Mngrowbro's garden growalong

Sup guys, glad to be on here. Started the garden a little over a year ago when we went legal here in MN and it’s been a fun ride. I started out with gaia/promix in five gallons than switched to gaia/promix plus teas in 7 gallons for the rest of my runs until this point which is a 3x3 living soil bed. I’ll just do a quick rundown of the tent so far and where it’s at now.

First run ILGM white widows, one hermed.

Second run csi big bad wolves(best smoke so far), ethos early lemon berry, greenhouse Persian pie

Third was LIT Roadhead and Black soap

And the last run we just finished about six weeks ago was clearwater devil’s den and granny’s apple sass

All was grown in the 3x3 in 7 gallons, gaia and teas and blumat drippers.
We tore down the 3x3, stuffed in a 4x4 with extension, added a 3x3 bed and Blusoak. I’m running coots mix, SST, nutrient teas and compost teas, whatevers needed I suppose.

And here are the first plants in the bed.

DINO PARTY CHUCKS twin city titties(left) and katsu bubba kush S1(right)

I accidentally over vegged the shit outta these plants and they got root bound pretty bad. Took a bit to rebound in the bed and than off to the races!

Aaaaaaand here we are at day 29 of flower

TCT smelling like sweet chem cleaner right off the bat

The BK is just a downright beast

Here’s what we got up next from CSI

Bean supply is growing

Thanks for checking it out!


Looking amazing! Yeah I had the same issue with like all my ILGM seeds smh lol. Not a big fan of that seed site at all and im glad you did some more looking around!

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Thank you sir! I think I’ve done too much looking around. Need some seed addicts anon.


Very nice set up,you have beans to play with for a bit to.

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Your set-up and grow is very nice looking!

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Hello fellow MN grower. Grow looks good.

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Here’s a day 31 shot. Somehow got air in my blumat carrots, it fucked up my watering and some burnt tips ensued. Pulled em out, reset the drip and got the air out of the carrots. Threw in a chapin full of water aloe and yucca to get it back on track… Oops. Got all the seedlings transplanted I to some cups, they got a little leggy.

Also got the jet boat out to burn some trees on a sandbar.
Beautiful weekend.


Day 60. Gonna try to push for 70.

Twin city titties by Dino party chucks.
Smells like purple/grape Chem cleaner with some funk

Katsu pre98 S1 musty, earthy, kushy


How was the Granny’s Apple Sass strain for you?? i may run that my next grow :peace_symbol:

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It was decent. I preferred the devil’s den for the high. The GAS high was pretty light for my liking. They look amazing though. Lol

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O ok nice! I actually prefer that low gas/fuel terp profile in most cases…since I’ll probably toss it in with a gdp male :ok_hand:

You’re killing it! :fire:

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Not much, if any fuel terps I got off those ones. Sounds like it should work nice! Thank you brother, appreciate it.

O ok gotcha I thought it would be really flavorful too…so it wasn’t that potent to your liking
is what you mean? :ok_hand: I’ll run their Sugar Rush instead

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Day 65.