MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

There’s been a lot of innovations in cars that a lot of folks never heard of.
There was an engine that, in first gear, ran on ten cylinders, but when it shifted, two cylinders cut out making it an eight cylinder and when you hit third, it dropped two more making it a six banger. When you hit passing gear it went up to the next level.
Cadillac if I’m not mistaken.


The Riviera. Front wheel drive. 842. If you had one that made it, you had a good one. It’s like the Chevrolet engines that they converted over to diesel.

There was a Toronado that had front wheel drive too.

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The first one actually was a good one. I like that car.

They actually looked a lot alike. I think the only difference was one was four-door, and one was too.

Speaking of cars, we’re having problem with one of ours. My wife’s car started throwing a code. Skipping real bad. It’s the fuel system and electronic I’m sure. Some of the cars won’t run today if you don’t have the gas cap on right. Cannot stand a push start.

I get that. How hard would it be to create a program to scan 100’s of thousands of auto starting codes. On a high powered laptop it would take maybe two minutes to search until you found the right pass code to start a car.
Consider it stolen.

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I might consider one if I also had a remote shut-off! lol $250 to install, on any car that doesn’t have one.
Consider it ‘un-stolen’! lol
not sorry

:crazy_face: :joy: :+1:
Tulsa ain’t no small burg lol it’s a big city with big city problems, crime being up there at or near the top!
There’s some seriously bold (but dumb) criminals running around!

I didn’t know about that. It seems logical though. I can definitely see investing in one of those. I just sold my POS 2011 Jeep Patriot though (good f#$%^n riddance)! So I don’t need one now. I wouldn’t have cried if that thing had been stolen though. That was the most helpless NOT DEFINITELY NOT four wheel drive yet they had the chutzpah to call it one . Only one wheel had power on front or back at any time and it wasn’t even limited slip. If you spun, there you were.


Jeep is one expensive vehicle to get parts, or work, for! I can understand your being happy it’s gone cuz! lol

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It has sat in my drive for over a year because the part for the transmission was unavailable from China.


The dealer had the nerve to suggest I buy a new transmission because they had them in a warehouse somewhere.
Can you believe that! Geee, why don’t you buy a new tranny and pay us to put it in instead of getting a $50 part sent from overseas! I just looked at that idiot for a few seconds and walked out. I mean, what do you say to someone that is that short on brain cells, and would it do any good anyway if you explained how his idiocy is showing.


Morning brother !
Suns shining better get grinding lol
Been slaying the egg game lol 12/12 past three days …it also has been warmer then last week where we were getting around 6/7
That dang khaki Campbell hasn’t missed one yet and when we think she did we usually find it somewhere …she is a escape artist way smarter then a chicken
Our roosters ended up getting frostbite…we have a aquarium heater in a 3 gallon bucket deff works like a charm only time it failed was -17 with wind chill of -34 we suspect they drank from the pail and their waddled dipped into the bucket as well …kinda shitty we have beautiful roosters …lesson learned!
Damn I’m rambling already


Good morning @Rabeats2093 !
I was busy long before the sun was shining. lol
We tried our local hatchery looking for Khaki Campbell but they are only going to have a very limited supply and their very proud of them it seems.
Everything has gone up, chickens especially. A young neighbor of mine has offered me some of his young mix-breed ducks. They lay well (I know that because we trade with him for duck eggs) so I guess it’s going to be what we come up with. The price is right. lol
The hatchery would have costed us around $13 each because they charge an extra fee for small orders.


Late start this am 7 00 lol

Yes ordering from a hatchery is expensive especially if you want a small order …better of ordering the eggs and incubating them …nothing wrong with a mix breed egg lop .shoutout to that fella for hooking you up!


How big are they at $13 apiece? Two weeks? Just thinking you could look at them wrong and there goes $100. Lol

You would like this kid @Rabeats2093 . He’s 15 years old and raises a bunch of livestock. I mean anything that he thinks will feed the family well, he raises, from quail to turkeys, pigeons, rabbits… He is also an accomplished trapper and works his own pelts. I don’t know a better mushroom hunter. Plus, he is a generous soul. We need a lot more like him.


Hey everyone! Me and @JohnnyPotseed have decided to start up a band. We’re going to play hard rock “head banging” music!

What do you think @BigMike55 ? You can play the maraca’s. You just have to wait till my head starts rattling real good. Right?
@Hemp can be our manager. LOL


Can’t play the Maracas.
Rock & Metal, huh? How bout an expert Tuba player??


I saw that and thought “Now I could see me doing that with my buddy Jeff”. Unfortunately, he’d be the one holding the skillet.