Would people want Mentor Aid to help folks?

This is aimed at 2 groups:
1.) Possible Mentors
2.) Newbies or people who have plant issues.

Ive seen this on another site and thought it was cool. Guys (Mentors) would volunteer to help Newbs or people needing general help with a grow. Would any of you volunteer to Mentor?

The “Newb” would have to own a ph meter and an EC Meter. Said newb would also have to check in with pics and data i.e. ph. ec, lighting, temps etc as needed by Mentor. Mentor would give advice based on plant health… runoff…etc. Basically holding Newbs hand from afar.

I know many here are top notch growers who often offer advice when issues arise. And many enjoy the teaching aspect

Just thought it was interesting concept and looking for feedback.

So yay or ney on the concept.

PS. Im a newbish and definitely not Mentor.


I have been doing this for a couple years now, definitely not an expert but I can get the job done. I am always willing to help anyway I can with what I do know. And I am always looking to learn more. One thing is for sure, there is more than one way to get good results doing this, you can never learn too much.


I think many already do this bud. I know when I start giving advice to new folks it normally leads to a long PM though their grow with the stuff you are already talking about. I am certainly not the best grower around but I can usually keep my plants alive until harvest and have managed to help out a few people over the years.


I just think it would be cool to watch/read while in progress. Interesting to see what actions are taken and the results from thise actions … publically where we could all learn from it. Have actual Mentor Grow threads so each could be followed on the daily. Im sure much mentoring is going on…. behind the scenes. Its just a thought.


Overgrow as I’ve lived it and seen it has been a Colossal Collective of Growers Not really One dude or dudette that is the one Know -It-All but many that share their seeds and Genetics with thier knowledge of plants be it Cannabis to Cabbage ,jazz cabbage being my favorite btw.As we all share our ups and downs so others can learn The whole spirit and face of Overgrow is a little piece of all of us all put together like a jigsaw to make an even greater picture than ourselves To be a growing evolving Mentor to all those who seek truth and the higher learning and language of plants. @DougDawson is a 100% right one of the number one reasons why i love this place.Ive grown so much on here and learned so much from everybody its invaluable OG was my Mentor


i think this is a cool concept and could def help some newbs get up to speed on this growing game! :slight_smile:

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This is what I am saying. So many experienced growers here that could be Mentoring 1 individual. For the whole grow.

I’m out of likes again, :disappointed:

I think we should create a culture of adopting mentees or appointing mentors ourselves. Make it ok to ask someone who’s knowledgeable if they have enough time to hold your hand.

Make it ok to adopt new people. I’ve proclaimed “were friends now” to… untoled numbers of people. They don’t put up much of a fight.
I also make it a point to stop in “This is my first grows” and make people feel welcomed.

I know I can @ half a dozen or more people and they will gladly share their advice and pat my ass and tell me I’m doing a good job.

If any new people need ass-patter suggestions ask and I’ll gladly play matchmaker.


I can vouch for @AppalachianBiscuits stopping by “my first grow” to make me feel welcomed to OG, among others! The mentorship idea is a great one, just gotta find some people with a lot of patience lol.


Too many cooks spoil the broth
: )
Mentoring has to be one on one with no internet searching to distract
You need the right type of mentors and more importantly the right type of trainees
: )


Nice to see the comments. It would take a much brighter bulb than me to figur out all the details for something like this. A new category would surely need to be added. Would be kinda cool if a “MENTOR” badge was created. Like I said…. Just some thouhts I wanted to share.


I think it happens already in a more informal way.


Im sure it does. But others could learn from following publically mentored grows. One on one for entire grow with posts daily or at least twice a week. I just feel it would be great to see… “your runoff EC or Ph is to high” and seem what remedy the mentor suggest. And then follow to see what redults were from said recommendation. Just thinking out loud.

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All this could be my brain on overload from this heat and exhaustion.

While I would love to, l still feel I’m in the phase where I need the mentor still. So many great growers here. If anyone has any questions they think I can help with my inbox is always open but I’m learning with everyone everyday or just learn from my mistakes I’ll be making them :wink:

Happy growing.


i’ve grown for over 20 years and have never once checked the ph or ec on any of them nor do i own one of either. it’s an interesting concept (the mentor idea, not checking ph) but it would tend to lock folks into one method rather than encouraging experimentation and learning that comes with having multiple different opinions to choose from and/or show alternative methods of growing. as stated by a few folks, it already happens here informally. that’s the big draw of the website, all the help and advice given freely without negativity.


I think it’s a great idea. I said something similar on another forum and got laughed out of the place. They wanted ideas for a server fund. I said I’d be prepared to pay/donate for/to a mentor to help out.


I like that idea.
Someone can put their time up as a mentor in an auction. Then be bid on by interested mentees. Maybe get an OG Mentor badge?

Even more experienced people could be interested. I want to try out using STS and I’d pay someone who has done it before to hover over my shoulder.

I really like that idea. It would build community and raise server funds.


don’t you just love the way things take shape here? i didn’t think it was a good idea at all, but still found something good in it, and didn’t say anything negative at all, nor have i seen any other negativity towards it even when it was disagreed with. with this small change i think it’s a wonderful idea, or at least worthy of exploration, whereas before i thought it was superfluous. (don’t mind me, trying to expand the vocabulary for the girl…she’s 7)


Different grow styles can be mentored. We have people that are great growers in every type medium. Ph meter and EC meter are valuable tools used in growing and monitoring plant response to stimulus. They are very inexpensive. I know runoff can tell alot about a plants health and nutrient intake. These meters arent required to grow but they do help when an issue occurs.