MethodAnon’s Grow Log

Ready for the cure;


Clones of everything cut. We are ready for flowering.
Doing both the aero cloner and perlite hempy method for all phenos, will give the extras away to friends/fam if I have too many survivors.
I know I said I was done with mc4, but she’s potent I’m not sure yet lol.


Day 1 of 12/12. Plants got a little haircut to improve airflow when I snipped clones last night.
I will remove the trellis in about a week, I’m only using it to limit height a little bit during the start of stetch.
Increased nutes to 7ml/7ml/7ml.

Nice little canopy.


Day 5 of 12/12 and not much has changed, plants are healthy. I removed the trellis, I think I’ll be fine on height. A couple of the plants showed some MG and K deficiency so I’ve upped those nutes accordingly. One more thing to note is I did go back to 12/12 and got away from the 11/13 experiment this time around.

I did this last night, into a ziploc and on the ole router.

I’m going to make a new log since my title isn’t really accurate anymore., I’ll edit this comment when I do and add a link for anyone who’s interested enough to follow me over.


Did you do 11/13 the whole run?
I’d try it for atleast the stretch phase next time I run TK or a TK cross to see if it reduces stretch at all
And you can always edit the title of this log to update it if you don’t feel like starting a new one. I can’t decide what I like better, having the logs separate for organization looking back at stuff, or just keep it all in 1 and use the search :man_shrugging:


Good call man, if I can figure out how to edit the title I just might do that.

And yes I did 11/13 for the entire last run… technically it was like 11.25/12.75 I suppose. I had read of some statements by DJ short stating that 11/13 will result in more/better “phenotypic expression,” so I thought I’d give it a try. Should be interesting to see if MC3 remains super purple on 12/12.


I have run 12.5 / 11.5 for a couple years. So s help the yield slightly, but haven’t noticed a difference in expression.


Right on man, so you’re doing more light than dark to help yield. I did 12.75 dark / 11.25 light.


Plants are looking good brother :sunglasses:
Very full in that tent already haha

I believe that ability is only for TL3 (Regular) level, I don’t think method hit it yet so he can’t edit unfortunately


It looks like I have the ability to edit the title. Just let me know what you want it to say


Nice, thanks man!

Let’s go with:

MethodAnon’s Grow Log


Oo TIL :smile: nice @Jim !


It’ll be cool to see some legit studies eventually on the effects for yield, stretch, expression, and finishing time!


I’m looking forward to see what Zoot does for me, everything I’ve read about J1 sounds excellent. Hopefully with all said and done, I’ll end up with a Midnight Cowboy keeper, and Master of Muppets keeper, and a Zoot keeper. Then ill continuously rotate new stuff through the garden.


Nice man - there’s a few zoot reports on the rollitup thread if I remember right. I think it was from before it was named so you’ll have to search for J1 or something like that to track them down. I recall it being well-liked, good yielding and potent.


Hand agitated the trim from harvest in the trim bin over a couple weeks, then pressed the kief … not bad!


Lights off in an hour, no evening droop. They are thriving.


I’m new to OG… Well since I was like 16 back when I started my first grow 20ish years ago… Just went through your whole grow log, great job! I do think 3 gallon switch the last 4/5 weeks would of helped it… If for keeping the place tidy, I’d recommend 8" GroDan cubes placed in those black cloning trays with 2-3 inch of those clay pebbles and can always add more, or trim the roots and force it to grow upwards… But the real reason I’m here is after I searched for a “Master Kush Bodhi Grow”, and I’m damn pumped to see how this goes! They look great! I just ordered some beans, and can’t wait to start growing again!

Also… Sucks I can’t find my seed collection from around 12 years ago, had many seeds shared from fellow RIU and other communities but also had seeds from the official SoCal Master cut I pollinated with a Bodhi cross I was gifted(a good 50 seeds I never ran) plus a bunch of Sannies, PeakSeedsBC and many others, but pretty much all I want back are the ones mentioned… Sucks being from Texas sometimes… Happy Growing bros!


Thank you Kon, and welcome to OG man! I’m going to try to get some new pics up tonight, we’re already at day 10 in the flower tent. Won’t be long and we’ll see what this Bodhi Master Kush is all about.

That is a bummer about your seeds! I’ve bought all of my seeds from Great Lakes Genetics - 3 bodhi packs for 90 bucks basically (35-40 seeds.)


Time for an update.

Flower Tent: Master of Muppets and Midnight Cowboys. Day 10 of 12/12. Beginning to see some flower development.

Veg Tent: Zoots all popped above ground yesterday, Happy Birthday to the Zoot babies. Clones are rooting well, already have 1 in perlite.

I actually had a little mis-hap with the aerocloner. I didn’t have the lid on correctly and it sprayed onto the tent floor for probably 4-5 hours the other day lol, clones went at least a couple hours without water. I actually think it made them panic and grow roots, because this is the quickest I’ve ever had them root for me. Next time I clone I’m going to unplug the cloner for 3-5 hours at like day 5, I think there’s something to it.