MethodAnon’s Grow Log

Yeah man I think it’ll be cool to have a little autoflower action on the side, flowering at random times lol.


I think they look good, and you’re cruising :sunglasses:

perfect use of an auto…hole in veg tent :ok_hand:


What is up with this? I flipped on April 29, is it unusual for a plant to have this many orange pistils at this point? Surely if she was pollinated her sister would be too right? I mean they are right next to each other in a 3x3 and the sister is still all white pistils. Has me nervous but it might just be hermie ptsd. Maybe just an earlier finishing pheno, I suppose if she’s an 8 weeker then she only has 3 weeks left? Any thoughts?


Huh, interesting! I’m curious what some people with more experience have to say about it. Have you looked at the trichomes with a loupe/microscope to check on their progress compared to the others?


Thanks man good idea. Just checked it out and saw mostly clear trichs, 0% amber. I’m going to try not to worry about it lol, this specific plant is kind of unusual anyways as it relates to the colors, maybe I shouldn’t be shocked the pistils are following suit.


Yeah probably is just genetics my friend. I’ll be honest I continually have to tell myself to LITFA lol. I am currently battling in my head with getting this bud that is hanging into grove bags, but I think another day or two for a more audible noise when I break the stems.


Highly recommend those little hygrometers from Amazon that you can throw in the bag or jar, less than 2 bucks a piece. Fwiw I jarred mine before the stems would even snap, kind of judged by the buds just feeling dry on the outside, and it worked out very well. Had to burp a couple times a day in the beginning but I felt very good about the results. Those little hygrometers kind of help ease the worry because if they are reading 64+ you can just leave the bag/jar open.


I actually have 6 of them! I was planning on throwing at least 1 in one of the bags. I may just do it now so that I don’t over dry it, it’s getting a little dryer in my office anyways as it gets warmer outside and the AC is running. I wasn’t even thinking of bagging and letting it stay open if its too high, appreciate you my friend


Have a look at your first photo just to make sure this isn’t nanners


Appreciate you taking a look man, really. I’m not seeing it, double checked in the tent. That would be a bummer.


You might just have an early pheno - MP and wookie can both produce fast finishers. Ive had early fade around then for pistols… I want to say the mendo 54xurkle plant I grew a few times faded pretty early. It was a 60day flower time or so… probably could have been 8weeks.

Bet its smelling heavenly in there! MendoP smells incredible if my experience with its crosses is anythint to go by… and wookie too.


Thank you man! It does smell amazin you’re right, grape on the purple phenos and I think I have that classic wookie smell on the green pheno.

Thanks again for your input, I searched the whole plant and I think we’re OK.


Yum, i miss my mendourkle might have to look through it again. The mendo has a really nice incense component to it as well - juicy grape, floral incense mmm.


Great news, Master of Muppets 2 (Master Kush x Wookie15) is a confirmed female. Couldn’t get a good shot of the calyx/pistils but I’m 100%.


Ayy! Nice brother :sunglasses:


Master of Muppets 1 is a confirmed female as well, I’ve been quite fortunate on my male to female ratios so far. Looks like I’ll be rolling into flowering with 5 this time around… gonna be tight in the 3x3!


Alright flower room time. Day 36 of 11/13.

Whole tent:



And the rarely mentioned MC4:


Beautiful my friend.
The whole tent pictures, the buds are so red on the MC3, it is so pleasing to look at haha


Thank you brother. I do love the color on mc3, really hoping she fattens up over the next few weeks. I’m gonna clone mc3 and mc1 for a second time, in addition to the 2 new master of muppet plants. Mc4 will get a last flower run and I’m letting her go. I think I’d like to eventually get to like 4 solid keepers and then gradually run new strains and replace the keepers as I find better ones.


Nice, having a couple of perpetual genetics via clones or keeping mother’s is one of my goals down the road for sure.
Until then I just flipped to 12/12 on these couple in my tent so we’ll see what they end up being soon hopefully because if they are males, we are gonna jump right into something else haha. Still haven’t decided what to pop next, I’ve got a nice spreadsheet I’ve been staring at too much lol. I’m tempted to do the Pure Land Hashplant to be honest, partially so you can see it too since you’re holding some.