Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Dunn dunn dunn , and another one bites the dust . Love me some ignore button


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lol aaaannnd, moving on along now.
Already spent more time & type than he was worth, lol

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lol ya got my last one, cuz!


Don’tcha just LOVE folks who ask yer advice / opinion & in midstream tell ya you’re full of it & wanna argue . Dang old & sick & they wanna f with ya for sport . Then they wonder why they got bit…

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:heart: It was almost word for word, the same thing said earlier in this thread by another noob. I can’t help but wonder if that isn’t a puppet account! lol
It would be only remotely pertinent to this thread, this is about how to get rid of em, not preventative growing.

edit… and if preventative growing were the topic, lol even then it was an ill-informed ‘tip’ and not worth the screen time.


Yah that puppetturd was trying to get all trolled up in my mildew thread as well with the lame brix shit. Puhhhlease.


That ‘Troll mentality/attitude’ amazes and perplexes me. lol It’s sooo much better to laugh and joke, while smoking a bowl or doobie, and talking about grows, etc.
Why someone wants to stir it up, I just don’t know. lol


Arrogance, pure and simple arrogance.

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Whole lot of it is ‘cause they aint in snatchin’ distance . I too don’t understand the burning desire to be disagreeable . Some have never had to cash a ticket they sold & reaping what you sow seems a foriegn concept .


That’s thnx to the anonymity of the ‘online world’. You get punks living in their mom’s basement, being tough guys. lol In the real, they wouldn’t bust a grape.

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Your thoughts on using one and done five weeks in flour

flour, lmao

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You can use it all the way up to harvest, cuz. The only thing I’d say is if that close, wash the buds. Here we stop 7-10 days before chop. Everything is fine by harvest.


I always wash my buds whether I use the treatment or not

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No they still have five more weeks to go I just want to hit them one more time that should be enough

Then you’re good to go, brother. All ingredients are food grade, harmless. Some might leave a aftertaste, but if you wash anyhow, there should be nothing to bother.

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Yeah always wash n blow dry all bud , just water however , 30 gallon can i dunk in .


That new little mist sprayer i got works a treat w/ One n Done ! Makes it a cinch to cover undersides and in the middle . Use’s tiny amount of stuff , makes a mist fine enough it does not "rain " nor fall off . My mite issues are gonna beca thing of the past real real soon :sunglasses:


I use a USB rechargeable mister for the BBP, as to how it might work using this mix… no idea. Hopefully it isn’t too little for ya, cuz… and works out great. Keep us updated on how it does. Thnx

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They must be riding in on the wind. It seems that no matter how hard I try there’s always some sort of critter showing up in the grow.

They can and do float on the wind, lol