MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

It’s hard to let yourself do that. I was always the one that fixes problems, not the one to bring mine to others.


Thanks .
I know exactly what you guys meant.


My prayers are with you and your family.


I struggle with the same thought process. It is terrible


Just want you to know that I will be sending positive thoughts and energy everyday to you and your immediate family. Thanks for sharing with us, your extended family. I’m sure I speak on behalf of all of us, we are here anytime you need us for anything. Try and stay lifted, Brother.


Just now seeing this. I haven’t been around long at all and don’t really know you yet… but that doesn’t really matter now does it? I’m sorry to hear of your daughter’s condition and your own struggles with the situation. It’s not fair and it’s even harder watching loved ones suffer than it is to suffer ourselves in the same way. I wish your daughter the quickest most complete recovery possible. I wish for your peace of mind. You can have my third because I’m sure you’re running low. I’ll burn a little sage for cleansing and a little cedar for protection. I’ll offer tobacco for our thanks for things past and things to come. Sending love, healing smoke and many prayers to you and your family @MoBilly. I’ve read through a lot of posts on OG in my short time here and it seems I’m starting to circle the same sub communities so I know you have friends here that care… I hope you know this too! :v:t4:


I can only align in unity with every positive and supporting commentor on this thread @MoBilly, I am here for you and my heart goes out to your daughter and granddaughter during these trying times. I am definitely glad to know that, despite the confounding delay, your daughter’s surgery is finally scheduled!!! Alas, I cannot seem find the words that fully convey how much I hope for the most positive outcome.
As for your posts, this is your thread and I watch it because I am interested in whatever you decide to share: Good, bad and/or ugly. I want to hear whatever you want to post and can only hope you continue to share it all here with us. And if you need a more personal audience please feel free to DM me directly. It is the thoughts and words that are hardest to express which have the power to bind us together the strongest as a community, an extended family, and as friends.
Stay strong my friend, and reach out any time. We are all here for you and I will happily provide my personal phone number if you ever need to talk. :v:


Thank you for sharing, you are one of the most incredible people I’ve met on OverGrow. It is a honor to be friends with you, keep fighting the good fight. When you need to talk, we are here for you. I don’t come here to see pictures of Marijuana, I love the OG community because of good people just like you. Your family needs you more than ever, use our positivity to “want to” move forward.

I look forward to hearing from you when ever you have the want to share.


You know how I feel Mo. cancer took my sister. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers for your family.:peace_symbol:


Stay positive @MoBilly. My wife had an aggressive form of cancer and beat it, your daughter can too.


So sorry to hear this @MoBilly. One thing that always helps with a cancer battle is a positive attitude, and there aren’t many more positive than you are sir. If your daughter is anything like you I’m sure she’ll bring that to the table with her fight. Wishing you and her all the best on the tough road ahead.


Love ya man! Keep your head up.
One Love


My heart to yours @MoBilly and I wish you and your family only the best as you battle this fuckery on all sides!

Do you have ACDC? If not can I send you some for you to grow for your daughter? It really helped my friend who battled (and thankfully won) breast cancer. Just shoot me a PM growmie and it’s done. :ok_hand:



I am touched everyone. Thank you all so much. Words escape me right now.
Just know that I appreciate you all.


You do have friends here. I don’t know if you ever heard me talk about the subway. It’s about like life. It has its good times and it’s bad times. We see the light but we can’t touch it. At night the sky gets dark, but yet there is still light.
He never said it was gonna be easy. There has been a promise made. He will keep his end the bargain.
Our time here is short. Eternity is forever.
I think that’s why growers are so hard on ourselves.
We know things can be perfect. We just do not have the ability to do that.
Put your big hat on. If you like sunscreen, I suggest using it.
I remember the years as a kid growing weed. Always looking and reaching up.
I had a mental breakdown about nine years ago. I’ve never recovered. Do you know my mom has stage four. She pulled out of it. But her mind didn’t. She loves that green weed. She tells me she don’t know what she would do. The medication keeps her from eating. They’re always trying to do something new.
What I’m trying to say is it’s better to have loved and lost than never knew. Love it all.
You get up every day you make that bed. Put some coffee on. Smoke some weed. And let your mind release. Our brains are not computers. We were not made for all this.
My buddy!!!


Thank you @Hemp . I raised strong children. She’ll beat this thing. I will believe nothing else.


:boxing_glove: :fist: :heart:


Yo, @MoBilly
So sorry to hear of your baby girl.
You definitely know that I’m here for you, brother. We have been good buds too long now to think otherwise. If you need someone to lean on, you know where I’m at. Prayers and thoughts, my brother.


Of this, I have no doubt.


I know you feel lighter after all the support @MoBilly good afternoon