Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Can i dilute the iso 1:1 n it still be effective?

lol I ended up making some cabinets out of the wood, after breaking em down and finishing with a table planer.


Hell yea pallets can be super useful. One mans trash is another mans treasure

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If mixing your own isn’t an option for whatever reason this GrowSafevstuff works like a champ and can be used anytime up to harvest. It can be added to spinosid to make some seriously lethal shit if you need a hard knock down on a bad infestation. I put misters in a loop under the canopy and give them a light application every couple weeks. I’m more comfortable with a regulated minimal IPM. If anything does break through my response time is better and more effective. But I havent had a single event of insect or mold since I started this. I’m going to make a batch of the one and done and see how it does in the misters. I think it would work well in this application if it doesn’t plug them up. I could likely dilute it to make it mister friendly when used as a preventative measure.

AgroMagen, GrowSafe Bio-Pesticide, Organic Natural Miticide, Fungicide and Insecticide, (33.8 fl.oz.)

Spinosad is a big NO-NO, cuz. lol It will cause a ‘fail’ at any lab test. Not good for anyone to smoke
I found this out the hard way, when we were commercial growers. Lost out on over $20,000 harvest. Lab test failed, due to trace of Spinosad. Couldn’t even get it processed down to concentrates…also, couldn’t even add to the compost bins!
We bought/used Azamax, which has Spinosad in it… another $350/gal down the drain also lol


I’ve never actually seen a spider mite survive on a pineapple plant. Those things are super tough!


I got an issue I have 2 long flower sativas that are 2-3 weeks to harvest. They, actually one, are holding lots of aphids and had to remove some lower budsites cause buds were full of aphids. I can keep spraying my other plants but that just keeps numbers down in another week or so I won’t be able to spray my newly introduced flower tent. Can I cover said plants with a clear plastic bag open at the bottom to help stop the spread? Also was thinking of removing all the fan leaves on the long flowers since that’s were most aphids are. Should they finish flowering with just sugar leaves. Please any ideas. I don have room to isolate the carrying plants. I really need some help here.


You can spray up to the day of harvest with no ill effects, brother. You’re gonna need to wash the buddage anyhow, to get rid of any dead ones in there, so no big deal if you spray to kill em, then wash the bud.


Oh no shit!! FUCKING AWESOME! should I remove some of the more yellow fan leaves or should be fine?


I always take dead/dying leaves off before I spray. They just keep mix from hitting where it’s really needed, lol


I need a sprayer… mine doesn’t mist, leaks all down my hand from trigger, and makes a mess with overspray… it’s pissing me off. :laughing:

I remember some of y’all mentioning sprayers, any links to cheaper units that wont have me throw it across the yard?



I use the 2gal pump sprayer, works great. They also come in 1gal.

I buy mine from Amazon


OK I’ll say it for the 50th time lol so people looking this up don’t have to go back to the top of the thread.

from my personal experience using it for six months or more

there is nothing that works better

The plants absolutely love it

you may spray it with lights on with no ill affects

if needed it can be repeated very quickly without ill effects

if you cover the critter it’s dead

although I make sure not to have any bugs in the flower it may be used in flower

it doesn’t stink it doesn’t burn your eyes or your hands it doesn’t do anything other than kill every little bug it touches.

I wash all of my bud even the indoor and nothing funky comes off the plant from using this

this is not a paid endorsement😎


My experience with spray bottles they always leak… this one has pretty good reviews.

I’ll order one tomorrow

I haven’t seen or heard of anyone that tried this MTA ‘one-n-done’ that will say it didn’t do the job, with speed, ease, and confidence.
For heavy infestations, you may need to repeat every day for 2-3 days… but it WILL eradicate all the F’ers!


lol sorry brother, I meant to post that as a stand-alone post, not as a reply to you. lol I know you use/like it, same as me.


yeah the coolest thing of all is you can run it day after day after day I have run it three days in a row before to quickly get rid of an infestation in the plants were not harmed at all I did however give them a hose off with some clean water between the second and third application but I don’t think it would’ve been necessary

no more Aza max no more Spinosad no more Castile soap no more doctors signs Dr. zymes good for you stupid phone no more anything but

One n Done


That might be fine if you’re only running a few plants, lol But I’m sure you’ve seen my ‘farm-inna-barn’, my friend. takes a lot more than one of them little spray bottles will do…

Since we started using it, we haven’t seen any sign of pests. We still do a weekly spray, just in case some of them suckas have creaped in. lol


Got so tired of the little bottles getting clogged and not working the high dollar electric sprayer I had just refused to work I ended up buying a $15 one or 2 gallon little hand pump sprayer from Lowe’s. The little thing just works and works and works and it has an adjustable wand on the end with like four settings only the fine mist spray is appropriate it sprays pretty heavy But that’s a good thing a little extra won’t hurt the plants and I absolutely get them dripping with this thing


Same thing , only we ordered from Amazon, lol them little hand-pump sprayers are the shit!