Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

I’m in ‘like-jail’ for the nonce here, lol so here yas go, folks (I robbed the Emoji Like_bank!) :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:
@beacher :heart: @Slammedsonoma420 :heart: @HorseBadorites :heart: @Cormoran :heart:
@rasterman :heart: @BudBusterPro :heart:


Here we go!

I’ve got a serious spider mite infestation going. Hope this’ll help :slightly_smiling_face:



Don’t forget to dilute! 2 oz./ gallon


As you’ve seen from so many other members here who tried this. It does work, cuz! So as long as you’ve mixed at correct ratios, with correct ingredients… then diluted at proper proportions, lol you’ll be as happy as the rest of us have been!
Let us know how it goes, please.


I don’t know if I updated my substitution update. STILL wash your flowers if you had to spray them, but canola oil is effective a well. Cottonseed is probably better but canola works also.


Thnx for the input on using a substitute, cuz! I’ve had folks ask me about using subs, and I always said to not sub, lol Not having tried it myself, I wasn’t willing to go with other stuff. You have done this successfully?
Wonder what the overall effect of using that instead of cottonseed oil would be? If any?


thanks that really is a geat info.


After talking with my friend, the ‘Anonymous’ original maker of this formula… What I suspected is correct, they HAD tried a variety of oils. The cottonseed oil was the most ‘insect toxic’ in that the viscosity made it stickier to help the other ingredients adhere to the pests better…
That said, the experimentation done here by different members is, and can be important still, in building a data base to draw on for those who can’t obtain the orioginal recipe ingredients.
So please, whenever any of you happen to use a substitute, let us know how it went. This will save a lot of other folks time and money, in either not trying something that isn’t as effective, or using things that are maybe a simple ‘not as good’… while also letting folks know what comes closest to being as good of a mix .


Used this yesterday to treat a SM issue, today dead and gone. Thanks for sharing this @JohnnyPotseed!



Is it okay if I make a summarized version, and then somewhere in it link your original thread and spread it around Reddit when folks as for help with pests ?

Here is the summarized version

Recipe for One and Done


•	Cottonseed oil (food-grade frying oil, 96 oz) - Amazon-Glicks-$25.99
•	Distilled water (deionized can be used if available)
•	Polysorbate 80 Food Grade (32 oz [900 gm] bottle) - Amazon-Velona-$32.00
•	Food grade Citric acid (available from various online sources)
•	Food grade L-Malic acid (available from various online sources)
•	100% Ethanol (Everclear or equivalent at 190 proof)

Equipment Needed:

•	Pitcher
•	Hand blender
•	Scale (for Citric and L-Malic acids)
•	Accurate calibration pitchers


1.	Measure out 18 fluid ounces (532 ml) of distilled water and pour into your pitcher or beaker.
2.	Weigh out 50 grams of EACH Malic and Citric acid, and add to the pitcher. Dissolve in water using the hand blender.
3.	Add 25 fluid ounces (739 ml) of cottonseed oil to the pitcher.
4.	Add 150 ml of Ethanol.
5.	Add 5 fluid ounces (148 ml) of Polysorbate 80 Food Grade and blend for 2-3 minutes. This will yield about 52 ounces (1538 ml) of One and Done solution.

Note: For short-term storage, halve all ingredients. With 96 oz of cottonseed oil, you’ll get 197 oz (1.5 gallons/5826 ml) of concentrate.

Application Instructions:

•	Dilute at a rate of 1.5-2 ounces (45-59 ml) per gallon (3.785 liters) of water. Apply directly to all leaf and plant surfaces.


•	Wear eye protection, long sleeves, and latex or nitrile gloves during applications due to potential eye and skin irritants.


•	The concentrated One and Done solution will last indefinitely if stored in a cool and dry indoor cabinet.

Additional Notes:

•	The recipe has been tested on various plants, including cannabis, without any observed phytotoxic events.

Disclaimer: This recipe was provided by an anonymous source and the original thread is [HERE]. It is advised to perform a test spray on a small area if there are concerns about plant sensitivity.

Please let me know if there is any info I’m missing, or that is incorrect.


I don’t do any social media platforms of any kind, other than OG. I don’t mind if someone spreads it further than my own limited abilities. Go for it.


Thank you !

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A question/suggestion here, cuz. Wouldn’t it be easier to just post a link to this thread, rather than going through all that? They don’t have to sign up/join OG to see/read it.


Server load here seems pretty heavy lately, just a consideration with onboarding more traffic. I’m sure the site would love more clicks and users, just a horde of them at once might overload it (if my original assumption is correct).
I guess depends what subreddit it’s posted on, I don’t think the ganja ones are highly trafficked (relatively speaking)?


So, are we supposed to just keep a deep dark secret, only for OG? lol To ‘get it out there’ is/was my objective in publishing it to begin with. I doubt that an additional ‘click’ now n then is gonna hurt us. Especially since there are already a lot of folks that cruise through here without signing in or joining. All you have to do is enter pretty much any Ganja related word/topic into Google, and you very well might see a post by someone here on OG.

edit… Also, I highly doubt that by simply publishing this mix recipe on another platform, that all of a sudden, there’s going to be a rush of clicks to us!

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Not saying to keep it a secret, I’m saying posting the summary there even with the link to here at the bottom might reduce the amount of unnecessary traffic. Either way I plan to donate soon since noticing things like search being disable while under heavy load here.


I’m sure any and all donations are appreciated by Lemonade Joe as well as the general site members, cuz.
This was posted on here with one thing in mind, to simply ‘get it out there’… to the general grower population of the world.
If I were active on any other platforms, it’d be published there as well. So for someone to volunteer to do this is just great, I think!


If I just shove a link into Reddit it will be chewed and possibly spit back up. Maybe some will see it and get curious but I’ve never had success that way.

The way I posted is your link pops up first, and then when u click on the post the short description comes out with the link to this place. I did best of both worlds it’s just Reddit is a bit weird ngl


I have zero idea on how those platforms work, my friend. Having never been on them, not in the least curious! lol