MoBilly's greenroom (Back in the Saddle Again)

Just found this thread this morning, man have I been missing out! The SFV literally seems to glow and that Charlotte’s yesterdream is just plain gorgeous! I have already run out of likes while reading through. Great growing, MoBilly! :v:


Thanks @herojuana.tom !
I saw that you had been checking things out. lol
I appreciate your interest in the greenroom.
Please drop by whenever you want and just jump right in!


I am sick to my stomach right now.

I opened the door to the grow and it was like a furnace in there. My heater didn’t shut off all night. The thing was dang near new! WTH!
It was sitting in front of the SW and she took most of the heat. I think I might loose her. The OG x GG4 took it bad too. The AP and the CC didn’t seem nearly as badly effected.
Today was watering day as well so they dried out like crazy.
I just want to throw something but it wouldn’t do a bit of good.
I think I’ll take a break for a bit.


Ain’t no way I’m giving a “like” for that. That sucks out loud, man! Maybe they will be ok.


Really man. I just don’t know what to do.
If this don’t stress some nanners out of these girls, nothing will.


However, I can send you some more cuttings if you want some.


Thanks but I’m good for a while. I couldn’t bring myself to choose which ISS to let die so I have those and the Frankenstein clones. Not to mention the BC.
These girls were just barely going into some cloudiness in their trichomes.
I have my fingers crossed but I don’t hold out much hope on the SW. The rest will survive but I think they are done growing any bulk. This will stop that dead in it’s tracks I’ll bet.


You need a little cheap tent. Not a super big one. The problem is with me is the proper planing for my grow. I should have done something’s different. Each time we grow we learn for what happens with the results. Myself with ghost light to to cold of temperature to just say fkit but to finish :100: like you got going is hard for me to do. I like to keep planning. If I did clones I would have a hundred. I wish I would do less. It can be stressful. I thought of pulling some. I have problems. Mold on a few. No bad seen it early. Plants to tall I didn’t top because I didn’t want stress. You live and learn.
It’s still fun. Looks great MOE.


Ok brother. All you need to do is ask. I’ll do what I can to help you.


I don’t have a tent. But I’m trying to build one. I need a few parts to fix up an exhaust.


Thank you @BigMike55 . I know you have my back. :slight_smile:


An old entertainment center. A closet in one of your rooms. I do it sometimes when I’m hiding it from the wife. The one cadet I got for 20$. But it’s not in my grow area it has light leaks. I have tarps over all my tents. Please don’t stress it.


Thanks for the report, @MoBilly, I am shocked and saddened that your new heater didn’t turn off… what the heck??? I need to leave my oil-tank heater on medium heat 24/7 in my tent because I live in San Francisco and my spot doesn’t really ever get warmer than ~65°F :sweat_smile: I bought an oil heater after my environmental controller died and my tent got to 124° for 2 days!!! It made my clones look awful but they rooted in 3 days so there was a sort of benefit :flushed: I think these girls are really resilient and hope all of your beautiful plants recover from this odd occurrence. :v:


Damn cuz, that sux! i can’t bring myself to ‘like’ that post!!


I cannot un-like now, and we can consider it an anti-like if necessary, but I liked your post because I highly appreciate the update :v:


I’ll check back in later. Thanks again everyone. We’ll see how they do.
It just gets me. I had my AC go out and the plants came back but they were in veg at the time. So… We’ll see.


Well sounds like they are getting close to harvest anyway. So not the end of the world. Shit happens.


DM me, I will happily help get you whatever you need @MoBilly. :v:


I couldn’t “like” that post either like jp said. You may be surprised what they can handle once they’re that big. I wouldn’t be shocked if they bounce right back and finish well.


@MoBilly that sucks about the plants, but I’m glad you’re alright. Things could’ve been much worse.

It was hard to like that post, but I take every accident that’s happened to me or mistakes I’ve made as a lesson learned. Plus seeing close calls happen to someone always makes me double check the safety of everything that I have going and think of what I can do to improve my setups.

Hope you have a good day brother, don’t stress over a minor setback.