Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

They like the smell of ure cannabis, its going to be :fire:

The conditions (temps, humidity, food source) are prime for their life cycle. The fact of how (carried in on pets, and people, other plants, wind/breeze) they get in is secondary to once they’re IN, they proliferate, at an alarming speed.

I have a floraflex rechargeable sprayer that works really well with most stuff. I tried a neem mix in it 1 time and got what I deserved lol, tha damn thing clogged up.
Makes me wonder how this mix would work. Guess I could give it a try. Worst could happen is I clog up the pump and have to clean it out again

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I’m not using mine for this mix, cuz. I use a pump-up 2gal rig


I’m always on the hunt for something to add to my arsenal. I recently found a diy mix that works really well but lacks a wetting agent I guess. It seams to bead up slightly even with the fine mist of my sprayer. It uses 1 cup of castile soap per gallon so I’m not really sure what to add to accomplish a good even coverage

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Have you NOT read the OP, cuz? lol This is what it’s all about. This mix does the job better than anything I’ve ever seen or heard of or tried… and I’ve tried a LOT in the many decades I’ve been growing! lol


Yes I have. That’s why I mentioned wondering if it would clog my sprayer because of the amount of oil in it.

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DO as ya wanna, I always say. lol I don’t recommend it, but it might work well. I’m just not gonna try it just to have mine F’up, ya know? lol

Well I’m mechanically inclined and like taking shit apart, also hard headed lol

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Please, let us know how it works for ya, thnx Info & input is always appreciated, and folks can learn from it, even if’s a bad attempt. Good luck!

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I will, gonna try it soon. I’ve got an on going battle with spider mites. Just when I think I have em beat down and back off to biweekly treatment they show me how weak I am lol

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I used it in a Petra fogger, no clogs, but it didn’t kill most of the mites. I think I didn’t saturate the plants enough. Really laid it on with a trigger bottle sprayer, and it totally whacked them, but I do think a fogger will work. The mix is it’s own surfactant/spreader/sticker. Why reinvent the wheel?


We used 4oz in 2gal on like 12 - 14 plants, then hit em again 2 days later with same. It did the trick! lol Now we hit everything once a week, just in case some sneaky F’ers got in and we don’t see the damage yet. lol

Be sure to spray everything! Walls, floors, sides of pots, top of soil in pots, ceilings (what ya can without hitting lights)


In my post about needing a surfactant was in reference to a totally different mix. My mistake for even mentioning it.
My concern with this was the oil clogging my sprayer. Maybe the ethanol keeps that at bay. Time will tell


Same here. Pump sprayer worked better for me. Not saying foggers don’t work. But you need volume for maximum effectiveness.


I swear by this stuff now but made a couple of tweaks.

  1. I use food grade 100% Soybean oil
  2. I add up to an equal volume of concentrate in ethanol/ISO
  3. I add 10 drops of essential oils for every 2oz of concentrate. (Typically peppermint or rosemary)

It knocked out one of the most resistant spider mites that I have ever seen in 30+ years of growing. I have sent samples out to a few growmies.

BUT, stay vigilant! Today I raised some moms closer to the lights and noticed the telltale specs on a top leaf. I pulled the leaf and threw it on the Amscope and holy shit I saw dung, 2-3 eggs, and a juvenile runner. They got nuked immediately and without pause.

I will spray again in a couple of days. My larger room is already getting preventatively dosed once a week. I plan on throwing some in my Petrol backpack fogger to see how well I can get it to fog but ti may need more water/ISO. I can report back


As long as the tweaks don’t mess it up to where it doesn’t work. I’d think there are any number of substitutes, or even additives like essential oils, that wouldn’t hurt.


I appreciate you @JohnnyPotseed!

I’m not sure if you have ever used Plant Therapy but I have used it a lot. I noticed how strong of an alcohol aroma their concentrate had so I squirted some into a spoon and lit it on fire. It burns as a liquid concentrate. At Harvest Festival in Sonoma 2 years ago the guy who created it told me that for every ounce of concentrate, you can add another of isopropyl alcohol. I have also sprayed 70% ISO on plants and it does not phase them. Alcohol is one of the best contact killers in the game. The oil suffocates more slowly.

Nope, cuz. Never use it. I DO know you can’t spray a lot of alcohol on plants in bud, it will dissolve the trichs/THC. This mix is safe to use as is on the buddage all the way up to harvest, if needed.


First off - Thanks @JohnnyPotseed ! Great stuff! On my third two-liter batch and hitting absolutely EVERYTHING except the tree ferns!

Now @Kavman , there’s foggers…and there’s “FOGGERS”! Depending on your ambitions, the right tool for the right job makes all the difference! I’ve got acres and acres of rare plants and fruit trees…even with the normal electric backpac sprayers we’d never catch up! This does a great job of blowing the leaves all over so you get full coverage too. Just start spraying from 3-4 meters and walk forward until you have the right volume/force.

Now I just want (an affordable!) Hypoclorious Acid generator that makes enough I can use it in this sprayer! :diving_mask:

:rofl: :crazy_face: