Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

lol you’re not buying some cuz, I’m giving it to you! All you’re doing is helping me out by paying for the shipping, lol
I don’t sell the mix! That’s illegal! lol
Not gonna get the FDA down on me here! lol


Not for preventative use, it doesn’t leave a residue that keeps on killing cuz. It’s a ‘Contact Killer’ only. Use it when you see any pests!


@JohnnyPotseed Getting ready to mix this up and I realized I don’t have one of those cool little blenders/stirrers you have. Is it necessary to get the emulsion right? If I am even using that term correctly. I have these things pictured below… for can i just stir it by hand with a spoon ya think? Maybe just shake it in a jar?

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To avoid ‘out-splash’ I’d think just about any of the ones with lids would work cuz. Hand shaking would be a hit-or-miss proposition, imo
Everything ingredient-wise is food grad & safe. So just wash out good with hot soapy water afterwards.

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I used a bullet blender


Alright growmies… I got the ingredients in hand. I did some converting of the recipe to make a smaller batch and I figured someone else might find it useful. I ended up using an online recipe converter and targeting an 8 oz bottle of cottonseed oil because thats what I was able to get in 1 day from amazon. I am heavily relying on the fact that this recipe converter works correctly so maybe double check the math if you are skeptical and let me know if you find an error.

So original makes 52 oz of concentrate, so at 2oz per gallon we can make roughly 26 gallons of spray. I figured 2 gallons should be right for most home grows for a single treatment so 26 gallons gets you 13 treatments.

17 oz should get us 8.5 gallons of spray or about 4 treatments. That seems more than enough for my use for now. I settled on making 17oz of concentrate because I have an 8oz bottle of cotton seed oil from amazon. Now I just need to get more cotton seed oil if i need to make more. Bonus, all these ingredients fit perfectly into the small ninja above.

Exact Ingredients to make 17 oz of concentrate according to converter and some of my own math

  • 174ml Distilled Water
  • 16.3 grams Malic Acid
  • 16.3 grams Citric Acid
  • 1 - 8oz bottle of Cotton Seed Oil
  • 49ml Ethanol
  • 48ml Polysorbate 80 Food Grade

I have a lot of work a head of me but I have sprayed one tent so far. Wish me luck buddies, i’m off to war! One of the really aphid infested plants was first up… they all ran and stood up and I imagine were screaming but I couldn’t hear them. They didn’t die instantly but I assume they were on their way out.


Well after looking at my photo I realized I ordered citric acid instead of malic acid. I already had citric acid and Amazon must have suggested it to me when looking at malic and I thought it was same but cheaper. So I made and sprayed with all citric acid and no malic acid. Dammit!!! So I will have to make up another batch when malic acid arrives.

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One question cuz. It looks like you have 2 bags of Citric acid, instead of 1 bag Citric and 1 bag Malic?
lol ok i see you next post right above me, nevermind. You caught it

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Thanks buddy! Yeah I caught it. Pretty upset about it. Also, looks like malic is definitely a big part of the mix when it comes to killing the aphids cause they’re still alive on the infested plant. Caved and ordered the big jug of cotton seed oil and some malic acid. I went a head and treated the rest of the first tent with the current mix just because.

I wonder if I could just add some malic to the current concentrate rather than start over from scratch.

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Without knowing the exact amount of each still remaining, to try adding the Malic would just be wasteful, IMO. You have no idea of the exact amount to add, and the amounts, even broke down to half-measure, is crucial. It’s going to hurt, I know, but toss the batch of ‘wrong’

edit. another thought also cuz. Since you put twice the amount of Citric into the mix. To make it truly usable, you’d need to also add double of every other ingredient. Which will make it even harder to measure accurately. All while trying to double the Malic, into the correct amount/ratio of the remaining mix
Unless you have access to a lab that can give you the breakdown of exact amounts of ingredients ratios…just toss it!

Sorry to point out bad news cuz, but to try saving money by using the wrong mix, will just end up costing you more, in addition to not being effective in getting rid of your pest, you’d more than likely still need to mix even more, properly ratio’d to actually kill your problem.


I just went to war on Aphids on my tomato plants. I got some “Maggies” stuff from Walmart to try first I think it has pyrethrin etc. Interested to see how it works.

Next up though I’ll be trying JP’s recipe, just gonna take a few days to get all the ingredients.

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Mix up a second batch without citric but double the malic, Then combine the two 1:1. If you used any of your current concentrate, just remove that amount from the second batch of concentrate and mix.


lol Rather ingenious solution there cuz, it might even work!
All I know is the first solution would NOT work! lol


Thanks for posting this, I got everything ordered to give a small batch a try (plus extra of that food grade ethanol! Thanks for that @BudBusterPro!). I’ve always dealt with mites in the background, with occasional flare ups when I miss some treatments. I’ve only been using garden soap so I can keep them at bay in bloom, but that doesn’t kill the eggs, and I refuse to pay the extravagant prices they charge for products that are sold to the cannabis market. I read the active ingredients of some of the more expensive bottles of bug/mildew control, citric acid and various oils. they wanted like $50 or more for a few ounces, and mixing directions were more than just an oz or two per gallon. Complete niche marketing robbery


Yep cuz, like you have, we’ve been fighting them little F’ers ever since we moved back to Oklahoma! Now we have this MTA mix in our arsenal, they’re on the run and disappearing from our grow.
Even though it seems like almost every time we walk outdoors, they hitch a ride into the barn. (DAMN EM!) SpiderMites are just that intrusive/abundant in this state… lol But now, at least, it doesn’t cost an ‘arm-n-leg’ or ‘lien-on-newborn’ to fight em! Whenever we see any sign, we hit the whole grow, both rooms, and the problem is taken care of! lol


I do know exactly how much I removed from the first batch… So I really think this would work. However, to avoid me fucking this up again I may just start over. Waiting and watching for the mailman to bring me my malic acid.

lol It’s your mix, cuz. Do as ya wanna.I just gave my opinion. If it doesn’t work like you want, well… that’s on you, lol


I got everything except the cottonseed oil, I’ll keep searching locally. I can’t believe I might have to order cooking oil online :man_facepalming:


IKR? It was impossible to find locally here also. Had to order from Amazon!


Same here, got mine on eBay.