Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Very accurate/correct, cuz. I checked it! lol


I made sure to go over it about 10 times. I would have felt horrible if I did it wrong. This is when I made my batch 2 months ago or so.


Lol, pretty decent photoshop but spiders need 8 legs.

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lol that photo-shopped pic had me searching like a mofo through Google! He had me going there! lol


if you think big brother is NOW watching these threads , your paranoid . Not a chance they give a rats ass anymore what happens here .

We were busted the first time , for being a front for a seed selling enterprise making serious money . Dont believe me , i dont care , fact was without the seed $$ business , there would be no site, period .

Yes , great growers n breeders , cool members , FINEST knowledge base on our planet , but lets not kid ourselves, it was only here to make money .

Seeds are now legal to sell and trade , the days of busting us closet growers are over .

Unlike the 60’s through just a few years ago i would agree , not now . I no longer feel hunted , no longer live in fear every damn day ,

Im sorry i offered money , i know better , second time i have done that , i apologize for that , but i just do not agree with you on the “saftey” of this site .

Facebook and Instagram are covered in marijuana and I mean covered huge amounts offered for sale anywhere right in the open if you’re a fad and you wanted to bust somebody who are you gonna troll a little site like ours with a couple thousand members mostly kids and all closet growers or somebody like Facebook he’s got 600 ads up showing tonnage ???

so , paint me silly , stupid, careless , however you want … just no longer paint me in fear or shame or paint me as hiding , cause im done with all that.

as ALWAYS , all above is MY OWN IDEA AND WORDS , and should be taken with caution as it could have been written while author was under the influence of an illegal class 1 drug !


I understand everything you just said cuz. I agree with a lot of it also. I’m just an old dinosaur with my paranoia I reckon. But still, I AM, lol so… due to my own thoughts/fears. I can’t, sorry.

If you look carefully at my Hall of genetics thread (sponsored) you’ll see I don’t sell seeds, I offer gifts of seeds for donations! It’s all in the way I word things. all monies are sent as ‘gifts’, not payments.

edit… lol i blame the many decades of looking over my shoulder for my ‘paranoia’!


Wasnt pleading for you to make me more , just about 36,000 feet up on Triangle Kush and in a rotten mood so i just went off

wasnt AT YOU MAN , we cool , or i am with you at least , just venting and explaining how i feel on it .

im about 70 now , i have run , hid, sweated , taken down , freaked out , moved , lied , hidden , felt low, dirty


its legal in half the country , 65 % of the population is for legalization .

i have grey hair , old , even in THE ABSOLUTE WORST STATE for MJ , which i live in , ill walk down the street smoking a joint at high noon RIGHT NOW . Fuck them and the donkey they rode in on! :100::boom::100:.

we dont have machine to test for hemp , so its all hemp . :sunglasses: They :100: do not look for it , not busted a grow house in years cause legal market makes grow house’s obsolete. i have never been arrested , i have no record , in 25 years i have never had POPO at my house .
i m not a dealer , no clients to get me busted , MY TENTS ARE SAFE .
I have 100 percent ZERO FEAR over MJ. anymore , just dont , and not hiding that fact anymore .

Soon , like 3 years , Texas will be legal , i honestly only care to get folks released who are in jail and to remove MJ as a crime .

as always JMHO :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


Oh no, cuz! I never interpreted your asking as pleading! I agree with a lot of what you say, I’ve already said that. I’m not much older than you are (74now, be 75 in Jan) also been there, done that, with all the ducking & dodging, slipping & hiding, running, etc lol

I’m like you @JohnnyPotseed , no reason for me to reinvent the wheel. I’ve got better things to do, even if it’s just smoke another one. Recently brewed some compost tea. I substituted grow store molasses for cheap molasses. I’ve brewed a lot of batches of tea,with great consistency. The different molasses gave me way different results. Not a problem other than I might have fed my plants some anaerobic sludge. Molasses is molasses, right? Maybe. Might make different critters growing in the tea. @JoeCrowe ID’d
he spooge as fine for plants, not good for humans.
Details do matter, sometimes a lot.

‘Details matter’… like making sure to use Unsulfered Molasses
I use Brer Rabbit Unsulfered Blackstrap molasses. It’s made from sugar beets.
Plants love it, too! lol Been using it for decades

edit… lol we’re ‘smoking another one’ right now!


Thanks for that, at least I didn’t miss it, lol! I guess I was just precisely wrong :slight_smile:


Right, I should have said amounts, sorry for any confusion. I hope a 3 gallon pump up works, lol!

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The main thing is to remember to dilute at the correct ratio! We use 2oz per gallon of ph’d & filtered water. The recipe calls for 1.5-2 ounces (45-59ml) per Gallon (3.785Liters) water


Unsulphered. Yup. I’m guessing the volume of sugar with a Hi-Brix label was the culprit. I’m so glad I didn’t use as a foliar. Looked like foamy cat barf.


Amazon (of course!) has it by the 4pk pretty good price too. Hell with grow shops, they rape ya on pricing stuff, any stuff!

I’m wrong there, lol They have it in all kinds of packages available 1, 2,3 up to 12 bottles

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Even using the ‘good’ molasses, cuz. we never used it in a foliar spray. It leaves ‘color’ on the leaves. Soil drench only, and only mix up what’s to be used. Unused will ferment in the container overnight.

That’s because we mix it into the feeding nutes, so a lot of different stuff. Kelp, EWC tea, SuperThrive, etc.

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Crap man, looks like russet mites to me :face_with_head_bandage:

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I used it as I make it. Same with nutes. On my plants or the yard that day. Never had an issue spraying it outside, and I sprayed weekly. Dif between lights and sun.
I don’t know enough to do proper adds to AACT. I had some things surprise me when I had a microscope and looked close. I figured yucca was safe. I had some soil get hydrophobic when I 1st switched to peat and thought it would help. Stuff did a # on my various critters in there real fast. Did some reading and it’s not good. I could use a yucca solution 1st so the soil was more solution receptive. Then use my tea after that.


Sounds like you have your routine down, cuz. Good for you!
Many roads lead to the same destination, right? lol I’ve never used peat, or coca coir, etc. I don’t buy commercial soil mixes, either. Prefer my own. lol


I use Canadian peat, comes in 4 cu ft bags, I think, and Perlite. Some worm castings and lime. I was having some issues when I was 1st growing in a tent. Had lots of input from lots of people. My buddy @shag suggested some basics which have served me well. If something looks off, it’s just a minor tweek to my nutes. Maybe a foliar feed for a quick correction, but I stay away from sprays if I can.

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