Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Sounds good. Like I said, many different roads all leading to the same destination. Soiless mix, hydro, composted mix, or commercial soil mix… all leads to having good Ganja to smoke!

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How could i make sure?

The ive been told springtails and thirps

did you see where Bob - @BudBusterPro identified em for ya, cuz?

This was his post


I did see it but they do look a bit different then the wiki images tagged. Im hearing springtail more than anything so ill just keep an eye on them as they develop. So far so good

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Whatever they are, lol they shall not be left alive! Right? lol


Im not sure if they are a pest or a beneficial insect? People are saying they help break down organic matter. Im just gonna kill them with the one and done. They creep me out


Update here is pretty simple. Bugs are dead at my friends outdoors. Took the pump sprayer and really got ‘em good and it was raining when applied. Not that I would recommend spraying in the rain but whatever had to do it. Bottom line is they are gone and did not see a live bug when inspecting the next day. I am sure that one might be in there somewhere. But it’s not gonna cause an issue at this point. Highly effective recipe here. A little pricey because of the quantity needed to make but you won’t be wasting any time and money in the long run so it actually saves you money.


Put a saucer under a pot with water and they will bounce around on the top of the water if they are springtails. Like @BudBusterPro said. They are harmless but yeah bugs in the garden are creepy. Let us know if it kills them @seeds2weeds


Im trying to stay true to organics. Are you guys familiar with any organic remedies to rid this little guys?


All of the ingredients in the mix are food grade cuz. Shouldn’t be a problem using it in an organic grow.


Thanks jp.

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If they are not on your plants, they are springtails. I wouldn’t mess with them, just water a little less. Are you seeing any bug damage on the plants?


Here’s what Google shows

Are springtails in plant soil harmful?

Most springtails are harmless scavengers, feeding mainly on decaying organic matter. Some species may damage plants by chewing on the roots and leaves of seedlings. The seedlings may appear wilted and may die if damaged when young.

Do springtails help plants grow?

In most cases, however, springtails benefit plants; for example, certain species help spread beneficial fungi on plant roots. The numbers of springtails rise and fall with fluctuations in temperature, moisture and food availability.

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brb going to die of alcohol poisoning lol. seriously though whats the difference between this (lab grade) and ‘food grade’ ethanol? if its 100% alcohol shouldnt it technically be consumable because it doesnt contain anything else

NOTE: please dont drink this stuff, im just curious


$$ and being able to ship it.


“and not a creature was stirring, not even a louse!” Well, maybe a couple, but there’s way way way more dead than alive.

I know I said I’d spray with the pump up, just to stay with protocol, but I dipped the little ones instead, and used a trigger bottle on the bigger ones.

I didn’t change the mix… it’s just fine. I think I didn’t really soak them well enough with the fogger.

I went through 3x quart spray bottles, and a gallon of dip this time, all diluted 2 0z/gal. I used 26 0zs of mix with the fogger. They looked covered, but apparently my eyes are worse than I thought.

I figure 2 or three more treatments, 3 days apart should do it. I’ll let y’all know :slight_smile:


i dont follow…this stuff is dirt cheap?

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Bob linked a product that’s 99.97% pure. Most are 95% max - if it’s above 99.9%, I believe it’s technically considered lab-grade or higher, though it varies with the chemical. That’s still not actually guaranteed pure, technically. Lab-grade is kind of a catch-all for chemicals that are pure enough for lab work, but not actually tested to a particular set of standards. Food-grade means it’s guaranteed to be safe to use with food - though obviously, with alcohol that’s a bit of a weird guarantee. Drinking a gallon of food-grade 190 proof will probably kill you whether or not there are impurities. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s not such a bad idea. Seeds are technically legal now, but there’s no guarantee they’ll stay that way.

Correct. I use some ethanol in my commercial work (though not imbibing). The cheapest source I could find was BVV for ALL grades. Any ethanol will absorb water from the air, if not tightly sealed…