Mentor/buddy breeder program?

Thanks brotha, I’ll probably take you and some others in this thread up on that!

I think my biggest issue has been I’ve had plenty of questions and know the info is probably on here, but searching doesn’t always make it easy to find.

I think the hardest part about being new to growing and breeding is that sometimes it’s hard to sift through the opposing opinions and it can be easy to accept things as just something you should do, when maybe it’s something that people do, but there’s no real basis for it. Flushing is a good example, I went thorough great lengths to flush properly my first grow because of wine articles I’d read and based on many people saying I should do it, only to discover that it’s basically pointless if you look at the science. It’s stuff like that where having someone to trust and bounce somehow off of really saves a lot of time.

By the way, if any pro breeders need an cheap intern for a week or two, I’m down to learn :joy: