MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

I think it’s been more than too long since I posted any updates. @herojuana.tom , this one’s for you. I’ll start with my clones from you. I know they look bad but those thripes did a number on them. I’m convinced the others had the same problem. My eyes were just too bad to see anything and I shake too much to use my handheld microscope. Anyway. I said I would post the good and the bad, so here goes. The Cherry AK and the ISS are tucked in behind the Pure Kush in this first pic.

Here are the others that are in the flower room.
Blueberry CBD

Dinamed CBD x Cherry Wine CBD



I have some clawing on the leaves because I went overboard with nutrients when I saw deficiencies. Other than the three clones from Tom, they are all healthy enough. I refused to give up on those even after the thrips had done their damage. They may be small and look like crap because I had to take almost all the larger leaves but I will still get some meds from them.
My new magnifying glass is amazing though. I was shaking too badly to use that handheld scope but with this thing I can see well enough to spot any problems going forward.
Well, that’s it for now. If anyone is still following along. God bless you for that. lol
Be kind to one another.


That ISS is outstanding. You really did her justice. Beautiful.


Thanks bro. :slight_smile:

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Looks great Mo.

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Thanks man. :slight_smile:

I have such kind friends. Even if they do stretch the truth at times.


Looking great! No stretching the truth at all


The pics look great to me @MoBilly, thank you for providing an update! Sorry to hear about the thrips causing so much damage, I hope you were able to get rid of them :face_with_thermometer: Many people pull the LAPK at week 8, I always let it go the full 10… It looks great!


Dang finally got caught up! Things looking good my brother! And holy cow you had me DYING with the SpongeBob thing with your buckets :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy: and you didn’t stop there, a mustache and tongue just topped it off!!:joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy: your plants are looking wonderful @keep up the good work!


You put yourself down entirely too much, brother! Them gals are lovely, to say the least! Well done!


They’re all beautiful Mo. I had those bugs too, pain in the ass getting rid of them.:green_heart:


I almost didn’t diagnose them soon enough. Because of things I won’t go into, I haven’t been posting much. These were dying though so I reached out to Johnny. He told me what he thought the problem was, and I got lucky and got a couple of good looks at them with the scope. Sure enough, he was right. I used Safer Soap and it slowed them down until Johnny shot me some of that one-n-done. Now I’m just going to use the Safer soap to prevent a recurrence of the problem.
The ones I lost before looked very similar to the way these looked when infested. I can only assume that they were what costed me my last shot at growing these three strains before.


If you ever need more one n done don’t hesitate to ask me.


Thank you @Greenfingers . :slight_smile:
I appreciate that and, you bet, I will keep it in mind.


I’m guessing things you won’t go into is serious, i hope you’re taking care of yourself.


I decided to tell you what the situation is.
My daughter has been diagnosed with category 4 cancer of the thyroid gland. It’s a very aggressive form of the disease.
She has been fighting with the insurance company since she found out about it all. Now, three months later, she finally has a date set up for surgery.
All this time that those people wasted can’t be gotten back and, like I said, this cancer is known for how fast it spreads.
We’ve been dealing with a lot concerning our Granddaughter as you can imagine.

Anyway, that’s what is going on.
It seems like, for the last year, the only thing that I post about is negative. I’m not into bringing folks down so I am taking a break of sorts until things get better.

Depression sucks all the “want to” right out of a person. I didn’t realize how bad it can be for someone until I began having to deal with it. Four years ago I had no idea.


If you don’t post about what’s happening how can we support you!
Sorry that it’s been an ongoing battle with insurance. You have a date for surgery so prays it’s effective and she’s hanging out with you for a long time to come


You know I’m always here in your corner, brother. I can’t put a like on that post… Prayers to the creator for her, as always for the rest of the family as well. It affects all. Hopes for a good and speedy outcome!


Thanks guys. I’ve never been good at sharing my life with others. This online community is an amazing thing and I have made some great friends here but old habits die hard.


Your definitely not alone. We all have struggles to deal with. I read yours and offered support and my thoughts. A few minutes later I realize that I never share the sh:t storm in my life here. I relate completely with how you feel.
Glad you did share though, only reason I liked that post


For real, I only liked that post because I am at a loss for how else I can show my support.

Rooting for your daughter @MoBilly and family.