MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

It my pleasure @MoBilly .
Yeah , don’t expect too much stretch on that one. :grin::v:


Noted. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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Nice lineup @MoBilly, your garden looks awesome. Love to see little sprout’s, keep on keeping on my friend.:peace_symbol:

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and make more. :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Greenfingers . :slight_smile:
I love the little ones too but they are so vulnerable at this stage. lol

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I just up potted the first plant to come out of the Solo’s. That would be the GDP x GDP.
I thought I’d washed the bags from last time but, not. Now I have to wait for the wash to get done before up potting another, possibly, two. It depends on what the roots on one look like today.

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This right here. The most nerve wracking to me is the seedling stage. It don’t take much to screw up. I have three tiny ones right now that I thought I had boogered up but they are still green and looking nice.


You are such a tease. lol


Oh, you saw what I did there???


What did he do?

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I know, I have a bunch right now. They grow up so fast, before you know it, you’re smoking them.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yea it doesn’t take long.

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This is what he did @Hemp . lol

“I got something going and I’m not saying anything!
He he he!”


I’m not gonna say anything. I’ve seen more than I needed to.
Those paint fumes will do it to you every time.


I know they’ll make you walk right off the side of a boat and drop to the concrete floor below. Don’t ask. lol
I hate factory work.


Yeah I have a little side secret project going on. Don’t want to divulge right now, but I will take pix and show at some point.


So who has some fire indica? Is Kush top of the list? This stuff I got from @Oldtimerunderground is good. Has the funky smell. I love Kush. I had to pull two just a little early. I wished I would’ve let them go little bit longer. I think they were probably about 12 weeks. So I couldn’t let them go probably about two or three more weeks. I don’t like it too strong. I got to say that. I had some that would stop your heart. I don’t like it like that. I got it down to taking one pain pill, a week and one anti-inflammatory pill at the same time. So I’m pretty good with that. I got a CAT scan done yesterday. I’ll find out in a few days.


Here’s a few pics of the small plants just to show I haven’t killed anything. lol

BM x VB will be up potted today.

ISS will be as well.

I think that the Pure Kush would be fine but I think I’ll wait a couple more day just to be sure.

The Cherry AK47 will be ready for a bigger pot in, maybe, two days. It’s doing well, just a little slower to root out than the others.

Here’s the GDP x GDP I up potted already.

And here are my thirsty PBB. They sure bounced back well enough. This room is impossible to keep RH up in. They’ll do better once I move them into the Greenroom.

Thanks again for following along. Y’all are the greatest!


Your plants are looking great, Mo, I love to see them praying like the ISS does. Glad these clones are faring better than the last batch and the seeds are thriving, I can’t wait to see all of these tasty crosses flower out!


Looking great! Got my eye :eye: on the pure kush and ISS