Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Well, with this mix, you don’t have to move it! Leave it right where it is and spray TF outta it! lol

ANNNNND lol here we go,… again… lol You can (and will, if you grow long enough) get pests on the most tenderly cared for plant, given ALL the ‘right’ nutes and love!


This has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether or not you get pests!

Ya sure that ain’t a ‘puppet’ account? lol


Stop right there, please. Just leave! Thank you very much!
I have probably grown far longer than you are old, fella!

How long have you been growing, Johnny?

just curious

I’ll be 58 this month and you are uninformed (again)…

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I’m 74, be 75 in January. I first started in Ganja at the riipe old age of 3, running alongside my grandfather, wanting to ‘help’ on his Ganja farm. Where he grw/ sold/smoked until the day he died at 92 yrs old in 1968. (while i was away ‘visiting’ in Nam) Him, my pop, and my unc ran the ‘family business’. I was also a commercially licensed state grower for years until i retired due to medical issues.

Let me explain something to you, you don’t come onto one of MY threads and tell me to keep my opinions to myself!


Ok, so you’ve been doing this longer than I have.
Why are you uninformed on basic shit like plant health and natural immunity?

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STOP and LEAVE. thank you

Now you are being a bully.
I am so disappointed with this site. I was hoping it was better than TrollitUp…

Chat blocked. you are now on ignore.

lol sorry folks, I had to put this fella on ‘ignore’ now, I’m sure it was just another puppet account! :rofl: :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:


You haven’t answered my question.

And I’m still here…

This is totally related to the topic of this thread, whether the author admits it or not.

Instead of badgering the OP, why don’t you make your point?


lol I see there are ‘hidden’ replies I’m gonna assume from him. But not interested enough to open em and see! :rofl:
The trolls have came over from Rollitup! lol


lol I think he did make his point cuz. but it was pointless…
Ya just can’t get along with everyone! lol


Was hoping someone came into the same predicament as I have

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I’m almost positive there will be no interaction, cuz. as long as the plant is completely dry before applying the mix.
But, that ‘almost positive’ is why I said to spray just a small part first to make sure!
I personally, would wait a day or two after applying the STS, then you know it’s good and dry.


That’s what my plan I wouldn’t spray them one on top of another lol ! thoughts will ponder until I decide if I’m going to do it or not .Thanks cuz!


Apologies for the outburst, folks. lol But hellfire flew up in me when he had the balls to tell me to keep my opinions to myself! On my own thread, no less! :scream: :rofl:

And… more importantly, lol his ideas of ‘pest control’ were completely wrong! icing on the cake, no less. lol


Whether plants are healthy or not , you bring them into a room …:boom:

Your point is certainly valid sir, but moot !

If rollitup is better , Im Abe Lincoln

Dont bring That troll mentality here, it wont be tolerated by the members who will just put you on ignore like Johnny and me :sunglasses: Dumb ass