Middleman 2024 Grow Log

I can’t remember, what were the others?

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Red velvet and MB15 :sweat:

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I can resend RV if you want. Or in the fall when it’s cooler. Just let me know.

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Let’s wait til cooler weather. Appreciate you friend. :heart:


Dang the luck Middleman. Everything looked good brother! Sorry just catching up

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It just happened. Plus, you’ve been a little occupied…

Just a little tied up is all :rofl:

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Day 28 of flower

Another day, another herm: one of the Zkittles x Banana OG x

Everything looks as healthy as I ever have them at week 4 in soil, so I’m guessing it’s a light stress issue (and genetics maybe)

Gonna be a lot of unwanted seeds…


Unless you have a significant amount of light on outside the tent during their night cycle I would doubt the light leaks. (unless you’re meaning how much light you’re throwing at them? High PPFD?) Especially since you’ve had successful runs in the past without issue. Have you changed anything else that you could think of?


Well, it’s not a “leak”. The bottom air inlet vent may be letting light in. The lights are off from 7:30 pm to 7:30 am, but the sun comes up before and sets after. There is ambient light in the room where the tent is when the sun is up.

You may be right, and that isn’t it, but I don’t know what else it would be. Other differences: I did no training at all on these plants, I’m growing them in plastic grow bags (which I like a lot more than I thought I would), the tent is more crowded than normal, …


Seems like there is definitely something amiss. How many plants have gone south on you now?

If it’s ambient and not direct it shouldn’t be that bad especially if the tent is in decent shape. The last run I had when I was still in my living room and not my garage space I had @Rena93 zip me up in the tent and sat in there for like 15 minutes to let my eyes adjust and checked to see if I had any bad spots and corrected any issues. haha

It’s a bit wild though your plants look excellent and unless you said anything I’d never had guessed you were having any issues. Such is life though right? Sometimes shit is flawless other times… not so much. lol


Never ran OG but arent they genetically susceptible to herm?

I never bought into that until i ran anything with cherry pie, like 40% herm rate i shit you not. Onky herms ive ever had in my tent too Plucked them off and they never came back. Hope you get it sorted dude, looking good


Four as far as I know. The Cherry AK was the first, early on, and it’s been clean since. Then the Tombstone and Citrus MILF x GG4 RIL. Today was the Zxittles x Banana OG x …

This is a Mars Hydro, and it’s the best tent I have. It’s in great shape. I don’t think there are any pinhole leaks or anything. The zipper has a flap the would cover any leaks there.

Yep. I’m not sweating it.

I don’t know, maybe. But this isn’t just OG.


Just by looking at the plants, I would say bad luck. As the fella just pointed out though some genetics are just herm prone. I don’t think it’s any thing you done but to be sure I would zip the the tent up with lights on. Cut all other lights out and see if you see any light leaks and address them. Jmho


Neither was the cherry pie.

It was cherry pie x OGKB

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Chimera interview on pot cast. Says each strain is different and as the plant gets to the end of life the hormones change. And maybe ethylene gets released so herm or Inter sex traits is the end result from that gas as it blocks the receptors that make female parts and then comes the male parts.

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These plants are only four weeks into flower. That might be considered “end of life”, but I wouldn’t say that it is.

Well, I think ethylene is required for female flowers, and if it’s blocked the male flowers form. That’s what STS and CS do. But I get your point about hormone disruption.

And I was just checking the plants. Add the GFOG x GG4 RIL to the list of herms. It’s like silver is being pumped into the tent.


That’s a damn shame bro, I can’t offer any input on those strains…

Do another bud run…


You don’t have any thing else ready to go middleman? It’s going to suck to produce unwanted seeded bud. I think you need to go on and pop those oil spills your hiding. :wink:


Well, everything I have ready to go is for a seed run project for a friend of mine! :joy:

I do need to pop those. In fact, they will be the next seeds I get wet. But that seed project takes priority, so it’s next in line. The people I give this bud too will just have to deal with seeds.