Mentor/buddy breeder program?

First of all, let me start by saying, I’m new to this. I’ve only been growing a little over a year. I’m an obsessive researcher when I like something. Even though it’s only been a year and change I’ve scaled quickly and learned a lot just by growing in different styles and trying many new things each grow. I feel I’m finally to the point where I’m an intermediate grow, but a total noob breeder. I no longer have to research nutrients or how to consistently grow a large healthy plant. Due to power outages, pest invasions, and just the general learning curve, I’ve had plenty of struggles to learn from too. This last grow I switched from coco to RDWC to keep maintenance down (haha, funny!!!).

I just managed to raise about 50 auto clones to full harvest, still stacking and growing at day 134. I feel like not only am learning a ton, but I’m also being courageous and trying things not many people have tried before.

Maybe this makes me an innovator, but it’s more so that I like to experiment and/or I don’t like being told something won’t work by someone that’s never tried what I’m trying to do before. If you’ve tried it and it’s failed, then I want to hear all about it. The same goes for if you think it won’t work and have some reasons backed by science for why it won’t. For many people, things seem too set in stone when it comes to certain aspects of cannabis. Those clones from 134 day old donors were pollinated two days ago, will I get seeds… I think I have a shot.

Anyway, back to the main point of this topic. I’d be happy to help an inexperienced grower or a few of them with any questions they might have but are too afraid to ask on these forums. OG, while it’s an amazing family like atmosphere in many ways, it’s a little intimidating and I’ve seen some new members and and growers get scolded for simple misunderstandings or just the things that come along with being new to this. Basically, I’m offering to help some a couple new growers, first time pollen chuckers get up speed a hell and close to my level now a hell of a lot quicker than I did. If this sounds like you, send me a message!

Now, most people on here have a lot more experience than I do, and I have a LOT to learn still. So, if there’s anyone here I can send a question or two to every week on more advanced topics, I’d be forever grateful and find some way to repay you in kind.

Lastly, if you like the idea of some sort of buddy program or mentor program for breeding and growing, please post below if you’re wanting to me mentored or to me a mentee, or even just want a grow buddy around your skill level to bounce stuff off of.

I’m also open to if others think this is a good or bad idea.

Lastly, and most importantly, if you want to take part, please be respectful of others time and realize that many of us are crazy busy and spend too much time on here as it is :joy:


I think OG serves most of these functions but a few PMs back and forth for a timid noob is a nice idea.


I agree, but for me, being at the stage I am, It becomes tougher to figure out who is willing to spend the time to help and really knows what they’re talking about vs. who just posts a lot and I don’t know any better than to follow what they’re saying.

Also, even at an intermediate stage in growing, there’s a crazy wealth of information on advanced topics, but it can be difficult to find, even in the FAQ and through searches.


I’m alway up to bounce ideas : )

It’s what OG is about , what we here for : )


Yup same here, you can always tag me or pm me about growing/breeding questions. I don’t know everything of course but will answer to the best of my knowledge.


When it comes to soil organics I’d be happy to share my wealth of knowledge as well, spent years up in the emerald triangle on 300 lb 99 plant gardens and isn’t really a whole lot that I haven’t seen, if someone is stuck or trying to improve their grows I’m an excellent source of knowledge with plenty of documentation on my grows for excellent colors, potency and over all good health of the plants under my green thumb :slight_smile:

The main things I’ve personally seen is faster growth and bigger yields with nutes and smoother more flavorful smoke with organics, I’m to a point I’m growing for myself so yield isn’t a goal of mine, it’s smoothness and top notch quality which I have been able to dial in pretty well keeping it natural and organic. I’m a microbes babysitter as far as I’m concerned, keep those microbes happy and my plants are lush green and beautiful :slight_smile:


I have a grow buddy, I consider them a padawan. However, we learn new things here every day…together. Kinda nice to be able to shoot things/thoughts/posts off one another. I learn more by watching a beginner then I do by my own grow. I look at mine, and think “within parameters”. Theirs? I really look into… Usually with both of ours? I suggest @ReikoX LITFA product. Works wonders.


@ReikoX was one for me. He only started a couple months before me but was years ahead in knowledge. I finally got the nerve to ask a question about something he was doing. And that, as they say is the rest of the story. @99PerCent and @Jellypowered were willing mentors too.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I wing most of my grows I really do :rofl:
But I do write everything down just to check on notes


You sound a lot like me.

Best of luck on your journeys… and sometimes I need to be reminded also… have fun :grin::raising_hand_man:


OG is a family of grow buddies, but I know what you mean. I started by asking questions and reading answers to others problems etc. and before long you’re doing stuff you’ve only read about and then helping others, and theres a whole bunch of breeders on here to give advice.


I have a mentor who took me under his wing 23 years ago (next month actually) and although we are 24 years apart we have definitely become best of friends but have many many differences of opinion. He hates RDWC and threatened to disown me :stuck_out_tongue: if I went that route a few years back, yet I did and he’s still my best friend/mentor. Without him taking me under his wing way back I would have never done what I’ve done and gotten to where I’m at. My only regret is not collecting/obtaining beans 25 years back instead of 4-5 , but we were always cuts guys, grab a couple packs hunt them and keep the gems and we have and have had an exceptional stable . I love this idea and would gladly be down to help in any way. Although I feel most info is found here with a little searching. I actually decided I’m going to mentor someone the same way mine did and have a few candidates already but feel it really has to be a great fit. Love your passion and your passion to share knowledge/info/experiences yet another prime example why OG is the amazing place it is.


I like the idea, OG has been very helpful place for me as a new grower and like others have said you can find most answers here on OG with a little looking. I read a lot and ask questions, but nothing beats a in person hands on experience. I wish I could find someone in my area that would be willing to hang with me and share the knowledge, see each other gardens ( this being a bit harder as most don’t like to let others see what they are ding out of fear and I get that). so for now I post pic’s ask OG the questions and grow from there. Best of luck on your grows…


Me too brother, I did find a gromie in my state, but he’s like 6 hours north.

@TopShelfTrees1 You may get a message from me one of these days :joy:


This sounds like a really cool idea.


Peace All. Yes @Reefer this is a great thing and I would enjoy being apart of this. I have been growing for awhile just as @anon98660487 said winging it and hope for the best. Mostly I have had many obstacles and still learned alot (over 10 yrs of sticking to it) , but there is much I could ask and would gain from a program as such. I’m in . Stay safe. :fist:t5::call_me_hand:t5:


Hey @Reefer . I’m usually around. If anybody is having a hard time finding info and advise on making selections and doing pollinations, hit me up. PM or on my “Buddertons Tomfoolery” thread. I’m not a payed professional but I’ve got a few (25) yrs of experience doing my own selections. I’ll try and help as best as I can.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::peace_symbol:


That’s fucking awesome man :sunglasses::beers:.

My mentor has always been the forums and I’m so glad for everyone in them.

Growing seemed like such a hard thing to do til I found icmag. It really can be simple and still produce elite flowers. Not to mention all the information on genetics, breeding etc. Just everything! I owe it all to the forums basically :man_dancing:.


I like many others did not have a specific mentor but rather have gathered information from many sources on this forum. While I try to help those with questions and do have some knowledge I don’t consider myself skilled enough to really mentor anyone. Just try to keep my plants alive and do my best to have fun while doing it.


We I’m a professional winger :rofl: been doing this for a while way to learn stuff is read peoples grow posts,