Mndlss' place

Hello people, how is it? Hope you’re well!

Its been a while, so time for an update. The plants seem to be unhappy somehow. Since I started giving a little extra cal-mag and started giving them bio bizz nutes it seems they start to feel better. Stretching is over for the kush crosses, they start to grow flowers now. while I’m not quite sure with the cc crosses. Smaller budshoots and they kind of look like a runner tension all his muscles and waits for the start shot lol

The bubba kush male I have is standing in the bathroom on the window sill so to say and drops pollen now and then. I think will pollinate one or two lower branches of the ladies for soem seeds. Within the next week I see how much I can collect.

All except 4 cuttings made it well and have been potted in small starter containers. The Gelato haven’t rooted yet and started to look not so good. I took off some leafs gave them a smaller greenhouse and put them under little light. I think the LEDs were too strong since I had to move everything in a bigger tent and put the panel on 100% veg. Fingers crossed at least one will make it.

Here come some pictures

Cc crosses; the one in the back will be discarded. It’s kind of finicky and I don’t like the structure.

That’s my favorite of the 3

Bubba kush ibl; also the one in the back seem to be the candidate to go

That’s my favorite of those, but it’s very close to the other. Reason is it seems to come along with the soil better than the other.

Salmon river og crosses; both are great in terms of structure. The one in the front is just a little more open. I think the soil is not the best and the light have been too strong.

I’m pretty limited with space and have to think about what to do next. Depending on the final. Product the 4 best will be put into autopots for the next run, I’d like to feminize the bubbas (two. 2 phenos, no selfing this time) and while I’m at it I’d like to put the salmon crosses in the ten too. I have a 2x2 for that meaning no big pots and maybe not so much seeds.

Then I need a tent for the mothers which I don’t have. Or better I have one, I just need to put it together. Only thing lacking is light, for exhaust I can build a combo between two tents. My lazy ass has to figure that out within the next two - three weeks.

Oh I forgot, here are the cuttings. In the back is the sweet valley kush which I fimmed and defoliated. It will go in a bigger pot next week. I don’t know where to flower this one lol so much strains and so little space. My friend just offered me 8 sour lemon haze, which are already potted and 30 cm big. :laughing: I had to decline… Sadly.

So far, so good :wave:


Well, fuck! I was just up to Pollinate the bubba and while inspecting them I found some male balls on both of my favorites :expressionless:

The cuttings will go to the bin, pollination will not take place on those.

What you think, snap the balls and see what happens? Thats a real bummer :unamused:


If it’s smoke for you , just pick the balls off as you see them

Why wast 3 months of work


Hey paps! Yep, you’re right. I kept the one with the solo ball but the other one needed to go because it seems they’re popping out everywhere. The big one has no balls… Yet. So I pollinated the lower branch of it and marked it.

Man that sucks, first only 4 out of 50 seeds popped and now it seems just one real girl is in the tent… Good thing it makes easier for me to determine what I keep and what not AND another reason for me to get to the chocolate cheese repro sooner as expected :sweat_smile:


I always germ more than I need for just such this occasion.

Plants are looking good.


That’s what I thought when I threw 50 of them in starter plugs lol

BTW I can’t remember reading somewhere that bubba kush in general has intersex trait. The seeds are from Mark and were send to me by another member cause mark doesn’t ship to Europe. So, several questions I have in mind;

  1. How did Mark made his bubba kush ibl?
  2. Have the seeds been experiencing some intense heat or anything that could cause this germ rates and/or the intersex outcome?
  3. what the fuck?! I was looking forward to get some ‘true’ bubb kush since I really like soem crosses :unamused:

I trust Mark’s seeds about as far as I can throw him. They’re cheap, but he’s pretty well-known for autos that don’t auto, doesn’t keep a log of his breeding practices anywhere, and in terms of the Bubba specifically you’re not the first person I’ve seen complain about bad herm rates. His Bubba IBL is no GG4 RIL with 10 years of documented breeding behind it… of course, that’s probably why he charges 10% as much for them. :wink:


Hey growmigos, I checked again today and couldn’t find any more nanners. I hope it stays that way. I pollinated the remaining bubba yesterday and it seems that the pollen was accepted, the tips begin to turn brown.

I almost put the seeds of the cheesey princess in shot glasses cause I can’t wait to pop them lol but I kept myself on the edge. I think I’ll pop them on first January to start the new year :smile:


One little ball on the lower branches I had to snip from the remaining tyranny of bubby kush ibl.


:+1::+1::+1: Looks great my brother

I didn’t mean tyranny, I meant tranny :laughing:

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Whatever floats your boat and I thought anything goes on the Friday night

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Here’s a bad Pic of two phenos of the ‘lost planet’ i made some years ago. One is a very large ladies which needed to be bent several times. The other one is avarage in hight.both are excellent yielders but need around 11 weeks to archive that.

The large lady smells amazing, berry and haze. The smaller one has no (!!!) smell. It kind of freaks me out lol if you rub it tight it has a little hashy aroma but nothing on the touch.

Large lady

Smaller lady



Hey guys and gals,

A quick update on my current project.
They are getting thick now and produce resin, best smells come from the salmon crosses, almost like the mom, delicious.

The cuttings come along nicely. I needed to cut them back because of no space.

I made the soil mix with flo which is now cooking and ready in around 10 days to use for the autopots, I’ll make a sid by side with azet and flo fertilizer with 2 of each salmon cross cuttings. I’m looking forward to the outcome.

Happy growing!


Hello my friends,

Time for another update. They are flowering for 5ish weeks now and fill in nicely und put out some nice amounts of resin and smell. But still they seem to be not that happy with the soil despite hitting them with full strength of Bio bizz ferts.

The cuttings on the other hand look way better. Yesterday I put a cut of the remaining bubba, a lemon orange, a sour lemon haze and 2 of each chronic crosses into 3, 5 Liter pots with the mixed soil (Flo organics). Those will be flowered in a 3x3 tent with a 240 watt led panel with additional uv and ir diodes. See what they will put out in that cycle. The tent is already overcrowded lol

I plan to hit the sour lemon haze with some bubba pollen once they’re flowering. I’ll keep a cut of each till the final product is tested.

Some pics of the ladies

Bubba kush ibl

No intersex

Intersex (just on the lower branches, random male flowers but only one or two here and there. She’s got that coffee thing going which is a bummer kind of

Salmon river og crosses

This one smells like the mother and is kind of stretcher but seem to have smaller buds

The stout one with denser buds, nice smell but different

Chronic crosses

Not much smell on them, kind of like the mother. Best smelling one is the rather finicky specimen

That’s it so far :smile:



Hello, me again.

I just wanted to note that I really dig the bubba kush pheno I initially didn’t like that much.

It’s kind of tall, has the purple blueish colour from the beginning. It puts out dense golf ball nugs, has a decent amount of resin forming and smelling gassy and sweaty. No coffee though.

The seeds on the pollinated branch are forming nicely so I can pheno hunt a little at some point in my life lol

She will get another run in another tent with some decent soil to see how it will perform then.

I kept a cut which will be the mother. All others I already culled due to the intersex traits. Maybe I have something special here.

Head bud

Pollinated branch

What’s also kind of cool is that it has some wavey leafs going on. It seem to be genetic since it has that from the first set of true leafs and never grew out of it. The cuts have that too.

Has anyone of you grown different bubba kush phenos and what was special about them?



Man, over at @Floyd’s I was reminded of the overgrow merch yesterday so I ordered two shirts and stickers. Can’t wait when they arrive :partying_face:

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I got the tee shirt it’s nicely made and is very comfortable

The stickers are great :+1:

I wore my tee to the first annual New Jersey chapter of overgrow BBQ this year there was only 3 of us the 4th chickened out lol


Nice :star_struck:

Man, it’s a shame that most of the members I really like to meet are Americans, so far away. I’d love to attend an overgrow meeting.

All the weed and genetics, the conversations. I tell you, I’d probably die laughing :laughing:


It was a good time I came home high as hell and gifted a clone of Frankenstein smoked all types of weed lol :joy:
Good peeps

I do have a few more forum friends in the EU then in the states

Mainly old Sannies forum friends

One day I’ll get back to Europe hopefully :pray: