Mndlss' place

Hey pals, how is it? We’re currently in Christmas preparation stress :unamused: :sweat_smile:

Despite we staying at home this year with not much visitors it seems we have more to do than in the previous years.

Anyhow, I’m now in the Mars FC Club too. Yesterday the fc-4800 arrived and I hung it in the tent.

Since I flipped to flowering I noticed spots on some of the leaves of the sun valley kush. There’s no bugs or something alike. Does anyone have a clue what that could be?



Hey grouchy, thanks for chiming in! I think I toss the plan I had and just make fems with nr2., so an s1 so to say.

Now while drying Nr. 2 develops a very strong fruity hash smell, way more pronounced than the mother but similar in the direction. It’s growing faster, has more yield and didn’t mold unlike nr. 1 so there’s that. :star_struck:


I’m busy cleaning the apt for visitors which is no small task.

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I feel ya bro :laughing:

With two kids around it can happen to look the same again in a few hours :sweat_smile:

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It’s hard because it’s a small space and there’s nowhere to hide anything.

On top of that that the bedroom/grow room are the same room so I need to keep that door shut :joy:

I already cleaned the bathroom so no peeing until later this evening.


I’m glad to have a house and a whole upper part dedicated to growing, no one is going there, some tried (im looking at you father in law :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but he probably wouldn’t read that lol)

When we lived in a previous flat I ahd my grow room in the bedroom too but that was so annoying… I mean I love my plants but not thaaaat much :sweat_smile:


My government frowns on marrying plants (I checked).

Yeah, I’d kill for a basement or a discreet upstairs but I do ok in my 12’ ft.

And really we only have guests this time of year so it’s no big deal. Shitty, but no big deal. We’re due for a clean anyway.


Also just FYI the Hindu/bubba/Panama/Malawi doesn’t look like it’ll be a huge yielder but the smell is very intoxicating, like 3 things at once.

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Yeah I saw that in your thread, I was a little surprised. I wonder why that is. Wouldn’t a certain heterosis effect take place with that genes. I’m no expert by far but usually they grow like hell then :thinking:

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Yeah it’s a bit weird but the smell really is very interesting.

I’ve lightly pollinated her with some heavy indica so maybe we’ll see what happens next generation. Not a loser per se, but not what I was expecting. Maybe it’s just the pheno.

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I’ll find out some day lol

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Hey @mndlss, nice looking plants bro. Hey, what is the Salmon River like in taste. I have a few Crater Lake I’m gonna grow next but never had it before either. I can’t remember the genetics in the SR. It’s a pretty plant, too. Just like the pics from the Professor.

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Hey gman! It definitely is, the professor is spot on with his description, like always lol. It’s bubba kush pre98 x blue heron if I remember correctly. The taste and smell is berryish, hashy and dank. I love it. It’s also a good sleep helper for me. Definitely worth a shot

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By the way, I got 108 seeds of the dusted bubba kush ibl branch. One fell in the depths of my carpet and 7 I gifted to my growmie. Now I have a 100 seeds to play with.

A questions pops up. Since it’s supposed to be an ibl the tag on the made seeds should also be ibl or is it ibl f2? :thinking:


I don’t know the answer but how about IBI Seed Increase 2022 or simply IBI 2022?


That is a solid idea @Budderton :+1:


I’ve always found IBL a really fuzzy term in cannabis. Seems like a lot of the time, it might just be getting abused by breeders who don’t want to admit that they’re selling S1s, F2s or some sort of backcross. Unless it’s a homozygous line in the first place, it doesn’t give us enough information. For Bubba Kush in particular, what the hell does IBL mean? It used to be clone-only. Did the breeder give you detailed information on the decade+ of backcrossing being done simultaneously with two separate crosses like @Tonygreen? Maybe if they were feminized, they could be S6 or something high enough to have a reasonable assurance of being homozygous…

I’ve got two separate lots of Bubba Kush seeds myself already… I consider both of them fake, fwiw. :stuck_out_tongue: Doesn’t mean I might not run them eventually to see what happens, but there’s just not enough information to believe it.


Hey brother, nor sure if this is relevant or not but I think
You had one sorta like this
A while back.
This mindless was different
From the start.
Very sat looking imo but what do I know.
She looks foxtailish but she’s been that way from start.
Very sticky
Very lemon smell.
Very different from all the others.
Prolly not the best pheno but
It is sticky and smells so nice.


hey toker, how is it buddy?

my first thought was that it may be a silver haze leaning pheno which is very good to have :smiley:

Let me know how the effect is when it’s done. It could need some more time to ripen than usual.



Hi bro, how are you?

How does your new setup work?

Did you work with the blumat?

Have a great time.

Best wishes
