Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

@Tlander That fogger I can see by the video really looks like it puts out some volume. Mine works well for the most part. I use it religiously. The time I had the problem was with a friend of mines plants. They were 8-10 feet tall and there was just enough room between them to walk through. So the fogger probably missed some spots no doubt. Came back a day or two later and used a pump sprayer focusing on the undersides of the leaves. Got ‘em all that time. This stuff really works great. I will surely be using this from now on outdoors. Indoors I will keep with my current ipm spray (kelp,neem, peroxide and dr bronners soap . But if I see anything I will hit them with this. I would probably switch over if the MTA could be used with kelp. Maybe it can. Never tried. And I ain’t much of a Guinea pig haha.


Thnx, cuz. For the hypochlorous-acid, have you checked this out?

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Sure have! Bob got me started on it last year.about this time , just as monsoon rolled in. :joy: :diving_mask: :joy:


No chance to read the thread but I wanted to comment so I could find it again. Can this stuff be used on flowers?


From Johnny a few day ago. When I sprayed in late flower all the pistils changed color. Your results may vary. Bud still came out very nice, no off flavors or anything.


Hey there cuz. I see @Slammedsonoma420 took care of answering your question. It’s all food grade ingredients, so safe to use up to the day of harvest. You might wanna wash the buddage to get rid of the bugs as well as the mix. But it’s not harmful at all.


Very beneficial. Anyone found a source other than Arbico?

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Thank you Johnnypotseed! DIY for the win brother.

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Aphid, or maybe cricket/grasshopper?

If you download the pic you can zoom. It’s a macro shot. has a green end/head and then is sort of translucent. it hopped off a leaf and onto the tent wall. i found a beneficial lacewing yesterday, but it had wings. this does not it seems.

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I’m going with leaf hopper.

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thanks. i sprayed one plant with pyganic solution. 1ml per gallon or so. if it doesn’t kill it, I might treat the rest. I planned to flip to flower today or tomorrow.

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I’m with @JoeCrowe on this one.

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Would this spray work on russet/broad mites?

First, hi and welcome to OG!
Second… yes simple answer.


So I recently found a heavily aphid infested plant. I hit it with MTA and about an hour later anything I must of just grazed were all moved to the stalk and branches easy to squish. Has anyone else seen this with this product?

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Never had Aphids, so not familiar with their habits, brother. maybe someone else has more info on em…? Feel free to chime in, folks.


I had the aphids. Sprayed with mta full strength and the adults were dead right away. I observed under a usb microscope. Seemed to me the mta drowned the aphids. Not sure exactly what kills them but the bugs have a hard time moving from what I saw. But @420noob have seen them in the formation you describe and is common. Hit them again until you wipe them all out. Then spray them again to be safe if you want.


I have thank you for the heads up. Glad you have seen this before. I have it twice gonna hit again then probably neem just as a bit of protection.


I’ve found the MTA is all that’s needed cuz. But hey, if you already have some Neem then go ahead. But if ya gotta buy some to follow up? naw lol that won’t be necessary. just hit em every time you see one, they’ll be wiped out soon. Are you spraying the walls floors, outsides of pots, etc?


Not everything is in the first post brother. There are ingredients that help the mix stick to the pest while the others also kill it

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