Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Thanks for the magic sauce!


Purchased a new spray applicator, supposed to be a nice fine mist. My generic one leaks like a sieve and soaks my hand and drips everywhere. This should make getting a better coating.

$15 from amazon


I bought two of them neither one lasted more than two applications they wanted done gum them up to the point they wouldn’t spray anymore when they sprayed they were amazing now they’re in the garbage can



@Jetdro did you try flushing with straight water after use?

Not ideal i get that, just curious now that you brought it up. I’ll try it and see if it helps, if not mine will join in the landfill.


Hey I used the spray on some outdoor plants and had good results, I was wondering if I could dip clones in this mix, or would there be a different application rate used for dipping? Thanks for getting this info out there.


Yep, you can dip plants into the mix (diluted - per instructions) or spray em (preferred)

edit… @FinkPloyd If you dip em, which I can understand the need, like a very heavy infestation. I’d rinse em off afterwards.


Does anybody have any mta one and done they would be willing part with?

if anyone in canada has made this and wants to recoup some money i will buy some off you.

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anyone know if the everclear/ethonol can be subbed with isypropyl or hydrogen peroxide ? the 2 former are super expensive in canada and hard to find local

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Very cool @JohnnyPotseed, I will be trying this out if need be but hopefully not. I live in a area with tons of nurseries and the bastards tend to be immune to most pesticides. I doubt they would survive this.

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@204medismoke if you go to a local auto supply house the carry it up there, not expensive. I’m not sure either will work as a sub in this mix. I do know ISO, diluted in straight water will work, only if you use it on flowering plants, it will kill THC also!
@Orbitalnutria420 … it WILL work on all of th soft bodied pests, no mtter where they are in the world!


thank you brother. so you mean local auto shops should have ethanol ? i will call a few if there open today and see what i can find out. much respect


Local supply stores in Canada
Auto parts store


I think it’s ‘denatured alcohol’ up there… same thing.


I honestly cannot thank jps enough for making this thread. Been dealing with a horrible sm issue and have tried all kinds of stuff without luck. Bought all the stuff, mixed it up, sprayed infected plants, BOOM DEAD!!!


I finally ordered everything on the list. I’m tired of spider mites. Thanks for making this thread.


You 100% will not regret it… I’ve been scoping my plants that were infected with mites and haven’t found a single living one yet.


hey @JohnnyPotseed, would this be safe to use on carpet? I don’t give a shit about stains or anything I already got the materials to redo that floor just can’t afford it yet. I’m a little worried about fire hazard with the alcohol, tho that pure of alcohol would normally evaporate quickly, is that still the case or does the mixture make it stick around longer?
I’m on my 3rd grow in a row to catch spider mites, I clean the tent out completely and they don’t show up until well into flower so I’m guessing they’re surviving in the carpet. Predator mites and lady bugs have kept them at bay enough to get some good flower and a bunch of good bubble hash the past 2 but they get worse each time

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I honestly have no idea about them working on carpet. sorry

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The final product you spray is heavily diluted in water. I spray the carpet in my room every time I treat. No stains or fires so far. The carpet was already fairly stained but I’d like to think I’d notice a fire right off. :grin: