Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

I shut down both of my grow locations, fumigated and started over after the one time I had a spider mite infestation. Those damn things are hard to get rid of. I’m glad I live in an area where the worst local pests are fungus gnats because they’re pretty easy to deal with.


I know you can’t be talking about this ‘one-n-done’ mix?


That’d be the one, lol! I used @Greenup’s conversion, and a fogger. I’ll try the trigger bottle next… maybe it knocks them off!

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I really wouldn’t recommend doing a lot of ‘ingredient replacements’ The recipe was researched and worked out to what it is, and that’s that. Anything other than the one recommended replacement of Everclear for the Ethanol is on the user. Sorry that substitute recipe didn’t work out. In the end, trying to save a buck cost more, if you ask me. Just MHO…

edit… @HorseBadorites as you can see from all the testimonials here, and elsewhere! This recipe (as is) DOES work. I honestly don’t think the method of disbursal is why it seemed to just make the F’ers party hearty!

But hey, I just posted it as it was given to me. It worked for me and a LOT of others. So folks, do as ya wanna. Just please don’t complain if a substitute recipe doesn’t work! lol

I’m sorry if that comes off as callous or mean-spirited. It isn’t intended to be like that at all. But it’s hard to get the message across without some sort of inference interpreted.


The conversion was for amounts, not ingredients.

If I wanted to cheap out, I’d have used $10 neem extract I get at Home Depot. I have one plant about 3 weeks from harvest, and I hate the smell of neem! But, it does work for me.

I’ve no doubt 1nDun worked for EVERYBODY else… maybe I wasn’t holding my mouth right, lol!

Since I have all the stuff (don’t I?), I’ll try your 1/2 recipe next.

I wasn’t complaining at all, just commenting, and curious if @Greenup 's numbers were right. I don’t think I substituted any ingredients, did I? I’m a geezer, and easily confused, lol!


No problem, cuz. Like I said. I’m not intending this to be mean-spirited at all. BUT… the ingredients AND the proportions were researched and worked on for quite awhile. To change things, is just changing the end results.


I believe those may be ‘springtails’ (Collembola)

Springtail - Wikipedia

They are not plant feeders as far as I know…FWIW



Thnx for identifying them critters, cuz. I’ve never had the pleasure(?) of meeting em!


I’m not sure Johnny, the photo is hard to see but they’re the right size…if they jump like a flea we have em id’ed


Well, you changed the proportions, lol!

Anyway, this can serve as some scientific research for those that follow, eh? :slight_smile:


Where di I change the proportions? I cut it down to a lesser amount, but used correct proportions in the process

BTW, that recipe does look to be correct in proportions. No idea why it didn’t do the job for you.
Unless, like you said. Maybe the disbursal method? I used a pump sprayer (2gal) same as most of the other members using it.
I think some used a trigger hand held spray bottle, also.


Thanks for that @Slammedsonoma420! Where did you get it? It looks official, is it, lol! Have you used that one? Sucessfully? lol

This is what I used:
MTA 1nDun

Exact Ingredients to make 17 oz of concentrate according to converter and some of my own math
• 174ml Distilled Water
• 16.3 grams Malic Acid
• 16.3 grams Citric Acid
• 1 - 8oz bottle of Cotton Seed Oil
• 49ml Ethanol
• 48ml Polysorbate 80 Food Grade

Looks pretty close, but like Johnny’s saying, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades :slight_smile:


The recipe posted by @Slammedsonoma420 is the recipe I was referring to as to being correct.
174ml distilled water is a good bit off from 133ml, lol I haven’t even checked past that…

The Citric and Malic acid are both off a good bit also, cuz
1/4 recipe would be 12.5grams, not 16.3

edit… I do believe the problem is in the proportions here.


I’m just trying to help you succeed here, cuz. Nothing else.

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Was that 1/4 recipe posted in this thread? If it was I totally missed that, I’ll go there next :slight_smile:

@Greenup 's numbers weren’t for 1/4, they were for more, and, if you do look at the rest of the numbers, well, they are rather close proportionally.

I didn’t need as much as you showed you made, wish Id seen the 1/4 strength before. That’s plenty for me.

Again, I’m not complaining, I save that for Ms. Horse. Just trying to figure it out so I don’t need to smell neem!


First post, brother. I went for 1/2 recipe, but 1/4 would be exactly half of the recipe I used. (and posted… with pics)

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i have said it several times . i used about everything known to man for MONTHS straight , could not lose the borg .
One single treatment of his shit , made by him and sent to me , obviously in correct proportion’s. and using correct shit , killed every damn mite in 4 tents .

I of course have sprayed more than once , as a prevention , but here, 3 mos later , not one single bug to be found .

@JohnnyPotseed im too stupid and lazy to make my own , almost out of what u made me , if i send you money to make a big batch would you??? Like maybe nuff for you for a while and to send me another bottle???
Ill cover all cost to you


All new cuts or clones and even my own cuttings get soaked in it once roots are thrown . Even tiny lil cuts are not hurt by it , in fact they actually appear to like it and get some benefit from it .

i should make a 55 gallon drum of it , sell it at 50 bucks a small pre mixed bottle and cash in , but again , i have become lazy , :see_no_evil:


Honestly, cuz. I can’t take monetary payments for this mix. That’s illegal/breaking federal laws. Please, just go to Amazon and accumulate the ingredients gradually over a little time, and you’ll have your own.

Don’t kid yourself into thinking ‘Big Brother’ isn’t watching/paying attention here.

It’s only ‘paranoia’ if you just ‘think’ something is true… I’m sure it’s true. Look at what happened to the orginal OG!

Edit… I’m not gonna be ‘the one’ that brings OG down, again!


That is the exact recipe but I made the calculations for 1/4 batch. The numbers are correct I have used it and it works 100%. I have not posted that until right there. Again I just used the correct recipe and just divide by .25. Then I made sure to include ML as well since it needs to be precise.