MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Nailed it !


Getting low. I have some every day stuff. I’m ready for some fresh.

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Are you talking about food? If you are so very true. I can’t stand the pre-ordered grocery list. Because the food sits. And then when someone doesn’t want anything, they just put it anywhere I feel like no one will see it. If it’s a meat, it goes bad. I can’t stand the grocery stores. I’ll try and go to the little country stores.

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We do that and hit the farmers markets as well. The Mennonite community around here also have a lot of roadside stands and small stores that they sell their goods from.
And we barter like crazy. lol


Sounds like my area ! Lol
Very genuine people …except their canning jars r really expensive hahaha

Deff haven’t bought some items in 2 years mainly eggs veggies and chicken lol this year we got a couple extra ducks and a pig to hopefully fill the freezer …if I’m lucky enough we will also have salmon and venison…


I’ll be butchering seven ducks and three geese this week. Nothing beats raising your own food and medicine. lol


Our first time butchering ducks !
Any secret to plucking duck or same as a chicken …
Sorry if the chats taking a turn on yah lol

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Ate a ton of chicken but never tried a duck. Lots of folks duck hunt round here and eat ducks so it’s pretty weird to me that I haven’t tried them before but I haven’t. Some day. Ate goat a few times in ol Mexico thought it was good. Always ate lots of chickens beef and pork with a lot of deer and squirrels along with lots of garden veggies.

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Fish too. Lots of catfish brim and crappie

Never worry about the conversation. I call it a greenroom for a reason. I like it to be like Johnny’s thread. Keep it civil and not too awfully crude and dang near anything but politics and religion is open for discussion.
You might try the paraffin wax method of cleaning the ducks. Just give them a good plucking of all the larger feathers but leave the small pin feathers. Heat up some water (not boiling) and add some paraffin wax. After it melts down, slowly submerge the duck into the water and let it set for a few seconds (maybe 10). The wax will coat the entire bird. Now lower it into another container that has ice cold water in it. It’ll make a shell out of the wax. Now all you have to do is break and pull the wax coating off. The small pin feathers and fine stuff will come off with the wax. Easy peasy. The birds will come out smooth as a newborns cheek.


Crappie are my favorite fresh water eating fish. You just can’t beat them when you get some good sized ones that are done up right.
OH my! Put some on a plate with some hush puppies and I am a happy old goat roper. lol


Hmm very interesting I figured they would be harder seeing how they r waterproof :rofl:

Parrafin wax …I’ll have to keep that in mind
We dip the chickens in the water bath yadda yadda did a couple rounds hand plucking
Just got a chicken plucker did a run of 17 birds …real quick …longest part is dispatching them !


Yeah. I figure I’ll try to re-heat the wax and strain it to reuse for the next bird. It would become very costly to try using fresh wax on all those birds. This wax method is new to me as well (I should have mentioned that. duuhh). I saw a video and then talked to my wife’s aunt. She has raised poultry all her long long life. What she said was yes it works and works well but using it was not something she ever did due to cost. I have the stuff ready, and I’m shooting for Tuesday. We’ll see how it goes and then I’ll let you know.


Wait a minute, yer waxing off yer chickens😂

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Ummm… I don’t get the reference.
I don’t think I’ll Google it though…


I think I’m following along. :face_with_monocle: The waxing takes place after the choking…. Correct? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’ll go back to doing what I was doing now!


Well, with that, I’ll take my leave. It’s too dang nice outside to not be checking off that to do list.
Catch y’all later. :slight_smile:


I got my yard back in shape today, spent the day yesterday cleaning branches and a tree had the top busted off, hanging dangerously. It’s fire wood now. Heck of a storm 12:30 am Friday morning. It had all of us huddled in the basement. This was across the street from my work.


Well hell, not good news there, cuz. But glad ya got it cleaned up and it wasn’t bad for you personally.