MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Yes. I scraped it with my thumbnail earlier today. It comes off as a white powder. Then I washed the crap off my hands with antibiotic soap so as to not spread it around.


Ahhh yes I don’t think a mold would come off as a powder. Try and just wash it off with water, it could just be a residue crust. Like crusted on citric acid or something.


You can see better in these pics, it’s just root nubs trying to start there brother. WR is a very hard rooting plant, like I said. I think she just didn’t like her bottom being ‘bare’!
What got it started? Possibly the soil, amendments, and watering… combined with temps and humidity all worked together with the lower area being darker (due to the large fan leaves giving that area of stems more dark than light) so… roots are trying to come. just get the dirt higher on her.


That was my first take as well, but he said it scraped off as a powder.

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I assume you’re talking about the longer white marks? not the nubs?

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I’m cleaning those plastic rings to do just that bro. But the fact that the nubs turn to powder makes me wonder. Wouldn’t root nubs come off like moist balls instead?

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Damn! I was sure that’s what it was… root nubs. BUT, like I said earlier this morning, I’ve never had that happen, so not sure about it. It’s a simple enough solution, the plant itself is looking healthy AF, just get the area covered with the dirt and check in a week or so to see if they really are roots or not.

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Consider it done. :+1:t4:
I’m taking some cuttings of the healthier one later today so I don’t drop the ball altogether. If this harvest doesn’t come in I’ll never have enough meds to make it to the next harvest. I plan to drop some quick auto’s just in case.


I had planned to flip those large plants last weekend. Should I wait until they look happier (that’s why I didn’t flip)? If they are struggling would that not interfere with the stretch period? They need to be spot on to have a good transition to 12/12 right?

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Not really, my friend. You can flip any time after the initial 6-8 week growing. Healthy or weak. It can affect the finished outcome, and probably will, if not corrected. but by the time flowering actually starts, this question should be resolved, and my money is still on ‘root nubs’…as to the others? I think you’re being overly ‘mother-hen’ there, back off from trying to ‘do something’ LITFA for awhile and see if they don’t straighten out on their own. It could be over-tending is making them ill.

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Why use a Howitzer when a BB gun will do…

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Johnny has it correct. These nubs are where roots would grow out of. This happens in trees like mangrove trees. They are called adventitious roots.
How is the humidity in the area that you are growing in?


The humidity stays around 45 - 55 in that room. I have a large dehumidifier for when it goes too high but it rarely kicks on. I can’t remember it running for a while in fact.

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BTW @Oldjoints , I’m loving that Jacks now that I have it dialed in.
Thanks again.


But the humidity might be slightly higher in the bottom area of the plants, where the light never reaches. Taking off those larger fan leaves to let light down into that area will help (in stopping dead/dying leaves, etc if nothing else)
roots like dark and humidity to form… Less ‘larf’ also then.

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I’m going to do some defoliation on both WR. The AR is not needing that at all but those WR are thickly covered in leaves. I don’t defoliate much but I think you are right they would benefit from it.

Yep I have had plants do this outside in very wet conditions like swampy areas. I don’t think this will cause any harm and nothing to worry about.


Here is a plant showing the same thing. It chugged along and finished:


That sure looks the same as mine when it started doing this.
LITFA sounds right to me. I’ll keep you guys up on its progress. So I guess I’ll defoliate, add a ring to raise the dirt level up to that Y and we shall see.
Spraying a fungicide wouldn’t hurt either I guess.

Thanks for all the help guys.


You also may have some roots directly in the water and browning out and causing some stress which would be why your leaves are drooping a little bit.