Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Ya I sprayed everything down and need to do it again. I have a lot of neem concentrate on hand for garden so that’s not an issue thanks for the look out. I’ve been giving about 3 days in between treatments. I’ll get these fuggers.


I’d go every other day until they’re gone. Don’t give the eggs a chance to hatch from any you miss. Sounds like you gotta bad situation there brother. What happened for you to get so infested? Hitchhikers on outdoor plants brought inside?


I’m heading out. i’ll cyas tomomrrow

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Yeppers had to bring herbs in for the winter and most of them are deterents but the mint and lemon balm are my suspects. They are getting hit as well.


The aphids give live birth to clones that have the next generation of clones living inside. Once you kill all the adults, the entire colony will be wiped out. No eggs.


Usually every fall, as I bring some of the outdoor ornamentals, indoors as our winter will kill them, we always got a BLOOM of gnats, aphids, mites.
The Once and Done, I made the half batch, it should last me, well until I’m composted for good.
I used it sparingly, on them, and damn it wiped them almost out.
Then I realized, I did not spray any into the saucers.
Sprayed down into the all the sink drains, shower drain, inside the toilets bowls, every place the wee bastages hang out.
And, Whamo!!
Thank you greatly to unknown.


:heart: :heart: :heart:
outta likes for the moment brother, lol but glad ya liked it!


Hey JPS, it makes a great Christmas present also, MORE SO, now that I see how excellent the stuff is. So easy to make, safe to use, and just bad assed effective!
Thanks so much for sharing!! All the best to you and yours!!


Thnx brother! I try to help the good folks of OG as much as I can. I’ve shared the recipe with a few commercial grower friends here in OK, since the whole damn state has an infestation this year! They’re not members of OG, but hey! lol That doesn’t make em bad folks!


I had to try it - food safe edible ingredients - and with the positive words in this thread I couldn’t resist sourcing the ingredients to give it a whirl.

Amazon had cottonseed oil but it arrived too late - I already subbed in grape seed oil when I did the half batch.

I had a plant ripening seeds in the window from outdoors this season - pulled it inside with my house plants end of the fall season. Well some mites appeared to come in with the plant. Worst part was I had a branch of it drying in my grow room about a week before I brought a bunch of other cannabis in. So right before flip I gave everything a shot of this stuff.

Grow room is 100% it’s been about 4 weeks of flower with no signs.

Then this happened :

I found some spider mites on my lemon tree. Must have transferred off at one point.

Now it’s sprayed down good, I also added another 20 ml of ever clear to this batch. Make it a bit more spicy.

Also sprayed every other house plant in the vicinity - some are Mrs. Soil Techs plants im not certain on all the varieties - but we had some citrus trees - a pineapple - and I even did a light spray on the cactus and aloe I have. (I don’t think the pests are attracted to these tho)

This morning they all look fine - no signs of any ill effects.

This stuff seems too good to be true, I can spray it in the house, I didn’t use gloves or a mask and it didn’t bother me. But that’s just me so def use the gloves if you’re sensitive.

Nice work ‘cuz’ love the stuff. Thanks so much for sharing.


Like so many others, brother. It worked for ya, and that’s the most important thing! I’m glad you gave it a go, and it did the job for ya! Grow On!
btw… lol nice houseplants/ornamentals, the wife here has a lot of them also. She brings them in during winter, but not into the ‘farm-inna-barn’! THAT is ‘verboten’ lol


Hey everyone, I picked up a pallet today from a shop. I’m planning on putting it in my tent to elevate the pots off a cold concrete floor. My question is if I let the pallets sit outside for 24 hours in 50-60f temps will that rid of any bugs that are possibly on it?

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Probably not all cuz, lol them pests can be downright pesky!


Lmao i was thinking that same thing bro. What do you think i should do in this case? Use whatever i got in the house or throw this pallet in

Spray that fucker with iso is my first thought

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I’ve had/used pallets before also. Some bugs will move/leave just by you moving the pallet. some will hang around. Spraying with Iso should do the trick
Or, lol you could just turn the garden hose on it real good, from every angle
That latter is what I did a few times, it works too

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Omg hahah!

Pressure treated wooden pallet in a tent aint TOO crazy right? I know a plastic one would be ideal but this is what i got lol

Had a friend in the air force ( Lt. Col) gave me a bunch of pallets they used for missiles, made of 5/4 rough cut Mahogony.


Nice i bet you built some nice stuff wit them.
Now the fun part spray and try to stuff this 48”x40” pallet in a 48”x48” tent