MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

That sounds like a plan. Let her grow a year, while ya take clones to continue her. Then in about a year, toss her into flower mode. You’ll see the difference in the buddage (quality and weight, both) between her and the clones you only vegged for a few months.

A tip for ya, don’t take any clones from her the last 30 days or so, let her bush good.

All the cut tips will regenerate into full growth cola site. If you put her into flower after taking cuttings, the tips won’t give up much more than small secondary nugs


I’m going to have to try this at some point


:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Sounds like a plan. :slight_smile:


You’ll still get excellent Ganja from 3month old Frankie, lol It’s just better when full matured, as I’m sure you know. lol


Yep. I grab some of that Frankie that we harvested all those seeds from quite often even with all the others that I have to choose from. Even seeded, it’s as good as the rest.


Well, you’re fixing to be going after the real deal Sensi with this run, if I got what you’re saying? You will want her in your stable from then on, brother. lol Most especially after you get the mother to around the 1yr mark, lol
The seeded is still good, the 3-4 month unseeded is great, but the full on matured Frankie will blow yer socks off!
6month minimum, cuz

edit… We’re smoking seeded Frankie at the moment, lol but I have almost a dozen clones coming along. For the next year, we’re thinking about concentrating back on Frankie more than any other.


I also have those two Supafreak males @JohnnyPotseed . There’s two different pheno’s. They’re separated now and I’ll be collecting dust from both I’ll show you pics of the way they are built and we’ll decide which to use and then dust a branch or three on one of the clones with some freaky dust.


At the moment, I’m collecting pollen from the Alaska Thunder Fuck boys I got from @BigMike55 in cutting form.

Too bad they’re all 3 boys, lol They’re big as heck. 5’+


I’m not even wanting to see the list of crosses you are going to make with that dust. lol
My virgin eyes might blush red from reading the names y’all will most likely come up with… or is that the ganja???

Plant some seeds if Mike has any to part with.


Both, maybe? lol

Oh btw lol I just cut down and wet trimmed a Buddha’s Cane I hit with Frosted Cobra dust. Frosted Buddha or Buddha’s Snake? lol
Leaning toward Frosted Buddha or Frosty Buddha

lol I feel Buddha’s Snake might bring unwanted comment

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Ummm. See. That’s what I was getting at. lol
Can you imagine the trading card for that one!? Don’t let Slick design it. lol

How about “Cobra Cane”? :thinking:


Or Cane Cobra. I like that, see? 2 ‘heads’ are better than 1!

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That rolls off the tongue real easy. :slight_smile:


Looking at my notes I see Cane Cobra was one we had discussed back a couple months ago.

lol I went to make a note, and saw it already there!

Damn, I’m stoned AF!


Yeah, I remember that now. Felt a little déjà vu there for a minute. lol


I do have a few ATF seeds left, I think. I will look. Are you wanting to find a nice girl?

Good morning everyone.


Thnx brother, I appreciate the offer. But with the rooms having what they do, we’re gonna be concentrating more on Thunder Rose & Frankie for awhile to come, so they probably wouldn’t get grown out any time soon. I’m just gonna use the pollen we’re collecting for some crosses, lol


I could pop my beans and sex them out. The find the best female and take some cuttings to send you if you’d like. But it would be during next winter. Guess we could swap out pollen for cuttings. That way we could bothe make some more beans.
Just thinking. I’m Frankied out this morning.


Sounds like a plan, brother. Just let me see how much dust I gather from these boys. This winter would be much better for us


Cool. I’ll keep that thought. Never tried ATF. They say it’s some killer weed. But these beans where from Master Thai so they should be good ones.