the top.


Are you vac sealing them or just using it’s zip lock top ?

I’m about to use some for first time


I got the 1/8 oz and 1 oz sizes, I tend to store my stash in 1 ounce increments.

Thought I read where one heat seals the top? Gonna double check that cause I’ll be ready to bag some up here shortly.


I’m just using the zippers. The 2lb size is too wide for my sealer, and I’m into the 1 oz packages too often. I’d heat seal 4oz bags probably. The 1oz ones wouldn’t be a bad idea to heat seal, but I would’ve spent way more $$ than I did just buying some giant bags and a collection of smaller ones. If I wind up super happy in the future I’ll probably just go 25 QP size bags with a few 1/4 oz size for the smoke stash, the heat-sealed QPs would go in cool long-term storage.

I should make a thread with a cost analysis of the different size options for everyone. I like math too much :sweat_smile:


I’ve been using Grove bags for over a year its all we use now, they have a build you own variety so u can mix up the sizes n dont have 2 order in bulk. I go with 1oz and 1lb bags they have bigger tho

Buds look amazing :heart_eyes: especially that love fire she really is a beauty


Hey @Meesh, I have a question on your trim regiment. Are you guys just taking each bud off and trimming them before going into the drying rack?

I normally trim the whole plant and then hang to dry, but I have a massive amount of buds this year and the plants are too big to hang inside the house. I have a basement but can’t get in and out of there with my leg all gimped up.

I’m thinking I’d be better off just clipping each bud and get a drying rack of some kind. I went to buy one the other day and found that our Grow Shop closed up in our town and the next closest is 90 miles north now.

It was 39º this morning so it’s coming… winter that is. I’m gonna get what I can since it’s gonna be sort of nice the next two days. 60’s for highs.

Just thinking out loud… but, I need to get a plan. If I can get some help I may be able to hang them in the barn, but it could still get hit if it freezes. Some years, everything comes up female and this was one of those years. wow


Yes. We pull them off the stem to trim and dry. I use hanging racks and lay them out. I don’t have a room or space for hanging.


@GMan my buddy says he has an extra drying rack I can have. I have to look at it but if it’s as light as mine I will mail it to you since your grow store closed, if it will help.


Hey, yeah, I could use it. I could ship it back down to you when finished. I don’t need anything too big for winter. The plants are normally not all that big. But, I have 6 pretty big plants. Three are going to be insane harvests. I need to take them a limb at a time to get the buds off. Everything will be too large to hang and right now I don’t have the space.

I’m pre drying things outside so far. After a couple of days I bring them inside to hang another day or two. That way the bugs get a chance to exit before coming inside. I never had any bugs or PM this year to speak of. I saw a spot of PM twice but it never took off. I’ve seen a few aphids and thrips, so I don’t want to bring anything in until near dry. Just let me know. I could pay shipping maybe. Is it the circular net rack with different levels? Shouldn’t be bad.


I do exactly the same. I trim the Buds wet then put them on a net with a fan oscillating over them on the lowest setting. Usually takes 7 to 10 days before I put them into a food grade bucket to cure for a while.
Hey @Meesh you not tried the C99 yet?? I’m itching to see what you think about her. :v:


I tried her fresh dried. She didn’t tell me much without a cure. A bit of citrus taste, nothing stood out on the high. Most of the strains so far have been like this though. She needs more time to develop. A couple more weeks and I can give a fair review. She seems promising though.

I tried Jack last night too. Not much to tell yet. Flavor reminded me of Bruce Banger or OG kush. Barely much yet. Was fairly psychedelic head high.

Both strains I only smoked 1 joint, so I should have more to report as time goes by

As a matter of fact, I have to burp buckets now. I’ll try another doob of cindy

Edit- Smoking C99 joint right now. It’s got a light pineapple/lime flavor. Nice! Sativa head high for certain. A bit psychedelic so far. Uplifting and woke me up. I was in an afternoon slump, it’s 3 pm. Usually coffee pick me up time. Going for an early dinner with my Man for his bday. He’s 51 today. I’ll let you know how it develops if I can. So far, nice social head high though


Happy birthday Mr meesh :+1:


Happy birthday Mr Meesh


His woman grows him pounds of weed. :neutral_face: I think he’ll be OK. :rofl:

Feliz Cumplean(y)os braddah G :call_me_hand: :partying_face: :smoking:
