Meesh's Garden of Weeden 2022

An ounce of hash is a good haul right? That plant was so frosty


Yes an ounce of hash will last you a while I suspect


I don’t make hash but I do add a little from what’s collected in my grinder ontop of some bud in my waterpipe every so often.
@Meesh you tried any more of that c99 or you waiting for a bit of a cure first??


I have definitely tried the C99 and love it! The flavor is amazing! You’re right it hits behind the eyes first. I have been caught up with other stuff and haven’t done any reviews yet but I’ll get there. Some strains aren’t done curing yet. 6 weeks is always best anyway. Promise I’ll get back here and review them all soon.

I woke up with a damn sore throat and a head cold. Guess what I’m dressing up as for Halloween… Extra!
Feel like shit and incredibly whiny about it today on my favorite holiday. I’m waiting on delivery of a lemon ginger shot and a wellness smoothie. Heading to the shower now to steam some gunk outta my head.

Happy Halloween, My Witches!


@SamwellBB what was the devil’s tit female plant like? have any photos?

I was gifted a cutting of snow’s devil’s tit male, and set it up in a friend’s garden along with a bunch of females to make some seeds this outdoor season. the male is an absolute beast.

I have an original pack of SSDD f1. Sounds like it is good for muscle and joint pain. do you use it for muscle and joint pain?

I’m thinking of growing them out next because of reports that they are effective for nerve pain and neuropathy. Have you noticed any benefits in that regard?


nice grow this year @Meesh. Sorry about the crop losses on the chemdawg and ssdd. it’s all part of the outdoor growing game. Overall looks like it went very well.

My outdoor seasons in the rainy PNW are usually a war of attrition against bud rot and mildew. this year we had a dry fall, and because of that luckily I was able to get nice early harvests on almost everything in my garden.

I love your pvc and bug mesh rig. wish I could build a setup like that. All the benefits of a hoop house, without the drawback of reduced airflow.


I feel like it’s great for everything pain wise. It’s like turning down the volume on the stereo, that’s the only way I can describe it.

It was a pretty good year despite the 2 losses. I still ended up with more than enough for the year. I just caught a glimpse of the cola pic on that Chemdawg though… Dang! That would have been nice. I swear I must have gotten 2 or 3 pounds off of that Sour Diesel plant though and it’s also really tasty.


@zephyr I honestly haven’t figured out after all this time smoking it whether the SSDD works for pain because it has some sort of medicinal property or if it just gets you high in a way that makes you forget about the pain.

What do you think @HolyAngel ? I’m certain you get what I mean. lol


I think its a bit of both? I’m not sure. I just know when I smoke my SSDD the nerves in my arms and hands and back no longer hurt. Might feel the pressure if I remember but that’s it. When I smoke other stuff I don’t really get that at all.

I’m sad you lost the chemdawg and ssddbx. I didn’t want to comment earlier as I didn’t want to add to your sadness about it too, but you’re right, you still get an awesome harvest for the year! That’s definitely what made C99 famous right there. And I’m glad that Sour Diesel came out right too despite the (pretty) purple color :yum:


here’s my Devil’s Tit outdoors

@Meesh what is the Love Fire like after a little curing ?


wow that phenotype really expressed the sativa traits from the mendocino durban and acapulco gold in the devils tit hybrid.
Beautiful plant SamwellBB

Hopefully the hybrids we make will get some intense sativa influence like this from the devil’s tit male.

With all those big single blade leaves, your plant has a similar appearance to a female bodhi Pleiades (vietnamese x kashmiri) which was pollinated with the devils tit.


It’s still curing, but I smoked a bit in the last few days and was absolutely blazed. So far it seems like my strongest strain. It hits like a freight train. I have a pretty bad flu right now, but so far it really tastes like BBQ meat to me also very hash like. I’ll let you know more when my taste buds are better and my taste and smell are back to normal. :heart:‍:fire:

I guess it doesn’t recognize my emoji but I posted a flaming heart


Weird. I hit edit because I’m a super mega mega og person & it shows the flaming heart in edit … :heart:‍:fire: here’s mine hmm

But maybe it just knows that it’s :poultry_leg::meat_on_bone:




if you edit it and put a space after the heart the flame will show up
the programming needs to be like this : heart : space here : fire : (no space before and after the words heart and fire) :heart: :fire:


No this was an actual flaming heart not 2 separate emojis. It was on my new phone. OG probably just doesn’t recognize it.


here you go then not an emoji but definitely :fire:


Glad you enjoyed it. It hits like a sativa effecting your eyes then calms to an indica type of high where you wanna just eat and sleep. The flavour is off the charts. It’s more the indica side I prefer but the hour or so of visuals and heady feeling is something not easily forgotten :rofl:


I need to be extremely careful with the Grape Ape. Smoked too much last night and got major anxiety. Heart was racing so much, I couldn’t tell whether it was the weed or a heart attack. Obviously, it was the weed. Greened me out. Happens sometimes with all my weed. Man, I grow some strong shit. I can’t however tell you how it tastes, last of the flu lingering in my respiratory system. Probably shouldn’t be smoking anything, but you know… Stoner :wink:

I’m smoking the Grape ape again now and I’m fine. No crazy heart racing, just the usual slight elevation. This one doesn’t require much. Apparently, it’s on the same level as the Love Fire. One hitter quitters. Who mentioned that this shit was strong when I was growing it? Someone did. Whew! Eyelids are heavy. It’s relaxing my spine right now. How glorious. Gonna veg and watch some TV.

In case anyone is interested a few things I’ve watched lately. The Boys on Prime - Fucken diabolical and genius. It’s completely sarcastic and funny, except in a sick way that makes you convinced you are going to hell for laughing. Literally spit out my drink a few times during Season 2 and 3. Season 1 was eh… just okay, but get to Season 2 and it’s pure genius. You have to invest in this one a bit, but the rewards are plentiful. House of the Dragon - Loved it, but they were so chinzy on the amount of episodes. I actually kind of enjoy it more than Game of Thrones in a way. Then the 2 different vampire series I’m watching. Let the Right One in on HBO - Jury’s out, slow af. and The Interview with a Vampire series on AMC - I like the casting and the sets. I read all the books. The only thing that bugs me on this new series so far is all the “Woke” crap they’ve written into it. Bugs me on tv today in general.

Almost forgot, in about a week, it will be 6 months since I smoked a cig. It’s funny, I complain that I miss it all the time, but I finally was around a whole party full of smokers for Halloween and it didn’t effect me in the least. I mentioned it quite a bit, but it never occurred to me to actually procure or smoke one. The second hand smoke didn’t bug me or trigger me. I was surprised.


One hit quitter weed is nice to find . Didn’t know grape ape was that potent. Commend you on the no cigs I have to been saying that for a while now it’s tough.

Have you noticed a increase in joints to compensate that’s my fear be loaded 24/7 ?


I told you it was very strong if grown well.

The Boys is the best

Congrats on the cigs I wish I could do it