Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

sniff, sniff. SNIFF, man… y’all smell something? Oh! That’s just my pipe!

No worries on the flammability of the M.T.A. Ultimatum. Yes the alcohol is HIGHLY flammable by itself but I’d wager, even in concentrate, it is no longer flammable. I’m about to have to mix another batch, I’ll test the concentrate for ya. There is 0 possibility of flammability after dilution to proper ratios.


It’s not so the flamability of the mix ( zero) it was the idea of using it on carpet. lol I’d think you’d almost have to do a shampoo with the mix to get into any deep carpet, for it to do much good. I don’t have any kind of carpet anywhere…


I have put a towel under what I am spraying to protect the carpet with no issues for the carpet.


I bought my house from a hairdresser who worked at home and from the stains on the carpet in my grow room did dye jobs in there lol…

this is the goal! I’m in the middle of redoing all my floors so the carpet will come out soon enough just not soon enough, I smoke too much to have to go back to buying all my nug at MO prices…

thanks @Tejas for the tip but thats not really an issue… it is super reassuring so many of yall r using this MTA with good results tho.

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I don’t remember looking at auto stores, but let us know if you find it there in canada. I doubt it.
And “denatured” almost certainly means "we added shit that is ‘poisonous’ ".

"To render unfit to eat or drink without destroying usefulness in other applications, especially to add methanol to (ethyl alcohol). "

But then, ISO has “denaturing” agents in it too I think.

Correct me if I’m wrong, anyone.

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Ethanol is the preferred ingredient, 190 proof Everclear (grain alcohol) is next. The ‘denatured alcohol’ is third and last, on the list. This MTA mix isn’t used to make a drink, it’s to kill pests. The dilution rate is extremely low, almost to the point of non-existent. Like anything you’d use to kill pests, there is ‘poisonous ingredients’… this mix is probably one of the least harmful to humans though. lol While being one of the most deadly to Mites, Thrips, and Aphids!
Denatured alcohol IS available in Canada at lots of auto supply stores, Lowes, Home Depot, Canadian Tire, and hardware stores. If you can’t find it in the store, check the online store site. Failing that, Methyl Hydrate is the next best alternative.
Google is my friend! lol


Yes I was going to ask you about this?

And you got it answered! Thank you for this! @Upstate sent me :+1:


While that isn’t 100% Ethanol, (I see 90% with 5% ISO & 5% Acetate) the amount of other ingredients shouldn’t be much of a bother. I can only say good luck! I’d also just do a ‘test’ on a plant in flower, to see if the bud is damaged by it… since ISO does kill trichomes. But in veg, you’ll be fine, I’m willing to venture.
edit… How about it there brother @Upstate ? Have you tried this on all stages of growth?

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I did buy all the stuff and made this formula! I would say it definitely killed the thrips that I had but did not work on one bug that was like a tick or mite looking bug. So I bought another thing for that. I still make this one and done and use it.


If you could see it with the naked eye, it probably wasn’t a mite. More likely a predator bug, or beneficial Did you notice any damage on the plant you saw the bigger bug?


No o did not and your probably right as I looked it up and everything I found said the same thing you said. For me I just hate seeing things crawling in my grow so I’m trying to kill everything that moves. As for the one and done it does work for sure. Thanks for hooking it up @JohnnyPotseed.


Glad you like/use it brother. Being organic grower for many years, I like as many beneficial insects as possible, lol (especially spiders)


lol I’m indoors and I just get freaked out still new to the big thing as I was taught to keep the room clean I don’t know which big is friend or foe.


If in doubt, wipe it out! lol As good a motto to use as any, brother. I moved to indoor growing in the winter of '84-85 and ain’t looked back…


Yes I like indoor better easier to keep things In check. Outdoors I had a pm problem and said F it I’m going indoors. Best decision ever I think.


Does this also work on bud worms. Just moved to east Oklahoma and wanted to try outdoors for my first time and not sure what to expect. Seems like I hear you guys talk about spidermits and bud worms a lot. I was thinking of spinosad and happened to run across this thread. I know with spinosad you’re suppose to start treating right as then enter flower and every week it seems up to the last two weeks.

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NEVER use spinosad! It leaves residue harmful to humans ingesting it. Also will cause lab test to ‘FAIL’
As for your question, no idea if this mix will work on budworms, never tried on em. Maybe some members have? How about if folks, anyone have some helpful input here?
When we were commercial spinosad cost us over $20,000 with a failed test!


Thanks for your input sir. I thought it was safe since it’s a organic soil derived bacteria and they use it on fruits and veg in commercial settings. I also thought it was water soluble and if you stopped using it about two weeks before harvest followed by washing the buds it would be ok. So, have you used BT before and what’s your opinion? That’s the other suggested insecticide I’ve seen recommend followed with miticide. This will be my first attempt at outdoors and it looks like bugs and mold are what I have to deal with here in east ok. Hopefully the deer leave shit alone.


Spinosad can leaver traces detectable in lab test for months after using it during a plants cycles. Washing your buds is always a good idea, especially if grown outdoors… But, it doesn’t get rid of spinosad, that crap is absorbed into the buddage.
Captain Jacks works as good as any, I reckon. Never used it myself, but hear a lot of folks tout it. For mold/mildew or bud rot, I use the Hypochlorous acid generator to make my own, found here.

lol good luck with the deer! I’ve grown outdoors all over the country. Especially the southeast… moved to indoors in the winter of 84-85 and haven’t looked back, lol Them shits will do their best to get to your plants! One thing that works pretty good is to pee or dump around your plants, the smell of humans makes some of em leave the plants alone. Of course that was over 40yrs ago, lol they might not give a damn about human smell by nowadays!


Morning @JohnnyPotseed Was it you mentioned washing bud? I wash all my outdoor. Indoor weed if I had to spray for critters, which I haven’t done in at least a year.
Once I see what you wash off, it convinced me it’s a good idea. Nasty.