Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Yeah, I am stoned too. PHK and MAC. I was being facetious about our locally made 190. This company surely didn’t start so teenagers could make jungle juice. :rofl: We buy it to process our abundance of flowers. Got to do something with it. :rofl:


That extra 39 proof will make you turn to stone in Cali. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I like to leave a lasting impression :wink:


Since it is pure isopropyl alcohol, I believe it would be safe to add to this as an ethanol replacement. It is toxic for humans to drink because of its molecular shape, but it will all evaporate off the plant just like ethanol. Isopropyl alcohol is fine for killing bugs, but not for human consumption. I would not use rubbing alcohol because it can contain other nasties that might not evaporate and could leave a toxic residue.


I don’t hardly ever drink, so beer gets me stoned too :rofl:


I don’t know how the law words things, like if it’s “illegal” (impossible) to purchase locally, in the state, but having it in the state (brining it in yourself, or ordering from elsewhere in the usa) might be fine. There are several places for those in america to purchase different products which are 190 to 200 proof pure ethanol.

Are you in canada or usa? I think there are options for both, obviously more options in usa.

I would have to get it from Alberta, which isn’t far away. I could always distill this 75% into 100.

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You have the right equipment for that? Cool.

There are a couple other places to get it, in canada most are probably in the AB region, even some US places, or at least US sites that have a warehouse in CAN they ship from, though it’s even more expensive that way, unless buying more volume - maybe. And unless they can include duties etc., in the price for you to compare and know up front.
Getting everclear type stuff from AB (if one doesn’t live there) is about $40-50 per 750mL, plus $40-50 shipping for that one bottle. And the shipping doesn’t get much cheaper by adding more bottles either.

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Well, first hand testing, right here. Had seen a little damage but didn’t think it too bad but no, even a little webbing is too much so I mixed some up as close as I could get to the recipe. Couldn’t find cottonseed oil locally so I went with another neutral oil, canola. Looks a little brighter white than yours @JohnnyPotseed but that could also be lighting. So gloves on, the war continues.

Note: this is my first application.


No idea if the sub will work, since it’s not my formula cuz. However, I think any plant based food grade cooking oil should work. Let us know.


BVV is a great source for ethanol, excise tax included in price…

I’m guessing cottonseed oil was stipulated because of all veggy oils, Cottonseed is the most ‘insect active’ Since your trying the canola make sure and let us know how it works !!


Now that’s a helluva find cuz!

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Help wherever I can Johnny…enjoy !!

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I’ve made up small batches to send some to other members. lol. Used up that pint of Everclear… no biggie really, but now I’m gonna need some more of the alcohol soon. Now I know!


Yup, TBH Johnny, I bought a 270 gal tote from them for use in our commercial formulations…


Whew cuz! lol I doubt seriously I’ll ever need that kinda volume! But understood from your point of view, with your line of work, I can see the need to buy bulk.

I just don’t see the sense in letting this stuff just sit around here, ya know? I bought everything, used it… and it works great! lol But I’m sitting on ingredients that will probably gather dust, so I’m sharing small batches with others. :+1:
Figure let em see for themselves, then that gives em time to buy the stuff to make it themselves.

lol I just re-read that last line. I’m just too damned stoned to be thinking straight, I guess! :rofl: :blush: :scream: :wink:
But it works so well, they shouldn’t have to buy the stuff! Well, in some areas, you’ll get a whole new infestation in another year, lol.


So maybe I am alone on this, but I’m have trouble getting the mix to spray and not stream in my hand sprayer.

Sprayer mists water fine but only comes out as a steam when using the mix.

Any suggestions?

You are diluting it 1.5-2 Oz per gallon of water, right? The recipe is a concentrate. I seem to have lost my sprayer so I haven’t tried just yet but that will be remedied shortly.


Wrong sprayer! sorry
Also, like @joheimgrohen asked, are you diluting the concentrate?
I use the 2gal pump sprayer for the solutionScreenshot 2023-03-21 at 10-40-20 electric sprayer bottle

lol the electric sprayer I use for my BBP