MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Good Morning OG and @MoBilly ! Hey @Greenfingers , I saw some folks counting days to Valentine’s Day, which is a traditional start date for my friends in Mendocino. I have to remember I’m not in Mendo. That start date gets me mostly big-ish plants, that want to mold.
Didn’t do any outdoor this last season. 1st time in 8 or 10 years. I started getting pots, etc ready, then I thought about soil. My back said no. Oh well. Had a nice late weather. Most of the folks I’d ask for help were having a rough year for the same reasons. Already working on my soil dilemma, getting help from someone I’m providing a few sexed plants to. He’s got a great location, out of the fog/mildew belt.
Already thinking about strains. @SHSC-1 Coastal Blueberry is definitely on the list. And thanks for the shirt. Mine like that was tired.


I kept two of the AR, one VB and two WR. All but one (a WR) are doing alright but not great. They took a bad turn last week. I have it isolated the one WR from the others but I don’t think I acted quickly enough. They are not reaching out to the light the way they should be.

Here’s the problem one and a shot of the problem area that I can’t figure out.

I’ve used Safer twice in one week and Arbor once this week and diluted Peroxide once. Right now I don’t know what to do with them.

This is what I’m looking at with the other ones.

They are definitely not happy now but two weeks ago I was very pleased with how they were doing.

That little VB is the slowest growing plant I’ve ever grown out but it looks like it’s doing better than the others. If you look closely at the white bucket you can see it barely.


Happy holidays @MoBilly
That fourth pic… the stems that look to have roots forming on their surface… is that a grafted stem?

The bottom two pics look like possibly major root damage, might they have been overwatered?


No. That’s just where I cut off a lower branch. I always use straight alcohol to sterilize my scissors before I cut.

That’s the thing about the SIP buckets. They can’t be over-watered because they only take what they need from the res.
Thanks for weighing in bro.


Yes that was what I had thought about the sips, but they do look overwarered/to have root issues :thinking:
Okay, yeah… the cut looks to have healed fine

Thanks Mo. Hmm


And that’s what is throwing me. It looks exactly like an over-watering situation. I’m well versed at spotting it because I have a propensity to do that. Since I can rule that out… WTH? lol


Might you have given them too high of a nutrient concenteation? Could there be salts building up in the soil to the point of toxicity? I would at least lower the light levels since the roots can’t handle the current needs of the leaves.

Sorry for all the questions… brainstorming :thinking:


And it is very much appreciated. lol

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Do you happen to have any LAB or B. Amyloliquefasciens? I would hit the root zone with both… the LAB to ameliorate the possible anaerobic conditions and the garden fungicide to help the roots heal


I actually thought about putting some fungicide in the res for a few days and then replace the water with fresh.


I have run SIP’s for some time and have a few questions.

I cannot say I have caught up with everything above to please forgive me If I say something that is already stated above.

Also, very glad to see you back. :call_me_hand:

You also inspired me to make a KL SIP :arrow_down: .

Oh ya, Don’t mind that mother in the back that looks like a tall arse stem with some growth at the top. I have taken so many cuts from it but it refuses to go down…

Anyway, the only times I have seen what I am seeing in your pictures is when a swarm of grass hoppers were chewing the Shart out of my plants and the stems got some kind of fungus/infection from the open wounds and they went down. It was the great Grasshopper battle of 2023.

The other time I saw this was when I had a root issue in a sip. probably fed to many oz of liquid feed in the top. Ok, I know that is what I did. I was pushing it and I lost…

I think your roots are ok thus far as your leaves are still nice and green.

What I would do, is fist take a clone or two just in case then I would call in the OG In house concierge Doc @JoeCrowe to see if he has insight into exactly what we are seeing here. I have a sneaking suspicion he is going to know exactly what we are seeing .

I am a H²O only down the Res guy so I would wait on the SA 50 for now.
Pending Joe’s diagnosis of course…

While we wait we hydrate for Joe I also used to top off my SIP’s H²O every day or two. I ran a bunch of experiments and can tell you depending on the size of the SIP/Res they can go without H²O for longer than one would think possible as the soil stays saturated quite well. The plants love them some dry down also…

Of course this is only my .02¢


Huh that’s really odd looking. Do you have a magnifying glass? I would suspect those are nodes from the xylem part of the plant. Off chance it could be a fungus, so you should get a really good photo or look at it.


Thanks @Maddawg . I did have a battle with thrips when these were young plants… Maybe damage introduced some kind of problems. After I used one-n-done the thrips were eradicated but there might have been something introduced. All the leaves that were damaged were removed but…


I’ll try and get as close a shot as possible. Thanks.


It does look like fungus to me.


There is an app for a magnifying glass for the phone.

If I were betting with the Info thus far …
I would also say there is a …

Fungus Among us


This is as close as I can get with a magnifying app. I’m thinking you guys are probably correct.
magnifier_20231226_133413~2 magnifier_20231226_132924~3 magnifier_20231226_132924 magnifier_20231226_133413


I wonder what got it started?


Does it scrape off with your finger nail? I was thinking it could be residue. It looks chunky.