MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Thanks @Mrgreenthumb ! And yes, I’ll have everything ready to flip them before they get to be four feet tall.


I even put an extra one in there.:peace_symbol:


It’s amazing how extra space disappears so quickly @Greenfingers ! lol


Looks great @MoBilly you have a great variety going also! Looking forward to your updates

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Thank you @Emeraldgreen . I’m going to try to post more updates this time. lol
I know I don’t take enough pictures. :slight_smile:


I also enjoy your updates, especially now, with the variety of pure :fire: you got there…


Thanks @Mrgreenthumb . I always seem to go for variety. I grew out six Gelato on my second grow. I don’t sell, I don’t have smoking buddies… I just used the last of it to make hash a couple of months ago. lol
So there’s that to consider.


I forgot to lower the light intensity so I had to adjust the brightness of the pics on the PBB. I decided to take some cuttings to send to a friend and forgot that the mail didn’t run today. Tomorrow morning they get some trimming and then I think I’ll go ahead and flip. I don’t think it’ll hurt them. It depends on how the plants look after thinning them out. I may let the smaller branches develop some length for a few days.
Actually, I thought about, taking those top cuttings, then administering one dose of BBP to kick start their growth going into flip. What say you @BudBusterPro ? That’s how I envision my using BBP, as a booster when I have some plant that I want to get a burst of growth on. I am amazed with what it did to those ISS and the one Frankenstein I used for seeds but if I used a full treatment on all these I would, surely, not have enough room for them all in the greenroom. lol

I topped the ISS.

I’m liking the way these BBM x VBB are shaped.

The Pure Kush is not looking stressed but she has such a light color. I don’t want to make any drastic moves though. I’ll take little steps unless I see a bigger problem developing.

There’s the GDP x GDP in the corner looking smart. :slight_smile:

The Cherry AK47 is getting some nice new growth. I’m very hopeful for this one. She’s going to impress in the long run, just watch.

Blueberry CBD

Frankenstein S1

I can see where the weak spot in my game is. It’s when the plants are small. I need to keep my watering to a minimum. Watch the plants and go by what they tell me instead of what my newbie mind tells me they need. After they have a little size on them I seem to do OK keeping them happy.

Anyway, things are rolling along with this grow. I’m not hating how they are looking at least. lol

Thanks again for dropping by.



A Springer Spaniel on a beach looking into the camera with a five legged Alpaca in the background. Nice. lol

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Looking beautiful @MoBilly !
Sure, I believe you can effectively control your vegitative growth…either stay with the weekly spoon feeding to encourage growth, or space out your applications if you believe maximum growth isn’t beneficial for your personal setup. That ‘FLIP’ and 7day ‘POST FLIP’ sprays are CRITICAL for maximizing bud formation/development in my mind !

I would never skip those two applications ! In fact, with the flexability of BBP, if I had reduced my veg stage applications, I would advise a 4ml/8 oz applications at Flip and 7day post Flip…Plants that size will easily and safely metabolize thos rates…

Hope that helps ! I’ll be watching if you have any further questions to throw my way !


Thanks @BudBusterPro .
I’ll do it just that way then.
BTW, I must add that it’s very helpful having you right handy for that reason. lol
Thanks Bob.


My pleasure…


That Cherry AK stretches more than the ISS or me :sweat_smile: She is a BEAST!


I plan to tame that beast brother. :slight_smile:
She has a lot of branching going on. I just have to pick the right ones to keep and bonsai the crap out of her. LOL



lol Now… there’s a bike for ya!

Anyone feeling suicidal? :rofl: :scream: :crazy_face:


She needs to be tamed :sweat_smile: I will be moving her to a corner, but that huge tall plant in the center-right is the Cherry AK… photo for compare and contrast from last update


That dude better have some asbestos underwear and some welders chaps!!!
I can’t even imagine the torque that thing has coming off the line. You better have a scald on those ape hangers!


That is bitchin’! The seat looks like it gets really hot though :joy: