MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Grampa’s moonshine never made it far! lol He’d run out by 100 mile radius
That stuff was smooth as silk, and dangerous in it’s own right!


I could get some nice brandy. I could get it cheap. I had a good friend. He lived outside of Floyd. Man he could pick the guitar. We would go over to his mom house. Her boyfriend could pick. He look like Waylon Jennings. Man I cried when he died.


Of course, things had calmed down considerably in the hills before I was old enough to be a part of any of that kind of stuff.


lol maybe in the area you were in cuz, but it didn’t ‘calm down’ around my territory/area until into the mid 70s
Gramps passed in '68, dad and unc retired early 70s, I took over and started going west a lot


I enjoy that life. You could smell the weed in the cut in the road. Those roads were crazy. Miss those days.,

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I was, kinda, joking. By the time I was 18 years old, my cousins were running pot out of the same hollers my Uncle’s ran shine. Same situation. You better be riding in a “known” car if you went down those hollers.


This was in the 90’s. You could see the smoke. No it was risky. I didn’t but not much. They would love to put you in jail. Just for myself. It was hit or miss. I miss the times. Then when you’re wild you don’t see the green grass.


lol hell yeah! (outta ‘likes’ now…damnit!) :scream: :wink: :rofl: :+1:
so here ya go cuz two of em!
:heart: :heart:

Don’t go telling me I’m ‘OUT’ lol I’ll go around it!


That’s exactly what it’s called a hollow.


I’ve been traveling to West Virginia since I was a young boy. The first time I ever had anything to eat that didn’t come from a store was W.Virginia lol.

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Our 3 sons were all born ‘on the road’ 1 in Tennessee, 1 in Michigan, and 1 in Virginia
When Rose first moved in with me, traveling Ganja grower/delivery lol she actually thought about running off at first, once she got to actually knowingwhat she got into! :joy: :wink: :roll_eyes: :+1:


They are called “hollers” because of the dynamics of sound. On the nights we got together for singing and drinking, you would walk out and listen to what direction the sound was coming from and that’s the direction you would head. Sound travels down those hollers for a looooong way. You almost didn’t need a local phone. lol

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Thank God she didn’t cut and run brother.

lol I only shot a deer once, and only once, from one hilltop across a holler on the next hilltop!! It took all day to get down one side and up the other to my kill…


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Well lol her being a pothead helped some, I think lol

She kinda liked the idea of unlimited Ganja!


How old were you when you got the taste of real food!?

I don’t even know why would give them to each other because we all know we like each other over here. I had some good times there. It’s like anywhere you don’t go nowhere that you shouldn’t. We used to have this guy we work with. A lot of those places had out houses. I swear he would drop his pants before he will get in there we would laugh. He kept one set of uniforms from work. That is what he wore to church. His wife was the missing Link. Those guys would mess with him so bad. And he would say I can’t help it by God I’m from West Virginia. He was a pretty cool dude. I believe he ate chewing tobacco for breakfast.

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It was different for me. I was not a Budweiser drinker. A lot of those places were dry. I remember eating mushrooms drinking, sour mash. I love the smoky mountains. Have a beautiful day. @JohnnyPotseed OG man. not many people truly know what that means. I can remember and I can keep remembering. Fun days. Wasn’t scared of anything. No telling how many times I could’ve been bit by a snake. Had an alligator get after me one time.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :frowning: :anguished: :hushed: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :sweat: :sob: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :flushed: :woozy_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: