Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Now I want to name Mine Nomad


The wandering terminator! Nomad lol


Can the 209 be sprayed on flowers right up to two weeks before harvest?

No idea cuz, I know this mix can be used all the way up to harvest. Can’t recall if I ever used the SNS209. Check the instructions, best I can tell ya.

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OK thanks I went looking for the mix in question but found the link to the 209
Any idea where the mix is or I will search for it now Thks
Like to read what is in it.
NM LOL I found it at the very beginning
A very good place to start LOL Thks

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first post cuz
all the ingredients are found on Amazon


I love it, having fought the borg a few times and having to reapply day after day to kill the life cycle of the eggs this looks intriguing, it appears to have it all.
Glad i found you guys, Thks to all.


I would gather to say the citric acid may change the PH allowing the treatment to also ward off WPM ? Now if it helps with budrot a definite winner

There is better stuff for that, cuz.

The Hypochlorous acid is cheaper by a lot, also much more effective.


I have been using Potassium Bicarbonate with very good results for WPM
There use to be a product called Green Cure but it was the same and very expensive for a small amount.

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Can anyone id please?

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Absolutely no idea, cuz. Can’t make em out very good. Perhaps a close up of a single bug, or even a group shot of many? Also only post the one pic, so I can expand it more, please?

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Going to take a better pic later sorry didnt realize it was that blurry til now

Nope that didn’t work either. Too blurry… Sorry cuz, no idea

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Will post a better shot later.

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Had to bust out the big gun for this one. 1000x digital microscope but cant zoom much or becomes blurry


A couple of years ago I was gifted spider mites via Oklahoma. I have never had problems with them before that have been this ruthless. Some pyrethrins, Azamax, ISO, get to spot spray or treat and they would go away. In bad cases, I might have to drop a pyrethrin TR bomb. I have nuked the fuck out of my quarantine plants in 3-day phases with EVERYTHING people would send, I could buy (or not), and tons of different homemade concoctions. This battle is well over a year old now. I cannot even get these plants healthy enough to tissue culture as I know that bleach will kill the mites all dead-dead.

So, today I made white oil and substituted soybean oil for the cottonseed since they have similar density. I scoped some leaves and saw the bugs, eggs, generations of corpses, and their great-grandparents’ souls on board. Let’s see how this works as a dip. I will snap some pictures under the microscope and see what these look like when I return on Sunday night.


Damn cuz. I honestly have no idea here! DId the mix kill em? Probably did, since they soft bodied, obviously.


@Greenup Did your recipe work? I just used it on a red mite party… it seems they liked it, and are partying even harder :frowning:

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