Mndlss' place

Hello amigos, I hope you’re well.

Yesterday I chopped the 3 remaining plants, all of them lady canes.

They probably could have gone another week but I’d ecided to chop. It’s so sticky and warm here the last days that I have also concerns for mold.

They are all great yielders, actually there was not much leaves to pick off. smells are not very intensive but it’s silver hazy with the fluffier pheno having a sweet, fruity cleaner like background smell which is very pleasing. The numbers you’ll get when they’re jarred.

I just toss in some random shots:

The small fellas are coming along nicely too, will put up the Hans panel today and plan to uppot this weekend.



great job,Bru! some nice n fat tops you´ve grown out there. looks of a good haul…enjoy!
the lil ones doing nicely too


They look amazing. Just amazing. Great job.


Crosses the finish line :checkered_flag: smokin hot!


Thanks guys! I’m very pleased too now just the rest have to fit lol

The sour lemon haze is a great smoke, still needs curing of course but its already great right now. As already stated I’ll make a smoke report for all of them with pics :drooling_face:


Hello my fellow growers,

Just a short update of the new project. Today I chose which plants I keep and which go to my friend. I ended up with 4 bubba kush, 4 salmon river og x blakdak/88g13hp and 5 chronic/cheeseberry x blakdak/88g13hp

I prepared some soil today which is basically lightmix / Terra preta/ humus + zeolite and mykhorrizza. In Sunday I plan to uppot all 13 plants in 1 gallon pots for vegging.

So far so good



Hello friends, just a short update on the project.

I up potted all the seedlings, cleaned the tent and put everything back in. They’re 3ish weeks old now I think.



Hello growmies, how is it going?

Yesterday I came back from a vacation trip and am very pleased what I found in the tent. The plants made a nice jump and look pretty good :smiley:

I could confirm the sex on all but one bubba kush ibl. The one not showing yet was the one which got almost eaten by a snail in the beginning so I’m not mad at it :laughing:

These are the females

These are the males

I really like the bubba kush ibl male which is basically just a little pole. I think I will keep him to make more bubba kush seeds and collect pollen for other cuts. The rest will be culled.

The chronic/cheeseberry x blakdak /88g13hp are very vigorous and will be monsters, one of the females looks kind of like a male structure wise but I’m pretty sure it’s a female. It’s this one:

In the garden I discovered a Monster of a plant, so much weed on a single plant I never saw before:


It has to be an auto northern light. I remember putting a seed in the pot weeks ago. I never saw a sprout so forgot about it and also didn’t water the pot anymore and here we are. Has a nice creamy smell though

So far so good



oh that looks like the legendary One-Joint-Plant :grinning: …enjoy!!
the rest does look great too…lush n happy


Hey saxo! Thanks for chiming in :smiley:

It isn’t even a whole joint, a slightly bigger bowl of a little pipe is my guess haha one hitter maybe quitter lol


They should be monsters that a monster of a cross
Sounds like A 1 hit wonder
Woo hoo



Hello everybody, long time no see! I hope you’re doing well :wave:

So, a little update to my current project. Mostly pics though. The ladies are doing good despite I have to admit that I neglect the cc/bd a little and potted them up a little later than the others. I hope the beauties forgive me :sweat_smile:

So far I’m quite happy. I ended up with 3 bubby kush ibl females and one male I’ll keep, 3 chronic/cheeseberry x blakdak/88g13hp females (I culled the males) and 2 salmon river og x blakdak /88g13hp. So far in all 3 I already picked my favorites mostly because of the structure. Some pictures for you:

Group shot

Bubba kush ibl (from Mark)

Salmon river og x blakdak /88g13hp

Chronic/cheeseberry x blakdak /88g13hp

My favorites (same order)

I’m quite happy with these ladies. So far the plan is to take two cuttings of each tomorrow or Friday and next week to switch to 12/12. My favorite bubba has almost no real sidebranching, just some shoots which let’s me hope of two baseball bats lol I need to decide how I’ll do the cuttings :thinking:

If some of you have some names for the two crosses it would be appreciated. I already think about it but haven’t come to any good ones. Writing the full names is annoying lol

I’m high and forgot what I wanted to tell you else so…

Have a good one :smile:



Another 2 weeks went by, hello fellow growers! I hope you’re well!

Just a quick update.

Today I took 4 cuttings of each plant and gave the ladies shaving. All cuttings are strong and healthy. They go on a heating mat in my 60x60 tent.

They’re quite big now except for the srog x bd, those are quite short but beefy.

The cc x bd are finally growing out of their misery from neglecting them a bit. They have the typical chronic/cheeseberry appearance I noticed before. You can see the different structure of all phenos. I’m afraid these will get way bigger than the rest. The chronic/cheeseberry was a monster yielder and I see similarities to the mother in the first 2 shots with the first being very close to her.

The bubby kush put on some serious plant matter and are going strong. But in the last 2 days they look unhappy somehow especially the big one. I plan to give all of them a compost tea with some molasses and a little cal mag to push the bacteria in the soil.

Sunday will be the switch to 12/12 after I finally setup the blumat.

So far, that’s it!



Hey guys, how is it?

I just wanted to show you that the ladies seem to enjoyed their shaving and feeding. They look way happier then last time. The chronic/cheeseberry crosses got out of their emo phase too and are praying now.

And what I’m also Very happy about is the pigeon that landed today. Our generous member @santero send out a big one.

I have 6 cuttings of Gelato #45 and a decent choice of seeds. The cuttings take a rest now and hopefully will be strong tomorrow. Thanks again! Appreciated much :ok_hand: :trophy:

Have a nice evening y’all!


YESSS, it landed …
enjoy those beans and the clone, bro !! :partying_face: :sunglasses:

i am so happy to be able to share your way as well.
( what took you so long to ask? haha :slight_smile: )

SANcamp sending much love to mndlss-casa !


Hello guys and gals!

flowering day 1

The plants look pretty happy despite the tall bubba having a weird look to it with the wrinkled leaves and stuff. I still didn’t manage to put up the blumat. I’d like to mulch the top of the pots what would you think is best?

Picture time

Group shot

Chronic /Cheeseberry x blakdak /88g13hp

Bubba kush ibl

Salmon river og x blakdak /88g13hp

The cuttings stand strong as well

I moved them in a smaller tent under the Hans panel on a heating mat. Also a sweet valley kush has joined them. I received it as a present the other day. It’s a seed plant, hard to say what to expect.

So far, so good!


@Budderton have a look above, those are what I described :wink:


Everything looks good and healthy @mndlss .
I’m looking forward to seeing how they flower out for you. Best of luck.:crossed_fingers::peace_symbol:


My neighbour’s old and had recently a surgery and asked if I’d like to pick the apples in his garden. These apple strain is like a hundred years old, the tree around 70 years. One of the best apples I ever ate. They’re so juicy. I’m gonna bring them to the juicer at the weekend.


I Just saw this…
Do you still have cheeseberry

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