MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

I have roots all the way to the bottom of all my SIPs. Even that little VB has a lot of roots to the bottom of its res.

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Ok I have a plastic type bottom screen on mine that prevents that. Perhaps that is why they use them. I am far from an expert on using SIP so I am just spitballing……


lol that’s not LITFA brother!

Haven’t you said you already DID that?

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And much appreciated brother. I’ve never seen a store bought SIP so I didn’t know about that screen. I’ll have to look that up. Thanks.
I take a sniff every time I add water to the res hoping I don’t smell anything stagnant or otherwise. So far the water looks clean when I take a sample for testing and there is no funky odor coming from any of them… Like you, I’m still figuring this out.
BTW what ppm are you trying to maintain in the res? I’m running the WR at ~ 650 and the AR at around 600.

Yep about 5 days back was the last little spray. My wife said she saw some improvement afterwards so I haven’t sprayed again. I know… lifta right? lol

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I never measure PPM’s, never did even when using true hydroponic systems.

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You have an experienced eye. I just kept bumping the ppm until I saw slightly burnt tips. The WR seems to like a little higher level of nutes than the AR.

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As long as it is not a fungus and this chokes It Off.

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? I’m not familiar with that term in this respect. lol

If it is a fungus and it sits buried in moist soil, it will probably eat right through the stalk. Eating the outside, choking it.

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Ah. Well, that would suck. But we’re about to find out. I’m taking cuttings from the other one though so I’ll still have my two WR’s that I wanted.

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All the best with it, I’m still trying to get some Lush back into my room.

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I’ll post the results so we will all know the outcome. :slight_smile:

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I’m sure you will do just that. Your plants normally look awesome.

Thank you, and like yours two weeks ago they were beautiful and then the aphids and then the spraying and then oh my gosh. But the bugs are gone, so I think we’re going to be okay. I put them all into flower yesterday.


Mo… For the SIP to work as designed the roots need to venture into the Res…

This is why the earthbox has a grate like bottom.

The 1" air gap between the soil and the Res is where the exchange of O2 happens.
If everything is running as designed you should be able to see roots when you look down the Res fill tube.:call_me_hand:


Morning @MoBilly and the rest of ya’s! Haven’t puked :face_vomiting: yet this morning.
Puking and wretching is hard on my low back and my abs. My abs…right. my abs is flabs. Oh well.


I have an eight pack, but I don’t like to make folks feel bad about themselves so I keep it covered under 30 lbs of fat.


Oh yeah I have something similar in mine. The upside down bucket inside the main bucket has a bunch of 1/8" holes drilled in it along with two sip baskets.
All of my plants have roots that reach the bottom of the reservoir.
Thanks. :+1:t4:


Remember “Party Ball”? That’s what I’m sporting.

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