Mndlss' place

@mndlss brother where you been
I know you’re ok :+1: so let’s go

We need an up date
Inquiring minds need to know


hey my friends,

indeed i’m okay. just very unusually busy at work which sucks up a lot of energy lol
I’ll update within this week. i need to prepare new soil anyway and have almost everything jarred up too.



Hello fellow growers,

I hope all is well for you. Finally a new update from me lol

First I will show my new line up and later that week I’ll give some info from the last run.

I put 2 seed of the following strains to germinate a few weeks ago:

Des*tar bx (via maple leaf indica) @mndlss
Dead whabbits @santero
Killer cookies @santero
Cheesey princess @santero
LA affie #9 @Budderton
LA affie #11 @Budderton
Blockhead f2 @idk

Unfortunately both cheesey princess’, one of each la affies’ and one killer cookies didn’t make it (damping off, stupidity…)
I ended up with the following females:

2 dead whabbits
2 des*tar bx
1 LA affie #9
1 blockhead f2

Additionally I put in:

2 orange bud fem by dutch passion
1 eurofira fem by dutch passion
2 Bruce banner cuts from a friend

They are now in 3 gallon pots. Soil is light mix amended with worm castings, bat guano, azet tomato fertilizer and zeolith. So far they like it.

I plan to switch to 12/12 on Sunday this week, so next Monday will be flowering day 1



Hey guys!

Here are some pics of the individual plants.

Bruce Banner

I have both cuts from a friend, the seeds were fems, I think from seeds66 or something like that.

The LA Affie #9 from budderton. Can’t wait to that girl performing. Looks really Afghani, I love it lol

Des*tar Bx. Those are some stretchy girls, the biggest in the tent. The stretch on the first one will be huge I guess.

Dead whabbits from Santero. Those are the second biggest girls in the tent. They have great vigour. One has slightly broader leaves and they already are kind of stinky lol

Blockhead f2 from OG. Sorry, can’t remember who made them.

This one has a weird growth. While transplanting as a seedling I accidentally ripped a bit of the head off. It then grew into some. Weird mutant with either very thin cripply shoots and leaves or big and fleshy ones. I took off all the weaker ones and bend it a bit. Now it has three thick main shoots.

The male I got looked actually pretty damn good. Short internodes and very stout. It got a red stem pretty early on.

Euforia from Dutch passion.

One of the first plants I grew indoors back then. It stank so strong and had such a great yield so I wanted to grow it again.

Orange bud also from dutch passion

I want the orange flavor. I hope she’s only half as orange smelling as the lemon orange I have in the jar. She looks kind of sad, she needs some more days in the new shoes I guess.

There’s a third plant I forgot to take a picture. It’s either an orange bud or euforia plant :sweat_smile: what’s weird on that one is that the preflowers kind of look male Oo I’ll tale picture of that tomorrow.

I plan to switch the clock on Sunday, Monday will be day one.

So far so good :v:


Right on @mndlss , the tent looks great! It’s gonna be cool to see all these different cultivars flowered out, side by side. Here’s to a smooth and easy flower run! :beers::grin::v:


Great line up my brother
Can’t wait to see killer cookies


Killer cookies was a male unfortunately and got culled, I was eager to see it too :smile: but I have more seeds, so in some of the next runs…


they all look happy


looking very nice, bro !!
i love those des*star bx’s, towering majestic :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

and buddertons LA affie-type, nice and short …
i love that stocky type of indicas, haha.
this will be powerful smoke for sure !!

they all look amazing, happy plants :slight_smile:

in case the bruce banner is real deal (stemming from DHG-genetics)
then you are in for a treat. those usually are all really nice smokes :yum:


thanks for the flowers :wink:

It’s fucked up that i accidentally killed the cheesey princess’ and that the killer cookies is a male. would have loved to have them too. the dead whabbits are really going for it, huge plants. can’t wait for the budding.

My buddy grew another destar bx cross from me called Lost Planet. (Amnesia CC x Destar Bx) those plants skyrocketed, stretched like hell, huge buds. i actually thought this came from the silver haze side of things, now i’m not quite sure looking at this BX. By the way, what is actually the current term for them? the linage is Des*tar Bx x (Des’tar Bx x Maple leaf indica)? :thinking:

edit: Mndlss' place - #193 by mndlss these is the lost planet i meant, not the best pictures but you get the idea.

bruce banner is from these guys here: Bruce Banner Hanfsamen - Seeds66
my friend grew several of their strains and is pretty happy with them. The weed was always great so far. if it’s the real deal genetic-wise i can’t tell though. Those banners are slow motherfuckers with huge fat leaves and very thick stems, they probably will go 10-12 weeks as how it looks by now in his room.
which is kind of odd lol


i still have seeds from both, just a pm away :slight_smile: in case you need more, bro !


thanks bro, i’m good. In the next run they get sprouted again and this time i’ll fuck up other seedlings :wink:


Some group shots

This one is the one I mentioned in the last update. It is supposed to be an orange bud or euforia FEM

And these are the manitalia on ‘her’




:eyes: :eggplant:


Good morning fellas!

Now the second euforia shows male preflowers :thinking: that looks male, doesn’t it?

I think they may confused fem and reg Version while packing the seeds. I wrote Dutch passion an email, see what they get back with.

Have a nice weekend!



Thats ärgerlich.
Hopefully they gonna replace the Seeds… Fingers crossed.


WOW DesTar, I forgot about running her. Lovely photos!!


Hello guys and gals,

Today we have flowering day 2

Here’s a group shot

Good news Dutch Passion will replace those seeds. After replying to some general questions and sending a Pic or two the guy asked me to choose anything from their menue. Very polite and helpful and fast replies. Customer service is spot on!

These are the two euforia which show male preflowers.

It is really weird, I expected to see this maybe in the orange bud if I fuck up somehow… Yesterday I got them out of the tent and just put them within the room. When I checked today they looked kind of aggressive lol I found some female preflowers on the top :smile:

Is see if I will cull them. First I will pick off all the male flower and see what happens.

So far so good!



DP made it right, send out on Wednesday, delivered on Thursday noon. More than I expected :+1:

The strawberry cookies has an expected flowering time of 6,5 - 7 weeks.

Has anyone tried it?


Bro that’s great to hear that DP is reputable and provides good customer service!

That strawberry cookies sounds great

I’ll need to watch this one