Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Shit. I am not diluting it. These dabs are making my brain soft…

Thanks. images (9)


Oh nooooo! I hope your plants are ok?!


Yeah thankfully I didn’t spray them when it didn’t come out as a mist. I read about another user over spraying and it gave him problems.

Fyi I blame you for this, it was Frankenstein I was dabbing on. Turns out it’s a bit much for comprehension. :+1:


Frankie girl CAN make a person forget things now n then, lol
Especially in concentrate form!


I literally laughed out loud brother! Not at you, I promise, but knowing I’ve done the similar in the past (weed and grass killer works great in concentrate form lol!). Thankfully you didn’t/ couldn’t hit your girls with it. I just got back with my new sprayer so time to hit the Littles and their tent. The 4x4 is next, I’m just starting to see some damage spots so hopefully we can get on top of it.

And that Patrick sticker is almost perfect. If it were a screwdriver in his hand it would be the cherry on top.


Oh go ahead and laugh, it’s funny.

Johnny does a great write up. I measure all the ingredients out, mix and combine without a hitch. I also read other users experiences…somehow missing a very important dilute it 1.5-2 Oz per gallon. It’s hilarious and only caused me to take apart my sprayer 4 times.

If you don’t laugh at the stupid shit you will :sob:


@herojuana.tom …cuz, I’ve since learned there is a double reason for the use of Ethanol.
This is a quote from Anonymous…

“Use of ethanol vs isopropyl is primarily because the ethanol-oil combo is better at getting through the insect cuticle AND ethanol is actually utilized by the plant cells to form carbohydrates so it’s kind of a win-win !”

Figured this might help others also, as to the reasons for the choice.
Also, for a reason NOT to substitute.
I bought some of that BVV Bob / @BudBusterPro found and generously shared the link to.


I’m not saying ingredients can’t be substituted, just saying the formula was very well thought out for optimum efficiency, and best results are always what we all strive for.


Well it finally happened… I have aphids and spider mites. Shortly after cleaning and reworking all of my tents I started finding aphids. Hosing the plants off, adding ladybugs and staying on top of the aphids mostly worked. Once most of the lady bugs were dead or gone I started using a dr bronners soap spray to the regiment. Well, I then found spider mites. So I started in with the Captain Jacks dead bug spray regiment on some of the tents on anything that was in veg or under 3 weeks of flower. A few of the tents had low numbers of aphids and a lot of baby lady bugs so I haven’t sprayed it with captain jacks.

I feel like need something like the @JohnnyPotseed spray outlined here. I need to be sure I have killed these fuckers. I have seen no webs but i see spider mites with jewelers loop on some leaves and i see the damage. I have a plant in flower that is at 6 weeks and it seems it has been ignored by the aphids thus far. I dont feel good about spraying it with anything at this point and I am hoping for the best. I have 4 other plants that are all just under 3 weeks into flower.

I did the math and the ingredients outlined above do make an insane amount of the concentrate. It was gona take longer to get the larger bottles so I used a recipe converter to reduce and figure out the small amounts to buy on amazon and get by tomorrow. If anyone is interested I can share the stuff I found. I already had food grade citric acid in large quantities (used for gummies and cleaning coffee makers).

I am now really feeling the pain of having so many plants, quite the chore to battle bugs on so many. I have already composted a few and I think I am gona have to make some tough decisions on what else to let go for now and hope seed back ups work if I want to bring them back.


We mix half batch, and still have plenty to share. Sent out small bottles of the mix to other members.
This stuff works great!


Bookmarked and will be doing my own tests this summer for sure. Once I have pictures and updates I’ll make sure to post em in here


CAN you spare some JPS??? I would surely use it ??? @JohnnyPotseed


I don’t mind sharing some with ya cuz. Let’s go to DM


Dang, I would have loved to get some from ya but since I already ordered the ingredients I will proceed DIY. I still got enough ingredients to make a ton of concentrate so I plan to share it with my local growmies. Thanks again for the recipe @JohnnyPotseed . I will report back with the results once I get the materials and get back to the fight.


M.T.A.Ultimatum made a believer out of me. I’ve even taken to spraying my wife’s houseplants with it. The canola substitution doesn’t seem to have changed its effectiveness at all. Just be sure it’s dry when the lights are on full tilt. I had 2 autos I put back in the tent still wet and it fried both of them. Didn’t do anything but kill bugs on the other 7. Only difference, they were still wet. So be patient and let them dry.


No problem cuz. But, the thnx all should go to the ‘anonymous’ author that did all the research! They just gave it to me to publish, which I did after testing. lol


I just made a batch a few weeks ago, wish I knew, I could have sent you some. At 2 oz per gallon, I have enough to last a while. I may use it as a preventative measure outdoors.


Thanks for sharing this @JohnnyPotseed I’m doing my first legal grow outside this summer and
this will help me be prepared. I already have some of the ingredients which makes it a little easier.


is 2oz per gallon what you spray??? Plants ok with it…getting some free from Johnny right now he said 1 -2 per G

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If you go through the first post, cuz. you’ll see the entire process, along with my testing of the mix per instructions.