MethodAnon’s Grow Log

Looks like a nice harvest! Some nice shades of purps in there :sunglasses:
I put 6x Divine Intervention and 6x Midnight Cowboy in water yesterday, 1 MC is fully busted out of the shell and showing its full “embryo”, almost fully shed the seed coat transfering it from water to a paper towel!
Prepping some soil for them right now, just came up and took a dab break :sweat_smile:
Ill prob plant all 12 tomorrow morning after 24h in a paper towel unless theyre all poppin out their shells tonight!
i was tempted to run master of muppets but figured ill do that and shakedown street together or around the same time to compare moms on the wookie 15 dad


You thinking of saving any males for some F2s?
I plan to try to keep a couple around to collect some pollen to hit a few branches for F2s, pollen contam def scares me though!


Awesome man, looking forward to watching what yours do!

As for keeping males, not yet, I’ve already ditched all of the males that I did have. Someday maybe, but I haven’t leveled up to that point yet.


Looking good brother! Got some tasty looking buds there, and looks like it’ll be a decent yield too. Grats on another one down brother :smile:

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Hey thanks man, and thanks for following the grow through! I’m super curious about the end product after they dry and cure a bit.


Having to wait longer after the grow is FINISHED is the worst part :roll_eyes::joy:
Looking forward to hearing a report!

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God willing I’ll get them into 12/12 before the weekend is over. Planning to try out defoliating a little bit soon, it’s pretty thick in there;


How many plants are you flowering in the 2x4?


Hey man. So there’s 5 plants in the 2x4 right now (veg.) 2x Master of Muppets females and 3x Midnight Cowboys from clone. I’m moving all 5 of them into the 3x3 (flower) shortly. It’s going to be a tight squeeze.


Nice harvest man. Bet that is smelling heavenly!


Thanks boss! It does smell great man, the stuff is on a higher level than anything I’ve ever had before :100:.


Nice! Any topping?
And what size pots ya using?
I’m hoping to squeeze 6 plants in the 2x4 my next flower cycle, thinking 6 3 gal pots should fit nicely. Itll definitely be tight but gotta try it to see how it goes :joy::man_shrugging:


Yeah man I top them all pretty early, after 3-5 nodes. I use 5qt buckets, so I think that’s like 1.2gallon - but keep in mind I’m doing the hempy bucket thing, so it’s closer to hydro than it is soil. The plants get that big reservoir of nute solution at the bottom of the bucket.


Different perspective to give you guys a feel for plant height. They are all about 18-20 inches from the top of the bucket.


Well boys I’m chipping away at it, doing what I can to get the flower tent back open.

It’s insane how time consuming trimming is… man…


Trim jail as I’ve heard it described :joy:. I thought it was rather peaceful, although I’ve only done the two plants so far haha.

Looks like you picked up those trim bins too, what do you think of them brother?


Love the trim bin man. More than anything it’s just really nice to have a comfortable table-like thing in my lap to contain it all lol. Money very well spent IMO.


Alright we’re back. I was able to pretty easily squeeze the 5 plants into the 3x3.

2x Master of Muppets from seed, 3x Midnight Cowboys from clone, loaded into the flowering tent.

Couple of em look a little hungry. Going to snip clones tonight, flush em with a nice feed, and tomorrow starts 12/12. Master of Muppets plants are in the front as that’s the new addition.
I might throw a trellis up and keep the plants under it for the first 8 days, I’m a bit concerned about the height of these
And so it begins…


my first grow i was looking forward to trimming, i was happy to be able to trim to my own visual liking with some and be lazy with some also, and thought it would be kinda nice and meditative…
well it was, for the first few oz, 2 weeks later finishing like 12oz chipping away daily after work i was a bit over it…
Second grow 1/4 plants is still untrimmed branches in a tupperware that im trimming a few buds at a time as im running low on my headstash :joy:

looking more forward to trimming the current grow though since theyre some nicer genetics…

@methodanon bud looks good, ill be awaiting a smoke report :sunglasses: and new plants are looking good too, definitely gonna be a full tent!


Looks like they fit nicely brother, good luck with the trellis this time, I wish you more success than I had with it :rofl:

That sounds like a chore at that point, I feel you on that haha!