Mndlss' place

Yup, most of my fellow european members I knew from sannie’s back then. Good times when it was still active.

When I come over the pond at least once in my life, meeting some members from here is in the bucket list. That includes you Mr. Papalag :smiley:


Oh for sure your on the list my brother

One day

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Hello friends!

I was a little busy today.

The 3x3 cab is prepared, I installed the 240 king’s Brite led bar with uv and ir.,also I put in a net which is now kind of bigger than I remember lol maybe it seems to be for 4x4 tent.

I have 9 cuttings prepared in 3,5 liters of soil amanded with Flo organics nutes. They are I e in it for about 7 days now and seem to really like it. They’ll get another 7-10 days to veg. All of them went to the barber today. I have going:

Lemon Orange (from my growmie, hope it’s the purple pheno which is looker)

Sour lemon haze (canna Bella seed club, same pheno I ran in the autopots)

Bubba kush (the big wavey one)

Salmon river og x blakdak /88g13hp #1

2x Chronic cheeseberry x blakdak /88g13hp #1

1x chronic cheeseberry x blakdak /88g13hp #2

2x chronic cheeseberry x blakdak /88g13hp #3

The lamp is dimmed to around 40% of strength. They can adjust for another week to 10 days and then I’ll flip. I hope for some better looking plants this round.

The plants in the 4x4 are now at 44 days of flower. Some pistils begin to turn orange and also the aroma developes nice.

Bubba kush ibl (wavey one)

Bubba kush ibl (borderline tranny)

Salmon river og x blakdak /88g13hp #1

Salmon river og x blakdak /88g13hp #2

Chronic cross #1

Chronic cross #2

Chronic cross #3

I think they’ll Finnish in around 2 1/2 weeks, I don’t expect them to need more than 9 weeks to finish.

Later I’ll show you my pick for the next autopot run. It will be 2 x salmon #2, 1x sweet valley kush, 1 or 2 x salmon #1, depending how they have space when the current run is finished.

That’s it so far :v:


Wow! Those are some scrumptious looking plants @mndlss ! Those Salmon river og crosses, damn! :grin::peace_symbol:

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Beautiful plants!! The bubba I ran, was sort of always on the edge of failing, or it seemed unhealthy. I could not find her food sweet spot.
The buds I got were very potent, smaller, in size if I remember correctly, but not very tasty, not so terpy, if that makes any sense.
But dang man, that was 18 - 19 years ago now. I’m lucky to remember what dinner was yesterday, LOL!


Lmfao :rofl: :joy::eyes::rofl::partying_face::stuck_out_tongue: bro that’s me
I walk into a room and forgot wtf I went in there for lol


I was at my growmie’s place today and we tested his new pollinator. The material used was a mixup of trimmings from everything he grew within the last year or so. It was basically lying just around for a lot of time and then was put into the freezer last week. The material wasn’t weight before it went into the drum but assume it was around 250g ish. Outcome was around 13g. We pressed it with 6 tons.

Haven’t tried it yet.


Looks deliciois


i smoked a little joint of it yesterday.

it tastes surprisingly good for the age. it’s rather dry than oily even when heated up and rolled. effect is great, it helps with sleep but without knocking out. i’ll test it further this evening without any previous smoked joints lol


Hola amigos, how are ya?

Today was a busy day, I did some work in my private section of the house lol

I set up a fourth tent to give all those ladies a home lol. I hung in a viparspectra p1000 to light it. The 4 candidates for the next autopot run have been uppotted into the… You guessed it, auto pots. 2 cuts of the SR OG cross #2 (the bigger one, 1 went into lightmix amanded with azet fertilizer (I took 6 table spoons instead of the 4 recommended) and 1 went into light mix amanded with Flo organics. Then there’s the sun valley kush which is already a beast and 1 SR OG cross #1, both are bedded in light mix amanded with Flo organics.

The two in the back are the 2 SR OG #2, left in azet, right in Flo. Front left is SR OG #1 and front right is sun valley kush. I gave them a good watering with alga-mic and some root juice. I hope that’s enough till I can put them into their shoes in the big tent. That means the current run has to finish in the next 10 to 14 days. I want to put something in the top of the pots, would hay for small hours animals be the right choice? They’ll receive the water only from the bottom then.

The 3x3 tent with the cuttings look great. The plants love the soil and the light. I need to install the exhaust within the next days and then it’s flipping time. 1st December will be day one then.

I think I’m gonna put something under the plants, a plate or so and install blumat too. Can’t wait to see them in action. The light is a kings Brite 240 Watt qb with uv and ir, dimmable. It’s spectrum is way warmer than the Mars ts3000 which is currently in the big tent. I like it more just by the look of it, it’s inviting to chill under it lol

I also put the chosen cuttings to be mothers in 2 liter pots. It’s 1 bubby kush ibl and both of the SR OG crosses. The remaining chronic cheeseberry cuttings/plants will be gifted to a friend since I have more seeds of them and having my focus on the others.

I’ll put some pictures of the flowering up to tomorrow. I forgot to make some today lol. They have faded big time. Reasons are they’re coming to the finish line and maybe also because I was basically drunk all weekend and neglecting them a bit. Christmas party from work, shooting contest with after party the next day and recovering on Sunday. Was a great weekend :partying_face:

Yeah, that’s it so far.

Keep it green my friends!


This is why I got a 4000k light not for the plants but for me. It’s so much more pleasant to be under.

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Howdy guys and gals,

Here are the flowering ladies. They fade like hell despite getting full bio nutes. The aroma is developing pretty nice but that I will elaborate when harvest time comes.

Bubba kush ibl

Salmon river og crosses

Chronic cheeseberry crosses

The 3x3 tent plants look awesome, can’t wait to flip them. I hope for a see of green lol

And the auto pot plants like their new shoes too.

Have a nice evening, night or morning y’all!


Hello guys and gals, I hope all is well!

Yesterday was day 63 of flower and I chopped all of them. Mainly because I need the room and also because one of the salmon river crosses put out a major mold spot within the headbud.

That was a not so good surprise but 100% my fault. My lazy ass checked the pots just with the eyes, they did look dry to me so I watered and watered… For like 4-5 days. Shit happens.

In the beginning I planned to just harvest the moldy one and the bubba kush since they looked ready to me but then it hit me and I choped all of them.

Here are some harvest pics

Bubba kush ibl

Salmon river og crosses

What I really like about them and also what I hooed for is they are all like their mother, there are small differences in smell but all in all they’re like the female pollinated back then. Buds are heavy and resinous, with a bigger pot (or just better soil lol) they’re decent yielders and if it’s the same buzz, win-win for me. I let both phenos and will use them to make fems, see what’s coming out.

Chronic cheeseberry crosses

As expected those are heavy yielders, again better soil - bigger pots you’ll achieve record amounts of bud. They don’t have a strong aroma in general just like the mom but what surprised me is they developed a nice vanilla and hashy like aroma, I hope it will stay or even pronounce more while curing.

This round was good to see what’s coming out of those seeds and selecting the weak growers. Now it’s time to see what they’ll do with better starting bases (mainly better soil).

All of these are also standing in the small tent, I managed to flip them yesterday, kind of like two weeks later than planned. Before I needed to give them a haircut and I tell you, it was a lot of hair lol almost all of them have between 1-3 mainbranches and can flower now. We’ll see in around 63 to 70 days what is up. Here they are:

The big tent will be cleaned this evening, I’ll put in a new exhaust/filter combo and then the 4 ladies in the autopots can move in. Those are huge and I expect a much higher yield fron them and even better quality. I’ll put some pics up when it’s done.

Also I got a good deal on the Mars fc-4800 and just ordered one. This will be the Sun-God for those 4 ladies. I hope it’s arriving soon, tomorrow would be great lol.

Also I have a fungus gnat infestation that’s not funny anymore, yellow cards are all over the place, nematodes are on their way to me. This infestation should be over in a week or two.

Yeah, so far that’s it.

Greetz and happy growing


Nice, ya the cheeseberry crosses are obvious.

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Prepared the big tent, installed the new exhaust and now I wait for the new light. When it arrives the ladies get some days to adjust and then will be flipped, in the meantime the Mars ts3000 enlightens them. gave the ladies a little shaving and they seem pretty happy.

Front left we have the salmon cross nr1 in soil amanded with azet fertilizer

Front right we have the salmon cross nr1 in soil amanded with Flo organics

Back left is the salmon cross nr2 which is a real dwarf, it’s growing pretty slow compared to its sister.

Back right is the sun valley kush. I got it from friends as a birthday gift. She’s a beast now. It obviously will be the biggest bitch in da hood lol I hope it’s worth it. I didn’t make cuttings since I have a lot of seeds/strains I want to try after and have already chosen to work with the bubba and salmon crosses (depending on the next results of) so I’d it’s the holy grail it will be lost

I wish you a good night growmigos!


Hey guys,

I have 2 questions regarding making female seeds. I plan to fem the salmon river cross sooner or later.

So what would be the better choice: to self both crosses or to reverse nr.1 and Pollinate Nr. 2 with it (or vice versa)?

If I do the later, does it actually make a difference when i reverse Nr.1 and pollinate Nr. 2 compared to the other way round?

Any thoughts on that?

Thanks in advance and have a nice evening.


It’s a great question ! I don’t believe I know the answer.
But if the n1 leans towards a different parent then the N2 , there could be a lot of combinations coming out .

But I’ve never did it and would be interested in the out come .
I’ve been wanting to use the sts package I have just never tried making fems before .

Now I really don’t know what I am talking about so please don’t use me as an authority on this !


heh, I actually have a pack of Salmon River OG f2’s I was gonna get into soon… So I’ve not bred fems myself (yet) but I’ve heard Nspecta and a few others say it doesn’t matter which one you reverse… that the seeds would come out roughly the same. That being said, the mitochondria only come from the mom so IMO it’s going to make some form of a difference. I’d use whichever one is more vigorous as the mom/pollen receiver if it was me.

Selfing them can be very useful in letting you know which mom is the best to breed with… If you can do both then i’d do both, make s1’s and cross them. but you’d probably want a couple clones to do all that on. I don’t think you can reverse and seed the same plant :thinking: Otherwise I’d likely just make the cross and call it a day.


Hey guys, all right thanks for the input. the info regarding mitochondria is very useful which means I’d take the nr2 as the receiver, it grows faster than nr 1. The smells in both resemble the mom, with little differences in nuances.

If you have salmon river og in the fridge I recommend you to grow those. It ownes a place in my all time favorites. In the beginning we had 4 phenos. My favorite by far was the least liked by my growmie who grew them first lol he says it smells fishy :laughing: i had it for like a year in a glass and it just got better and better. Unfortunatly I smoked the last bud some weeks ago. I’m glad that both crosses came out like the mom so I can enjoy it in some weeks again, that also being the reason for making fem seeds of it. I just don’t have enough space to keep em all lol


Greetings @mndlss,
I have just finished a top to bottom read of your grow log and enjoyed your adventures. Thanks for an educational and entertaining ride.

I’m no expert, but I have recently had success in creating fem seeds from an elite clone-only strain and I’m in somewhat the same situation you face in creating the next generation seeds.

My plan, and my suggestion to you, is to create clones from both of your SR parent plants. Reverse the clones for pollen and dedicate a “Love Shack” tent to an open pollination with both parents.

Cherry pick the resulting candidate phenos for mother plants and your next gen or F1 crosses. Easier said than done and some tricky timing involved, but that’s half the fun. Innit?

Just my $0.02,