Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

A lot of folks recommend, & do, wash the buddage after harvest. I’m one of em, yep. lol


I had a really nice plant, grew indoors, that I took outside and sprayed down with the house. The plant was all glimmering with oils and after the spray down it looks pathetic as most of the oils was gone. The smoke was just ok …so I assumed washing ruined it. I’ve seen a few post over the days now of people washing their plants just fine. Bottom line…does washing remove the sticky icky and lower the overall quality?


Those parts of the plant aren’t water soluble.


No it doesn’t… as long as you’re gentle with the buddage, it’s all good. I’ve seen no effect in the buzz between washed and unwashed. Only in the taste. If you’re too ‘vigorous’ in the wash, I could see it possibly knocking off some of the trichs, maybe?

Thnx for the input here, brother @JoeCrowe


Haven’t had a problem with deer and the cannabis plant. They are hell on my potatoes and beans though. I guess once they get a taste for something it’s game over.

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Use BT for budworms. Spray really well when buds start and about 4 weeks in. Really get it in against the stems. In my experience these 2 treatments are enough. Don’t Spray anything on buds the last 4-6 weeks imo. Outdoor plants can fight off some mites and bugs alone. To control fungals, you can Spray Garden friendly fungicide or similar product until buds start forming. A foliar of kelp and wettable sulfur is is good during vegetive stages for prevention. GL


No it doesn’t. Water temp is key tepid or room temp cold water will knock tric heads off. It makes quality much better! It removes dirt, bugs, dead bugs, animal hair, bug poop and anything that might have landed on plant through air movement. Even my indoor weed smokes cleaner and smoother after a bud wash. I use lemon juice and baking soda some use h2o2 and some use both. They I believe work like a surficant to help break down any oils and junk. Bud washing is done even for hash weed.
Your hose water was probably to cold. You saw all the bad oily stuff glimmering off that is bad. Bud wash in tubs/buckets with proper temp water and don’t best up buds on sides of buckets. It is gross what comes off the plants. Hell after washing my first plant I was so grossed out I wash my sample buds even lol.


I have it works great for catipillars and other leaf eating worm type critters. It’s organic but is a bacteria that when applied to plants the worms eat and the Bacteria on the leaves and die. It also works as soil drench for fungus gnats in form of mosquito bites.

Also washes off with water.
the mosquito bits has bti bacillus thuringiensis sub israrelensis bt(I)
The first pic is Monterey bt with sub species kurstaki. I don’t know if it makes a difference but they both work.


BTK for caterpillars, BTI for fungus gnats and mosquito.


Thanks for clarifying that for me.

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Been having a bug issue before it gets out of hand made this, and it WORKS! I took a leaf scoped it after I sprayed it and those bugs were crisp and shriveled up.
Thanks to @JohnnyPotseed and anonymous for sharing this.


I sprayed the MTA on spotted lantern fly nymphs a few weeks ago. After that I didn’t see as many.
Idk if it killed them or just help them move to a different place.

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Any it hit would die, seeing some still there just means you gotta spray again. Sometimes even 3-4 days in a row to eliminate ALL. More move in after you spray, from areas not sprayed. It kills on contact, BUT does not leave any residue to continue killing later.


That makes sense. The area where I sprayed didn’t have any more
Spotted lantern fly nymphs at all. So I guess it works on them as well.
It would be nice to see if anyone else had the same experience I did.

It works great for the original purpose.
Thanks again JP

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whats the mix again ?.

thank you …

Looks like my last colonoscopy prep @420noob . Just nasty! Like you and @JohnnyPotseed said, not cold. Mild agitation is plenty. I don’t early in the day, running a fan on them. End of day just hang like normal. Easy peasy.

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It’s all in the first post.

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It’s at the beginning of the post, I made half 26 0z.

Distilled water 9 fl oz
Malic acid 25 grams
Citric acid 25 grams
Cottonseed oil 12.5 oz
Polysorbate 80 2.5 oz
Everclear 190 proof 75 ml
Hand mixer (electric works better and cheap on Amazon).
All food grade.
This is for half the recipe


The Everclear is a substitute for the Ethanol

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Get a scope and scope those leaves, you’ll see dead bugs!

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