Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

OK I wasn’t sure, the concentrate I put away has not yet.


lol it will, doesn’t happen immediately.

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Some old stoner dude made my batch . It separates quickly , bet the old bastard made it wrong



lol Depends on what you consider ‘quickly’…

I sent in the inspection team to make sure we got em all


Iv hit my infected tent twice so far, about a week apart. Everything looked good except a few I found in a corner of tent. I defoliated a bit more and hit again.

It’s thick in there and sure I’m not getting every nook and cranny. But I feel confident I’m wacking them…

@Boozer nice plot brother. If ya don’t mind I’ll camp right in that upper corner come harvest time! :slight_smile:


It’s all yours my man


Long as ya don’t step on me in my sleeping bag! :rofl:


Hope ducks don’t like cannabis!


You better hope I don’t get up in middle of the night and pee on ya…



When ya do get just be careful not to step in a pile of crap!


Thanks a lot for sharing Johnny and mister anonymous!

For all the peeps in this thread I think it might be useful to hear these words again:

Pests and diseases are signalling that your plants are not happy for one way or another. So I think it is of utmost importance that you try to find the underlying reason.

In a lot of situations it comes down to:

  1. too much / too little water
  2. anaerobic activity in the soil
  3. Too little calcium and also micro’s and other elements, but definitely calcium

So really work hard on your watering procedure and give those ladies as many balanced foliar feeds as you are giving them bug sprays.


Thank you so much. This is some of the best stuff I’ve seen released kinda like that one god mode glitch in a video game. I think this will solve ALL my outdoor problems. Everything I’ve grown outdoors does due to worms insects etc


Hey there @Arnold, thnx for your input. I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree with you though, cuz. You can give the plants all the love in the world, and everything can be just grand with them… pest don’t care if you over or under water, etc! lol That’s what this thread is about… pests!
You can have some of the prettiest, healthy, well maintained plants ever… and still get/have pests! lol


Then we are going to have to agree to disagree

if you have pests, you are giving them the wrong love in my opinion.

You can take a pest-riddled plant and eliminate both bugs as well as funguses with just a perfectly balanced soil in the correct moisture rate, balanced foliar and drench feeds and the right kind of compost extracts. It is not easy, but it can be done. A lot of people won’t believe me, but I’ve done it.

Here’s how my balanced veg feed looks like:

But I’ll leave it at that and want to repeat my gratitude for posting this recipe.

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Don’t… please, just stop! lol While your ‘words of wisdom’ are noted as the well- intended helpful hints that they are. Again, I’ll say… this thread isn’t about diseases! It’s about pests. That is probably more suited for being in another thread, not this one!


I’m not pointing fingers at anyone here. Let’s make that clear right off. Some people can push being a pest pretty far. Would that be where a pest morphs into a disease?

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lol Not sure at what point mites turn into a disease, and a watering issue!
While well intended info is always appreciated, this is not about the care you give, or don’t give, the plants! Them little F’ers can come into the most sanitary, well maintained grow there is…


I thought this thread was about curing a problem. I just wanted to point out that there are underlying reasons why curation is needed. You are clearly making fun of me and you have the right to, however, I don’t see why you feel attacked.

Let me end by saying that my outdoor grow has aphids at the moment and that my indoor has mites when I’m not on top of everything.


lol really? I am not feeling attacked at all. I merely pointed out the fact this isn’t the thread for other problems. This thread addresses the problem of PESTS! And how to get rid of them with minimal damage to your plants.

Watering at the right amount IS NOT going to get rid of them! lol

@Arnold Sorry you seem to be taking this personally, cuz. I’m not in the mood to continue this thing that’s starting to look like an argument, with you trying to defend your position. Just please go to another thread for diseases, thnx!