Mith's 2x4 tent

Annnd we’re back.

First thing I did was to grab my tray of cuts from the babysitter. Last time I left for vacation and asked for help from a plant sitter I got 2 8 lights locations raided. (Partied in the growroom, filmed music videos etc)
This time I told the new sitter, the worst thing you can do is do something. Don’t touch anything, that’ll be more than enough. Went well. Came and uppotted them to 6" to mom them.

Missing from the pic is chem d and ecsd. I killed both from incompetence. Luckily I got a chem d outside that’s doing well and the ecsd I’ll get back.

Now I just have to visit the skunk patch and grab cuts from a couple dozen different plants and start building some foundational lines.


What are you doing this weekend?

With 2 weeks of crap coming, I’m chopping everything still outside.

Another seeded patch, some testers patches, nowhere to dry… you know the drill lol

Ps: 2x4 tent is no more, I setup a rack for moms and clones and kicked the tent to the curb. Rip tent


Yes, it’s a sad ending to a great fall.


just wanted to say your “lemon lifesaver x sour strawberry” did absolutely awesome for me outdoors this season…barely any rot despite lots of rain and big beautiful frosty nugs…unfortunately i don’t think i took any pics of it growing,but i’ll be sure to get some pics of the buds when they’re all trimmed up…Thanks again man!


Atta boy! Love my racks! Now send that tent over here!

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