Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

It’s not an amendment, cuz. So unless you have things in there you don’t want, I’d say save it for the plants. Just MHO…



Btw im anxiously waiting for the package ! Im super excited it’s arriving in a couple of hours. The only negative is that I don’t have space in my sealed box anymore. Too many genetics haha ! :slight_smile:


New type of bug
The spider-thrip


Don’t see why it wouldn’t work on those as well.


WTFF there goes the neighborhood. Hybridization at its finest


Strange, there is absolutely no mention of ‘Spider Thrip’ when googled. Is that maybe something different?


Hey sorry had a couple of co-op threads on notification accidentally and box was stuffed full missed a lot. MTA worked like a champ! My heavily infested bb#3 was a goner from the get so she got pulled quickly. It’s been about a week all plants have recovered and have recovered and are taking back off! Thanks.

Also I cleaned sides, bottom of tent and bombed room with the plants out. Still on the watch no signs of any pests at this point. I have lots of plants in the room my tent is in so lots of spots to hide. So far so good!



DO NOT KILL THAT !!! It’s what’s called a six spot thrip and it’s the BEST
mite predator I Have ever seen !

Sixspotted Thrips / UC Statewide IPM Program (UC IPM) (

Species is Scolothrips sexmaculatus…LOL, with a name like that you just know it’s gotta be AWESOME

BTW, the picture you posted has been Doctored with those giant legs…pure BS !!


Johnny, as I posted that’s a manipulated photo…that’s a good guy…believe me !!


Thnx for the input here, @BudBusterPro I wondered if that wasn’t some other kind of insect! lol


Oh I DO believe ya!
Outta likes, brother, lol so here ya go, straight from the Emoji like-bank
:heart: :heart: :heart:
That was an interesting read, btw!


LOL Bud it is doctored I made it
Thought most would have known that .
But I was not aware of a spotted thrip being a mite predator .
Thanks Learn something new everyday.


lol @STIGGY I’m not up on all the bugs out there. So, I reckon ya got me then!


More of a joke pic for the group I tend to be a bit of a joker.
I thought of a new firce MJ bug and the Spider trip popped in my mind LOL
Sorry to the purists, But I did learn something new also So Thank you @BudBusterPro


Nothing wrong in a joke, cuz! lol I also learned something there.

What gets me, is why you can’t buy them? If they’re so good, lol You can buy all kinds of predators for mites, etc


I hate the Borg (mites) by the time you see them its too late.
I have done battle but what a pain .
Morning folks Hope all have a wonderful day.


Johnny, it’s rather interesting why you can’t buy 6 spot thrips…they’re actually too good!

6 spots are very elusive. In all my years or walking fields, I can count on one hand where I actually found them on leaves (whereas lacewings and their larva are readily spotted throughout the season) They only seem to appear when mite populations are heavy. When they strike, it’s truly unbelievable ! On MULTIPLE occasions over the years, I have seen them take webbed over 2 spot mite populations to ZERO in a period of 3 days. After their attack, when you go out and look at the leaves, it looks like they were sprayed with a black spray can paint with a bad nozzle!

If you look at that one picture in the linked article you can see those black droplets…that’s what left of the 2 spots! I believe that’s why they are seldom seen. Their population explodes with all the food,
and then they decline without a food source.

Since their eggs essentially hatch when they’re laid, there’s no way to collect eggs for sale, and their so voracious there’s probably no way an Insectory could maintain a food supply long enough to support adequate adult populations for/and in shipping…

They truly are a wonder to behold ! LOL, when I saw them get started, I’d always gleefully think to myself " alright you little MF’s, it’s borg meet borg"


Sounds logical, (as always, from you! lol)
I reckon it’d be a logistical nightmare trying to breed for sale!


Update. It’s been 3 days since spraying the one and done and I am happy to report that there is nothing left alive. These plants were sprayed with your standard pump sprayer. These were small plants (12-24 inches) and were experiencing a minor aphid problem. Plants were easy to spray and because of that I know they got 100% coverage and they got drenched good. No ill effects whatsoever. Will continue to monitor these and update as needed. So later that evening I visited a friends outdoor grow and he has a pretty good mite problem going on. 12 plants 6-8 foot tall. I offered to bring my fogger over and give them the one and done. Sprayed them with 3 gallons at the 2oz max dose. And unfortunately as of now still signs of life but it killed most of them. So not a one and done in this case. I am still confident that the spray works. Just need a few more treatments with the fogger No biggie.
So at this point I’m thinking that the volume of spray that a pump sprayer may be more effective as a one and done or I just didn’t use enough with the fogger not sure. More evidence needed for me to be certain. I have only had my fogger for 2 years and I only use it outdoors. I spray my indoor plants weekly with a pump sprayer. I have done a side by side comparison with fogger and pump sprayer and you can see the difference between the two especially on the underside of the leaves. And for bugs that’s where they live. Just my observations anyways.
So maybe with a fogger to be effective at one and done perhaps up the dose a bit. And for clarification purposes fogger is a Petra tools backpack fogger and the pump sprayer is Ace hardware branded sprayer. Totally digging this spray though. @JohnnyPotseed @BudBusterPro @STIGGY thanks for the additional info on other bugs.


Like always, cuz. If the ‘one-n-done’ didn’t get ALL of the mites, it has to be they got missed. No biggie, but if that stuff hits em, it kills em! Period! lol For a heavy infestation, it’s almost a positive given that you’re gonna miss some, the first go around. Don’t up the dosage more than 2oz/gallon though.Maybe try that pump sprayer the second round. and saturate the heck outta them gals! lol
But, the report sounds great, and good luck finishing the job on them F’ers!