Meesh's Winter Greenhouse Grow

Sunny Southern California, My friend!


Colder that a witches tit


Okay. Itā€™s been about 4 hours and the earth has done itā€™s job just fine! Rolling up the door has dried out all the condensation and humidity in the greenhouse. All my seedlings look happy and perky! No extension cords, no fans involved. May have even hardened the seedlings off a bit. All is well in Meeshā€™s Greenhouse growland!


Been wondering if I should do my entire grow in the soilless mix? @Calyxander do you do your entire grow with it or just germ in it? I know that container flowers and veggies are best grown in it as you have complete control over fertilizing. I wonder if it would be too much work to go 3 months in it or if I should get even crazier on this experiment and try it the whole way through the autos? Maybe I should only use the few untried variables in this experimentā€¦ Hmmā€¦ What do you guys think? Transplant to soil or a bigger pot of soilless mix once they are big enough?


I use ProMix in all of my containers of flowers, veggies and herbs.
I use soil only for my in ground plants.
Until this year I used ProMix BX straight from the bale for my non-ganja plants.
For ganja, I always amended BX with vemiculite, perlite and dolomite lime.
This past year I used ProMix HP right out of the bag for all of my non-ganja plants.
For cannabis I only added some dolomite lime to the HP.
Worked well.

And I love to have complete control over what all of my plants consume.

Have fun!


How much do you add per gallon? I think I may try thisā€¦Iā€™m in Sunshine Mix right now, but the ProMix is at Lowes. I could easily grab some.


Fish and Kelp got the ugly duckling feeling oh so pretty



I have been using dolomite lime since I read about it in Cervantes first book. This was in ā€˜83 I think. It really helped my grows. As prior to my using dolomite, my grows were not as consistently productive. In the 1970s I was sorta hit or miss. I was using peat based mixes from local nurseriesā€¦I remember one called Tropical Mixā€¦worked ok, but no dolomite.
Anyway, after I began adding dolomite, nary a snag.

ProMix has some dolomite lime in it, as does Sunshine #4.
Nowadays I usually blend my ProMix in a 5 gallon bucket ( about Ā¾ full), so I just add a small handful of powdered dolomite, and mix it up. Basically as insurance I do not have a cal mag problem.
Keep in mind that the dolomite will not be as effective after 3 or 4 months in a growing container.


Appreciate it! I think it will be perfect for the quick autos this grow. By the time I transplant to bigger pots it will probably only be in 2 months. Although autos or not, Iā€™ve learned that winter really makes things grow a lot slower as itā€™s been already 3 weeks and the devils are barely starting on their 3rd set of leaves. The ugly duckling is starting on her second.


What kind of temps ru hitting then?


Man thatā€™s getting to the point of killing off microbes almost start of composting temps!


Well, In the mornings, Iā€™m guesstimating between 75 and 80f on a warm day. It seems about 10 to 15 degrees hotter than outside. Doesnā€™t feel that hot at night thoughā€¦ maybe 5 to 7 degrees warmer. The day after the week of rain it was baking in there. The condensation was intense. It seems back to normal humidity in there today, probably about 60%. This is all guessing, but Iā€™ve lived here all my life and am pretty comfortable judging temps and humidity based on how it feels. Iā€™m thinking by spring Iā€™ll have to move the autos outside to finish or just leave the plastic door rolled up. At 70 to 75 outside it will probably get too hot in there. I probably should hit up Harbor freight for a thermometer though like @cannabissequoia suggested


Iā€™v yet to put Dolomite lime in any of my mixes but this year Iā€™m going to start I like the fact that it contributes Mag to the profile Iā€™v always read it has beneficial effects to soil that is high in clay helps making it aggregate easier


Never used dolomites in my grow. Coots spoke worse of dolo mites than spider mites. :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:


Did Coots grow in a soilless mix though?


Nope, living organic soil.


Iā€™m gonna cross that bridge this summer. Weā€™ve got the new living soil beds dug out. Soil test goes out this week. 1/2 the Dirt that came out will be amended based on soil test and the other half will be brand new soil from build a soil. Dedicated outdoor cannabis beds Iā€™m gonna practice organics inā€¦ :grin: at least try to


Itā€™s funny how serious and anxious I was about my first cannabis grows last year until I turned the reveggers around and the season grew long and tons of LITFA was involved. Now, Iā€™m like ehā€¦ itā€™s just a plant letā€™s experiment on it. If it dies it diesā€¦Iā€™ll just LITFA and see what happens instead of worrying about every little thing. Now, Iā€™m consumed with learning about organics, soils and all the other plants out there collectively. I feel like the more I learn about gardening in general the better my cannabis grows will go.


Start watching some Elaine Inghmam you tube videos , pod cast and such start off with "teaming with microbes " by lowenfels those will get ya going in the right direction!


For some reason the Dark Devil with Mammoth P is leaning really far to one side. Falling over. I donā€™t think it is damping off though. It was crazy windy last night. I think the wind did it. Should I just LITFA? I donā€™t want to damage the roots.